When some people feared mongols and started to visit grave of Abu Umar, Ibn Taymiyah taught them tawheed.
Ibn Taymiyah said:
، وقال بعض الشعراء:
يا خائفين من التتر … لوذوا بقبر أبي عمر
أو قال:
عوذوا بقبر أبي عمر … ينجيكم من الضرر
فقلت لهم: هؤلاء الذين تستغيثون بهم لو كانوا معكم في القتال لانهزموا.
Some poet said:
O you who fear Mongol (Tataar), go to the grave of Abu Umar.
Or He said:
You will be saved from the harm at the grave of Abu Umar.
I said to them: The people you ask help from would be defeated if they were with you. (Meaning going to graves and asking help will not be a reason of victory, victory is due to doing Jihad).
Kitab al Istigatha fe Radd al Bakri 1/412, 413.