Some of the brailwis quoted his few statements of seeing Prophet peace be upon him while awake but they mistakenly or diliberately left the part where he rejected this idea. Following is the passage they provide
Al-Alusi (rah) said
وجوز أن يكون ذلك بالاجتماع معه عليه الصلاة والسلام روحانية، ولا بدع في ذلك فقد وقعت رؤيته صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد وفاته لغير واحد من الكاملين من هذه الأمة والأخذ منه يقظة، قال الشيخ سراج الدين بن الملقن في «طبقات الأولياء»: قال الشيخ عبد القادر الكيلاني قدس سره: رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل الظهر فقال لي: يا بني لم لا تتكلم؟ قلت: يا أبتاه أنا رجل أعجم كيف أتكلم على فصحاء بغداد فقال: افتح فاك ففتحته فتفل فيه سبعاً وقال: تكلم على الناس وادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة فصليت الظهر وجلست وحضرني خلق كثير فارتج عليَّ فرأيت علياً كرم الله تعالى وجهه قائماً بإزائي في المجلس فقال لي: يا بني لم لا تتكلم؟ قلت: يا أبتاه قد ارتج علي فقال: افتح فاك ففتحته فتفل فيه ستاً فقلت: لم لا تكملها سبعاً قال: أدباً مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم توارى عني فقلت: غواص الفكر يغوص في بحر القلب على درر المعارف فيستخرجها إلى ساحل الصدر فينادي عليها سمسار ترجمان اللسان فتشترى بنفائس أثمان حسن الطاعة في بيوت أذن الله أن ترفع.
وقال أيضاً في ترجمة الشيخ خليفة بن موسى النهر ملكي: كان كثير الرؤية لرسول الله عليه / الصلاة والسلام يقظة ومناماً فكان يقال: إن أكثر أفعاله يتلقاه منه صلى الله عليه وسلم يقظة ومناماً ورآه في ليلة واحدة سبع عشرة مرة قال له في إحداهن: يا خليفة لا تضجر مني فكثير من الأولياء مات بحسرة رؤيتي، وقال الشيخ تاج الدين بن عطاء الله في «لطائف المنن»: قال رجل للشيخ أبـي العباس المرسي يا سيدي صافحني بكفك هذه فإنك لقيت رجالاً وبلاداً فقال: والله ما صافحت بكفي هذه إلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: وقال الشيخ لو حجب عني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم طرفة عين ما عددت نفسي من المسلمين، ومثل هذه النقول كثير من كتب القوم جداً.
Translation: There are proofs of meeting the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the spiritual state, and this is not amongst something new because many of the upright people of this Ummah have seen the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in the state of “Wakefulness” and received knowledge from him. Sheikh Siraj ud din (rah) mentions in his Tabaqat al Awliya that Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilahni (rah) said that he met the Prophet (Peace be upon him) before the time of Dhuhr, (The prophet) said: O son why don’t you give speeches? I sad: O My Father (note Sheikh was Syed) how can I being a foreigner dare to say a word infront of (elite) of Baghdad. (The Prophet) said: Open your mouth and I opened it, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) then touched his Saliva on my lips seven times and said: You should preach now and invite people towards the deen with kindness and Hikmah.
I prayed Dhuhr and sat, soon high amount of people gathered around me due to which I started to tremble because I saw that amongst the public there was sitting Hadrat Ali (ra), he (i.e. Ali ra) said: O Son why don’t you start your speech? I said O My Father I am trembling right now, then he asked me to open my mouth and he added his Saliva on my lips 6 times, I asked why din’t you do it 7 times? He (Ali ra) replied: Due to the Adab for Prophet (Peace be upon him), after this he disappeared from my sight, I started to feel as If (abudance) of knowledge is flourishing inside me and making the realties known to me…
Sheikh Ibn Musa al Nahr Makki (rah) has written that Sheikh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (rah) used to often see the Prophet in sleep and also while being awake, Once he saw him 70 times in one night, amongst these sights the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said once, O my Khalifa do not be so keen in seeing me because unknown amount of Awliya have died hoping just to see me (once).
…Sheikh Taj ud din Ibn AtaUllah (rah) mentions in Lataif al-Manan, that once a person asked Sheikh Abul Abbas al Mursi (rah): O Master kindly shake your hand with me, at this he replied By Allah I do not shake my hand except with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) , sheikh Mursi (rah) also said: If I do not see the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in time of twinkling of an eye then I do not consider myself Muslim in that moment. (Allama Alusi said): These incidents are mentioned overwhelming times in books.
[Tafsir Ruh ul Ma’ani, Volume No. 22. Page No. 51-52]
But right after mentioning these stories, he went against these quotes of fabrications and said (note this is what the brailwiyah hide)
He said in Ruh al Mani
ثم إني أقول بعد هذا كله إن ما نسب إلى بعض الكاملين من أرباب الأحوال من رؤية النبي صلّى الله عليه وسلم بعد وفاته وسؤاله والأخذ عنه لم نعلم وقوع مثله في الصدر الأول، وقد وقع اختلاف بين الصحابة رضي الله تعالى عنهم من حين توفي عليه الصلاة والسّلام إلى ما شاء الله تعالى في مسائل دينية وأمور دنيوية وفيهم أبو بكر وعلي رضي الله تعالى عنهما وإليهما ينتهي أغلب سلاسل الصوفية الذين تنسب إليهم تلك الرؤية ولم يبلغنا أن أحدا منهم ادعى أنه رأى في اليقظة رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلم وأخذ عنه ما أخذ، وكذا لم يبلغنا أنه صلّى الله عليه وسلم ظهل لمتحير في أمر من أولئك الصحابة الكرام فأرشده وأزال تحيره، وقد صح عن عمر رضي الله تعالى عنه أنه قال في بعض الأمور: ليتني كنت سألت رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسّلام عنه، ولم يصح عندنا أنه توسل إلى السؤال منه صلّى الله عليه وسلم بعد الوفاة نظير ما يحكى عن بعض أرباب الأحوال، وقد وقفت على اختلافهم في حكم الجد مع الأخوة فهل وقفت على أن أحدا منهم ظهر له الرسول صلّى الله عليه وسلم فأرشده إلى ما هو الحق فيه، وقد بلغك ما عرا فاطمة البتول رضي الله تعالى عنها من الحزن العظيم بعد وفاته صلّى الله عليه وسلم وما جرى لها في أمر فدك فهل بلغك أنه عليه الصلاة والسّلام ظهر لها كما يظهر للصوفية فبل لوعتها وهون حزنها وبين الحال لها وقد سمعت بذهاب عائشة رضي الله تعالى عنها إلى البصرة وما كان من وقعة الجمل فهل سمعت تعرضه صلّى الله عليه وسلم لها قبل الذهاب وصده إياها عن ذلك لئلا يقع أو تقوم الحجة عليها على أكمل وجه إلى غير ذلك مما لا يكاد يحصى كثرة، والحاصل أنه لم يبلغنا ظهوره عليه الصلاة والسّلام لأحد من أصحابه وأهل بيته وهم هم مع احتياجهم الشديد لذلك وظهوره عند باب مسجد قباء كما يحكيه بعض الشيعة افتراء محض وبهت بحت وبالجملة عدم ظهوره لأولئك الكرام، وظهوره لمن بعدهم مما يحتاج إلى توجيه يقنع به ذوو الأفهام،
ولا يحسن معنى أن أقول: كل ما يحكى عن الصوفية من ذلك كذب لا أصل له لكثرة حاكيه وجلالة مدعيه، وكذا لا يحسن مني أن أقول: إنهم إنما رأوا النبي صلّى الله عليه وسلم مناما فظنوا ذلك لخفة النوم وقلة وقته يقظة فقالوا: رأينا يقظة لما فيه من البعد ولعل في كلامهم ما يأباه،
وغاية ما أقول: إن تلك الرؤية من خوارق العادة كسائر كرامات الأولياء ومعجزات الأنبياء عليهم السّلام وكانت الخوارق في الصدر الأول لقرب العهد بشمس الرسالة قليلة جدا وأنى يرى النجم تحت الشعاع أو يظهر كوكب وقد انتشر ضوء الشمس في البقاع فيمكن أن يكون قد وقع ذلك لبعضهم على سبيل الندرة ولم تقتض المصلحة إفشاءه، ويمكن أن يقال: إنه لم يقع لحكمة الابتلاء أو لخوف الفتنة أو لأن في القوم من هو كالمرآة له صلّى الله عليه وسلم أو ليهرع الناس إلى كتاب الله تعالى وسنّته صلّى الله عليه وسلم فيما يهمهم فيتسع باب الاجتهاد وتنتشر الشريعة وتعظم الحجة التي يمكن أن يعقلها كل أحد أو لنحو ذلك.
وربما يدعي أنه عليه الصلاة والسّلام ظهر ولكن كان متسترا في ظهوره كما روي أن بعض الصحابة أحب أن يرى رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلم فجاء إلى ميمونة فأخرجت له مرآته فنظر فيها فرأى صورة رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسّلام ولم ير صورة نفسه فهذا كالظهور الذي يدعيه الصوفية إلا أنه بحجاب المرآة، وليس من باب التخيل الذي قوي بالنظر إلى
مرآته عليه الصلاة والسّلام وملاحظة أنه كثيرا ما ظهرت فيها صورته حسبما ظنه ابن خلدون.
فإن قبل قولي هذا وتوجيهي لذلك الأمر فبها ونعمت وإلا فالأمر مشكل فاطلب لك ما يحله
After quoting all the quotes regarding the attribution towards some Kamileen and people of Ahwaal that they saw Prophet peace be upon him after his death, questioning him and getting the answer. It did not happened in the first era (of Sahaba and Tabiyeen), Sahaba also differed on the matters of religion and this world after the death of Prophet peace be upon him untill Allah willed. Among them were Abu Bakr ra and Ali ra. Those silsilah of sufiyah to whom these events of seeing Prophet peace be upon him are attributed, their silsilah goes back to them (Ali and Abu Bakr). I have never heard that any of them claimed to see Prophet peace be upon him and took knowledge from him, neither I came to know about any story where Prophet peace be upon him came to guide any of his companion’s confusion.
It is authentically proven from Umar ra that he said regarding some works, Alas I would have asked regarding this from Prophet peace be upon him. It is not proven according to me that they asked from Prophet peace be upon him after his death like it is said regarding the people of Ahwaal. When the difference of opinion occurred among them regarding distribution of inheritance of grand dad’s property between the brothers, Did Prophet peace be upon him came to tell them regarding the truth? It is known that Fatimah Batool Ra was in great sadness when Prophet peace be upon him died and what happened on the issue of Fidak is also known, Did the Prophet peace be upon him came to her to slove her greif and told her regarding the situation as He peace be upon him came to the sufiyah?
It is known that Aisha ra went to al Basrah and the battle of al Jamal happened, Have you heard that Prophet peace be upon him came to her before she went and stopped her, so that it may not happen?.. and there are many other cases like this. In short we have no news that Prophet peace be upon him came to any of his companion or his household even though it was a severe need of that time. The claim of shias that He peace be upon him came to the door of Masjid al Quba is a pure fabrication and a clear lie. In short, when Prophet peace be upon him did not came to his companions than you should inform us that what was the reason for Prophet peace be upon him to come for the later generation? The reason should satisfy the people of knowledge.
I do not like to say that all of what is related from Sufis is lie and there is no base of that because many people related these stories and that they are honorable people. And I don’t like to say they just saw Prophet peace be upon him in their dreams, Due to slight sleeping and short time they thought that they are awake and claimed that they saw Prophet peace be upon him while awake. As seeing him (peace be upon him) while awake is unlikely to happen. Maybe there is rejection of it in their words.
The least which can be said is that seeing Prophet peace be upon him is a Khawraq al Adah like Karamaat of Auliyah and Miracles of Prophets peace be upon them all. First generation was near the sun of Prophethood that is why khoraq al Aladah was very rare. What is the value of lamp against the light of the sun? This rare thing could have happened to someone but it should not be disclosed. It can also be said that that time… there was fear of fitna or there could be a person among the people who was like mirror to him peace be upon him, or it was due to the fact that people may do hurry in seeing Quran and Sunnah of Rasool Allah peace be upon him. Ijtihad will increas due to that, Shariyah will prevail and due to the greatness of evidence everybody could understand it or there could be other reasons like that.
Sometimes it is claimed that Prophet peace be upon him appeared but he was covered in his appearance, like it is narrated from some of the sahaba that they wanted to see Prophet peace be upon him and went to Maymoona, She came with a mirror in which he saw soorah of Prophet peace be upon him but not his own soorah. This kind of appearance is claimed by Sufiyah but in the cover of mirror. This is not visualisation so that its power may lead to see the Prophet peace be upon him in the mirror as Ibn Khildun thought, In this issue if my answer and solution is accepted then it is well and good, otherwise the situation is problematic, we should seek the answer to this [Ruh al Mani vol 22 pages 38-39 under 33:40]
What extreme sufis believe and what they do when sunnis ask them to ask Allah alone.
al Alusi Kabeer said 200 years ago:
وقد رأينا كثيرا من الناس على نحو هذه الصفة التي وصف الله تعالى بها المشركين يهشون لذكر أموات يستغيثون بهم ويطلبون منهم ويطربون من سماع حكايات كاذبة عنهم توافق هواهم واعتقادهم فيهم ويعظمون من يحكي لهم ذلك وينقبضون من ذكر الله تعالى وحده ونسبة الاستقلال بالتصرف إليه عز وجل وسرد ما يدل على مزيد عظمته وجلاله وينفرون ممن يفعل ذلك كل النفرة وينسبونه إلى ما يكره ، وقد قلت يوما لرجل يستغيث في شدة ببعض الأموات وينادي يا فلان أغثني فقلت له : قل يا الله فقد قال سبحانه : وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان [البقرة : 186] فغضب وبلغني أنه قال : فلان منكر على الأولياء
I have seen this thing in many people which Allah mentioned for mushrikeen, That they become happy when the dhikr of the dead from whom they ask help is mentioned. When they hear false stories regarding them according to their belief, they go in the state of ecstasy and venerate them by quoting fabricated stories.
But when the dhikr of Allah alone and HIS Istaqlaal bil Tasarruf is mentioned. And when the evidences of HIS Greatness and majesty are mentioned,They dislike it, start hating and calling with hostile names.
A person who was asking help from dead by saying: “O So and so help me” I said to him: Say “O Allah help” as Allah says in al Quran:
“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.”[2″186] He became angry and It has reached me that he says “so and so” is munkir of auliyah. [Ruh al Mani under surah az-Zumar verse 45]
The grave worshipers and al Alusi
Allah says
And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him. [12:106]
al Alusi al Hanafi Mufti of Baghdad commented:
ومن أولئك عبدة القبور الناذرون لها المعتقدون للنفع والضر ممن الله تعالى أعلم بحاله فيها وهم اليوم أكثر من الدود
Among them are the grave worshipers, and give nazr on them (graves) and they have the aqeeda that these (people in graves) can benefit and harm even though only Allah knows whats happening to them (the grave dwellers). Now a days these (mushriqs) have become widespread even more than insects. [Ruh al Ma`ani under 12:106]
Difference between Auliya Allah and Auliya ash-Shaitan.
Mahmud Shukri al Alusi quoted from the book of his grandfather Sayyid Maḥmūd ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Ḥusaynī al-Ālūsī Mufti of al-Baghdād.
He quoted from “إنباء الأبناء بأحسن الأنباء” by saying:
وما أحسن ما في كتاب “إنباء الأبناء بأحسن الأنباء”: “يا بني؛ من رأيتموه يطير في الهواء أو يمشي على وجه الماء- وقد خالف شيئاً من الشريعة الغراء- فذاك من أولياء الشيطان، لا من أولياء الرحمن، فإياكم وإياه، واشتغلوا عنه بتقوى الله
A Beautiful quote is mentioned in the book “Anba al Abna bi Ahsan al Abna”: “O My son: If you see someone flying in the air or walking over the water, even though he is going against a thing from shariyah then he is from Friends of Shaitan, not from Friends of al Rahman, Beware of him and busy yourself in devotion of Allah. [Ghayat al Amani 1/467]
In short
1. According to him Prophet peace be upon him can not be seen while awake, when He did not came for Sahaba then how can he come for later people?
2. The claim of shias is blatant lie that Prophet peace be upon him came to al Quba and Some sufis erred who claimed to see Prophet peace be upon him while awake because they were half asleep and thought they saw Prophet peace be upon him while awake.
3. The least which can be said this is khawraq al adah like miracles and karamaat, even if it did happen then one should not tell anyone regarding this.
4. He accepted that what sufis do is problematic and if the taweelaat of al Alusi are accepted then it is okay otherwise it is problematic to believe that one saw Prophet peace be upon him while awake.
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