Monthly Archives: September 2013

Deoband Reject Sahaba Sayings

Deoband Reject Sahaba Sayings Bismillahirrahmanirraheem, Alhamdulillah this is another one of the wonderful articles from the Magazines of Shaikh Muhammad Zubair Sadiq Abadi (One of the authors of Shaikh Zubair Ali Zai’s magazine “Al Hadeeth”). The honours of translating this article is done by brother…

Deoband Rejects Ijma Consensus

Deoband Reject Ijma Consensus 1) Introduction 2) Importance of Ijma for Deobandis 3) Proofs of Deoband Rejects Ijma   1) Introduction Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem, Previously i did an article “Deoband Rejects Imam Abu hanifa in fiqh“, this one is “Deoband rejects Ijma“. The deobandis have a bogus…