Imam Abu Hanifa said
امام اعظم ابوحنیفه
یا أكرم الثقلین یا كنز الوری
جدلی بجودك و أرضنی برضاكا
أنا طامع فی الجود منك و لم یكن
لأبی حنیفة فی الأنام سواكا
“When Imam Abu Hanifa visited Medina, he stood in front of the honorable grave (of the Prophet) and said,
“O (YA), most honorable of the Two Weighty Ones (humankind and jinn)!
O (YA), treasure of mankind, shower your generosity upon me and please me with your pleasure.
I am aspiring for your generosity, and there is no one for Abu Hanifa in the world but you.”
Fath al-Qadir (Sharh al-Hidaya)
I don’t know whether it is present in this book or not. If it is, can you quote the chain of narrators as there are centuries between the author of Fath al Qadir to Imam Abu Hanifa?
Hence proven Abu Hanifa agreed with asking help from Prophet peace be upon him as it is mentioned in the book Fath al Qadeer, we don’t need chain of narrators.
If you can quote things just from books without any chain then let me quote something interesting for you. It is mentioned in the book of Fiqh غرائب فى تحقيق المذاهب quoted by Shaykh Salahud din Yusaf in his Tafsir of Quran and Muhammad Husayn Neylwi Hanafi quoted in his book “Shifa Us Sudur fi Tahqiq ‘Adm Sima’ man fil Qubur” p 61 and they quoted from the book of Allamah Bashir al-Din Usmani Qinnawji who was student of Shah Muhammad Ishaq Dehalvi.
رأى الامام ابو حنيفة من ياتى القبور لاهل الصلاح فيسلم ويخاطب ويتكلم ويقول يا أهل القبور هل لكم من خبر وهل عندكم من اثر انى اتيتكم من شهور وليس سؤلى الاالدعافهل دريتم ام غفلتم فسمع ابوحنيفة بقول يخاطبه بهم فقال هل اجابولك قال لافقال له سحقا لك وتربت يداك كيف تكلم اجسادا لايستطيعون جوابا ولايملكون شياء ولا يسمعون صوتا وقراوما انت بمسمع من فى القبور
“Imam Abu Hanifah saw someone coming to graves of pious people giving them Salam and addressing to them and talking to them and saying: “O people of good, have you got any news, have you got any narration, I am coming to you from many months and invoking you and called you and there is nothing in my question except du’a, did you understand or did you became absentminded?” Abu Hanifah heard him saying this address to them, and he said: “ Did they answer you ?” he answered: “ No” and he said: “May Curse be on to you, and may your hand perish, how do you talk to bodies that can not answer, and they do not possess anything and do not hear any voice”, and he read (the verse): “And you cannot make those in graves to hear”[Tafheem al-Masaail by Molana Muhammad Basheer Qinnawji who quoted from the book of fiqh “Gharaaib fe tahqiq al-Madaahib” This narration is accepted by Muhammad Husayn NeylwiHanafi]
This is fabrication, show me the chain, this is a lie.
P.S They have mentioned this from the book Fath al Qadeer but they failed to realize that the same book states.
“If someone makes a vow that I will not talk to so and so. Then this vow is specific to the life of that person because if he (the one who vowed) spoke to so and so (who died) after his death then this vow will not break. Because the reason of talking (to someone) is to make him understand the speech. And death prevents the dead (to understand) as the dead do not hear nor understand.” [Fath al Qadeer Vol 5, Kitab al Iman page 180]
Ibn Humam al Hanafi said:
“According to me the reason of author of al Hidaya who meant Majazi mayyat i.e. the one who is dying from the word “Mawtaa” that our many teachers cleared this that If someone makes a vow that I will not talk to so and so. Then this vow is specific to the life of that person because if he (the one who vowed) spoke to so and so (who died) after his death then this vow will not break. Because the vow will break when the so and so understand and the dead can not hear that, as the dead is unable to hear”