Fakhr un Nisa the Pride of women Shahda bint Ahmed

When parenting is done well, a daughter becomes pride of women.

The pride of women, Shahda bint Ahmad (484 h to 574 h), THE TEACHER OF GREATEST OF THE SCHOLARS.

She is the daughter of Abu Nasr Ahmed bin Al-Faraj Al-Dinawari. Her grandfather was a merchant in needles, and that’s how she acquired the skill of needlework. However, her father instilled in her a love for Hadith, He himself ensured that his daughter received a proper academic education, guaranteeing that she studied under various well-known scholars.

ad-Dhahabi said:

حدث عنها: ابن عساكر والسمعاني وابن الجوزي وعبد الغني وعبد القادر الرهاوي وابن الأخضر والشيخ الموفق والشيخ العماد والشهاب بن راجح والبهاء عبد الرحمن والناصح والفخر الإربلي وتاج الدين عبد الله بن حمويه وأعز بن العليق وإبراهيم بن الخير وبهاء الدين بن الجميزي ومحمد بن المني وأبو القاسم بن قميرة وخلق كثير.

Her students are Ibn Asakir (The author of Tareekh Damishq), as-Sam`ani (who is known as Tāj al-Islām and Qiwām al-Dīn), Ibn al Jawzi (author of Tilbees Iblees and 100s of books), Abdul Ghani (al Maqdasi the great scholar), Abdul Qadir al Rahawi, Ibn al Akhdar, Mawfiq (Ibn Qudama the author of al Mughni), Shaykh al Imaad, Shihab bin Raajeh, al Baha Abdul Rahman, Naasih, Fakhr al Arbali, Taj ad-din Abdullah al Hamawi, Aa`iz bin Aleeq, Ibraheem bin al Khayr, Baha ud din al Jamezi, Muhammad bin al Mina, Abul Qasim bin Qameerah and Many others. [Seyar A`lam an-Nubala 20/542-543]

She established one of the major institutions, دارسجة, on the banks of the Dajla river. Hundreds of students came to her for their studies.

She passed away in the year 574 AH at the age of ninety. Her funeral prayer was held at a palace in Baghdad. It is said that thousands of people participated in her funeral including scholars, students, and state figures.