Self made duas against Shariya like Ya Gawth al Adham Madad”

To those who use mumo jumbo words in their dua like Ya gawth al Adham agithni.
al Qurtubi said:
” فعلى الإنسان أن يستعمل ما في كتاب الله وصحيح السنة من الدعاء ويدع ما سواه ، ولا يقول أختار كذا ؛ فإن الله تعالى قد اختار لنبيه وأوليائه وعلمهم كيف يدعون ” انتهى .
Man has to practice the dua which is prescribed in Quran and authentic sunnah. And leave whatever is other than that and do not say: I practice this, as Allah already prescribed the duas to Anbiya and Auliyah and taught them how to do it.
Tafsir al Qurtubi under Surah Al e Imran verse 147.