Fakhr ul din al Razi on the narration of three lies of Ibraheem aleh salam.

Fakhr ul din al Razi on the narration of three lies of Ibraheem aleh salam.
al Razi said:
: قال بعضهم ذلك القول عن إبراهيم عليه السلام كذبة ورووا فيه حديثاً عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: ” ” ما كذب إبراهيم إلا ثلاث كذبات ” ” قلت لبعضهم هذا الحديث لا ينبغي أن يقبل لأن نسبة الكذب إلى إبراهيم لا تجوز فقال ذلك الرجل فكيف يحكم بكذب الرواة العدول؟ فقلت لما وقع التعارض بين نسبة الكذب إلى الراوي وبين نسبته إلى الخليل عليه السلام كان من المعلوم بالضرورة أن نسبته إلى الراوي أولى، ثم نقول لم لا يجوز أن يكون المراد بكونه كذباً خبراً شبيهاً بالكذب؟
Some people said this narration of lies of Ibraheem aleh salam is narrated in the hadith of Prophet peace be upon him which states: “Ibraheem did not tell lies except three.” I said to them, it is not appropriate to accept this hadith as it is not allowed to attribute to him that he lied. The man said, how can we declare trustworthy narrators to be liars? I said there is contradiction in it so it is better to attribute a lie towards the narrators (who are not Prophet) Rather than attributing the lies to Khaleel aleh salam (who was a Prophet).
(Mafateeh al Ghayb under Surah as-Saaffat verse 89)
He also accepted the narration and commented on the hadith by saying:
إن ذلك الخبر لو صح فهو محمول على المعاريض على ما قال عليه السلام: ” ” إن في المعاريض لمندوحة عن الكذب ” “
If the narration is authentic then it is regarding indirect speech as he peace be upon him said:
“Indirect speech accords great scope in avoiding lies.”
(Mafateeh al Ghayb under Surah al Anbiya verse 63)
He then commented on all three alleged lies.
1. That Sara is my sister, al Razi commented:
أما قوله لسارة: إنها أختي، فالمراد أنها أخته في الدين، وإذا أمكن حمل الكلام على ظاهره من غير نسبة الكذب
As for the saying regarding (his wife) Sara that she is my sister then it means she is my sister in deen.
(Mafateeh al Ghayb under Surah al Anbiya verse 63)
2. That the biggest idols broke small idols.
He said it in the meaning of Indirect speech and Istehzaa.
3. That he was not well.
In those days Ibraheem aleh salam used to have a temperature in some part of night and day. And he observed that when a specific star appears he gets ill. When he saw that star so due to his previous experience he said I am not well. [see his tafseer under Surah al Anbiya verse 63 and Surah as-Saaffat verse 89]
Note: One may disagree with him. I just wanted to quote his opinion.