Karamat of Spanish Imam Baqy Ibn Mukhlad the student of Imam Ahmad.

What an actual Karamat looks like vs Karamaat of Shaykh going to the grave to save his mureed from angels etc.

Ibn Kathir said about Spanish Imam Baqy Ibn Makhlad who was student of Imam Ahmad.

وكان مع ذلك رجلا صالحا عابدا زاهدا مجاب الدعوة، جاءته امرأة فقالت: إن ابني قد أسرته الإفرنج، وإني لا أنام الليل من شوقي إليه، ولي دويرة أريد أن أبيعها لأستفكه، فإن رأيت أن تشير على أحد يأخذها لأسعى في فكاكه بثمنها، فليس يقر لي ليل ولا نهار، ولا أجد نوما ولا صبرا ولا قرارا ولا راحة.

فقال: نعم انصرفي حتى أنظر في ذلك إن شاء الله.

وأطرق الشيخ وحرك شفتيه يدعو الله عز وجل لولدها بالخلاص من أيدي الفرنج، فذهبت المرأة فما كان إلا قليلا حتى جاءت الشيخ وابنها معها فقالت: اسمع خبره يرحمك الله.

فقال: كيف كان أمرك؟

فقال: إني كنت فيمن نخدم الملك ونحن في القيود، فبينما أنا ذات يوم أمشي إذ سقط القيد من رجلي، فأقبل علي الموكل بي فشتمني وقال: لم أزلت القيد من رجليك؟

فقلت: لا والله ما شعرت به ولكنه سقط ولم أشعر به، فجاؤوا بالحداد فأعادوه وأجادوه وشدوا مسماره وأبدوه، ثم قمت فسقط أيضا فأعادوه وأكدوه فسقط أيضا، فسألوا رهبانهم عن سبب ذلك فقالوا: له والدة؟

فقلت: نعم، فقالوا: إنها قد دعت لك وقد استجيب دعاؤها أطلقوه، فأطلقوني وخفروني حتى وصلت إلى بلاد الإسلام.

فسأله بقي بن مخلد عن الساعة التي سقط فيها القيد من رجله فإذا هي الساعة التي دعا فيها الله له ففرج عنه.

His duas were answered, a woman came to him and said her son was caught by the Franks and she can’t sleep because of sadness, she asked him to let her know about someone who can buy her small house so that she can give compensation to release her son. He asked her to leave and he will look into it.

The shaykh started praying to Allah Almighty for her son to be saved from the hands of the Franks, and after sometime the woman and her son came to him, the Woman said: Hear his story, may Allah have mercy on you.

He said: How was your situation?

Son replied: I was among those who served the king while we were in chains, so one day while I was walking, the chains fell from my feet, so they came to me and cursed me and said: Why did you remove the shackle from your feet?

I said: No, by Allah, I didn’t do it, so the blacksmith came and tightened the nail and chained the feet, then I got up and the shackle fell again, it happened three times.

So they asked their monks about the reason for that and they asked if He has a mother?

He said: Yes, and the Monk said: She has prayed for you, and her prayer has been answered and asked the guards to release me. So they released me and guarded me until I reached the land of Islam.

Baqy bin Makhlad asked him about the hour when the chain fell from his feet, it was the exact hour when Baqy was praying to Allah for him.

al Bidaya wal Nihaya under 276 h


Hafid ad-Dhahabi said:

هذه الواقعة حدث بها الحافظ حمزة السهمي، عن أبي الفتح نصر بن أحمد بن عبدالملك، قال: سمعت عبدالرحمن بن أحمد، حدثنا أبي…فذكرها، وفيها: ثم قالوا: قد أطلقك الله، فلا يمكننا أن نقيدك.

فزودوني،  ، وبعثوا بي

This incident was narrated by Al-Hafiz Hamza Al-Sahmi, on the authority of Abu Al-Fath Nasr bin Ahmed bin Abdul-Malik, he said: I heard Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed who said my father told me. The words of this narration are:

They said: God has released you, it is not possible for us to tie you up.

They left me, and they sent me back.

Siyar Alaam an-Nubala 13/290