It is not permissible to celebrate (Jashn e Eid ) Milaad un Nabee (the birthday of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), nor the birthday of anyone else, since this is from the acts of bidah (innovations) that have been newly invented into the religion. Neither did Allaah’s Messenger (Prescribed Laws) [pbuh], nor the Rightly Guided Khalifahs (Abubakr, Umar, Utham and Ali [May Allah be pleased with all of them]), nor the Companions, nor any of their followers from the first three excellent generations, celebrated this day – and they were the most knowledgeable of people concerning the Sunnah (the Prophetic guidance), and had the greatest love for Allaah’s Messenger (pbuh) and were the foremost in following his Shareeah
It is known that our Prophet(pbuh) is the best of all the Prophets and the last of them and the most perfect of them with regards to conveying the Message and advising the people. So if celebrating his milaad (birthday) was a part of the religion that Allaah – the Most Perfect chose, then the Messenger(pbuh) would have most certainly explained it to his Ummah, or he would have celebrated it himself, or his noble Companions radiallaahu ‘anhum would have celebrated it. However, since nothing like this happened, then we know that the celebration of milaad has nothing to do with Islaam whatsoever. Rather, it is from those innovations which the Messenger (pbuh)warned his Ummah from.
Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu (May peace mercy and blessings of Allah be on all of you).
The article is divided into the following headings:
I) The YEAR of HIS Noble birth
III) Events at the time of HIS birth
IV) Definition of a festival in Islam or when should we celebrate?
V) Allah says follow Quran & Messenger Teachings, prohibits innovations into religion
VI) Ways in which innovated birthday of prophet(pbuh) is celebrated
VII) Origin of Celebrating birthday of Prophet (pbuh)
VIII) Ruling on Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday
1 – Celebration not part of Sunnah
2 – Celebrating the birthday an imitation of the Christians:
3 – Celebration means to exaggeration & excess veneration:
4 – Distraction from Sunnah & opening doors to new bidah
5- False belief of prophet(pbuh) present in milad celebrations
6- It causes hypocrisy and not love to grow in the heart
7- It brings death to the Sunnah
8- It causes chaos and divisions within the Ummah
9- Reward for abstaining from Bidah(Innovation) in Islam is Jannah
IX) Discussing arguments of those who celebrate Mawlid
1 – Their claim that this is veneration of the Prophet (pbuh)
2 – Keeping the memory of the Prophet (pbuh) alive by celebrating the Mawlid
3 – Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) is indicative of their love for him
4 – Reading the biography of the Prophet (pbuh) on this occasion, they are encouraging people to follow his example
5 – Hadith ‘ merits of rememberence of Allah in an assembly ‘
6 – Using as evidence the fact that many people in many countries do this & may quote Ibn Masood to justify their claim
7 – Celebration of the Prophet’s birthday was introduced by a knowledgeable and just king who intended thereby to draw closer to Allah.
8 – Celebrating the mawlid comes under the heading of bid’ah hasanah (“good innovation”) by using examples of rightly guided khalifas
9 – Comparision of ‘Compilation of Quran’ to ‘Bidah of Mawlid un Nabi’
10) Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays citing the reason “as for Monday, it was the day I was born?
11) Prophet’s used to celebrate their own birthdays. Allah quotes ‘Isa السلام عليه as saying: “And the peace on me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am raised alive”. (Holy Qur’an: 19:33)
12) Did not the Prophet (pbuh) celebrate the birthday of his son Ibrahim by freeing a slave?
13) Abu Lahab punishment in hell is reduced every Monday because he rejoiced at the birth of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم and freed a slave girl?
14) Did not Allah command us to rejoice in His mercy: “Say: In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy let them rejoice, that is better than what they accumulate”(Holy Qur’an: 10:58) and was not Muhammadصلى الله عليه و سلم the greatest of his mercies?
15) If Jumuah is special because Adam (pbuh) was created on it then is not the birthday of Muhammadصلى الله عليه و سلم worthier?
16) What about the numerous scholars who have written in support of the Mawlid
17) Narration of As-Suyutee (d.911 AH) wherein which he said: “Another primary text has occurred to me by which the legitimacy of the Mawlid can be derived
18) Did not Ibn taymiyyah (d.728 AH) say: “So honouring the Mawlid, and taking it as a festive season (mawsam) which some of the people have done, there is a great reward in it due to the good intention and the honouring of the Messenger”?
19) If Iblis cried on this day should we not celebrate it?
20) Allah never told us to do many things – Allah never told us to drive cars, to listen to the radio or to go to the gym.
21) They may quote hadith of: Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah about starting a good thing
22) They may say: Why to create rift between Muslims by speaking against Milad, let those who want to celebrate milad let them celebrate
23) Quotations from Nemat ul Kubra book by Ibn Hajar Haytami to justify Celebrartion of Mawlid un nabi
24) Did Ibn Jawzi speak in support of Milad un Nabi celebration?
X) Scholars who spoke against celebration of Milad
1) Imaam al-Faakihaanee
2) Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
3) Ibn Al-Haaj Al-Maaliki
4) Naseer Ad-Deen Al-Mubarak
5) Dhaheer Ad-Deen Ja’far At-Tizmanti
6) Imam Maalik ibn Anas
7) Qazi Shihab ud din Dolat Abadi
8) Abu Ishaq Shatibi
9) Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz
10) Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem
11) Abu Abdullah al-Haffaar Gharnati (811H)
12) Shaykh Muhammad Bin Bakheet al-Muteeee
XI) Conclusion
XII) Related articles
According to the most correct opinion of the Scholars, the Prophet (pbuh) was born in the city of Makkah in the year of the Elephant (in the year 570 or 571CE), in the month of Rabee’ul-Awwal.Taareekh (p.53) of Khaleefah ibn Khayaat, as-Seerah (1/167) of Ibn Hishaam and also Tabaqaatul-Kubraa (1/62) of Ibn Sa’d.
The scholars of Seerah have postulated a number of opinions in regards to when exactly his birth occurred in relation to this event, such as the following:·
Fifty days after the destruction of Abraha and his army, this being the position of As-Suhayli Al-Maaliki.
· Fifty five days after as narrated by Al-Haafidh Ad-Dimyaati Al-Shaafi’i
· A month (thirty days) after as narrated by Mughlatay Al-Hanafi
· Forty days after as narrated by Ibn Sayyid An-Naas Ash-Shaafi’i
· Ten years before as narrated by Imam Az-Zuhri
· A few other lesser known opinions ranging from fifty years before and other than this.
There is an agreement amongst the Scholars that the Prophet (pbuh)was born on a Monday, since he (pbuh) was asked about fasting on a Monday, and he said: “On that day I was born and on that day Revelation descended upon me.”(Muslim (2/820) and Ahmad (5/297). However, as regards the exact date of his birth, then the Scholars have differed about this, although the majority of Scholars say that he (pbuh) was born on the 12th of Rabee’ul-Awwal.
Imaam an-Nawawee (d.676H) – rahimahullaah- said: “There is on agreement that he was born on Monday in the month of Rabee’ul-Awwal. There is a difference of opinion whether this day was the 2nd, 8th, 10th or 12th day of the month – and these ore the four most well-known opinions concerning this.”Tahdheeb Seeratun-Nabawiyyah (p.20) of Imaam an-Nawawee.
Prophet(pbuh) left this world on Monday morning, the twelfth of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, in the eleventh year of Al-Hijrah. He was sixty-three years and four days old when he died. (Sealed Nectar)
According to Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilvi, Prophet (pbuh) was born on 8th Rabbi ul Awwal and departed from this world on 12th Rabbi ul Awwal. (Fatawa Rizwiyah, Volume 26, Page 412, 415, Anjuman Faizan Raza and Nutq ul Hilal pg 12 and 13). At the same time Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilvi says Prophet (pbuh) was both born and left this world on the same date 12 Rabi ul Awwal (Malfoozat 220/2)
Ironically until few years ago people used to observe 12th Rabbi ul Awwal as ‘Bara wafat’ (death day) of Prophet(pbuh). But recently they have changed this and re-named it as a festival ‘Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi’
For more details click here: 10) Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays citing the reason “as for Monday, it was the day I was born?
Certain miraculous events are reported to have occurred at the time that the Prophet (pbuh) was born. However, most of them are not authentically related, rather they are da’eef (week) or mawdoo’ (fabricated) and therefore cannot be relied upon as decisive proof; such as:
■ The narration which relates that some of the galleries of Kisraa’s palace broke-up and collapsed,
■ That the sacred-fire of the Magians died-out and
■ That some of the churches on Lake Saawah collapsed and sank down.
Related by Imaam adh-Dhahabee in as-Seeratun-Nabawiyyah (pp. 11-14), who said: “This narration is munkar ghareeb (rejected).
However, it is authentically related that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “I am a result of the supplication of my father Ibraaheem and the glad-tidings brought by ‘Isaa ‘(pbuh). And my mother – when she bore me – saw that a light shone out from her, which lit up the palaces in Syria … ”
al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak (2/600) and Ibn Katheer in al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah (1/229) who said: “Its isnaad is good and strong.” Refer to as-Saheehah (no.1545) of Shaykh al-Albaanee for a detailed discussion concerning its authenticity.
AnchorIV) Definition of a festival in Islam or when should we celebrate?
Let me quote to you a hadith:
Anas (radhi allahu anhu) said: “The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) came to Madeenah and the people of Madeenah had in Jahiliyah two days of play and amusement (they are the day of Niarooz (New Years Day) and the day of Maharajaan (Final Day of the Year). So, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “I came to you and you had in Jahiliyah two days of play and amusement. Indeed, Allah has replaced them for you by that which is better than them: The day of Nahr (slaughtering) and the day of Fitr (breaking fast).” [(saheeh) Musnad Ahmad (3/103, 178, 235 and others)]
The verdict of Islam is thus very clear. There are only two festivals in Islam, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, there is no other festival called as Jashn e Eid Milad un Nabi in Islam, and as a result there is no other occasion to celebrate in Islam. Read: Is there any third Eid in Islam called Milad un Nabi?
AnchorV) Allah says follow Quran & Messenger Teachings, prohibits innovations (Bidah) into religion
The commands mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah to follow the laws of Allah and His Messenger, and the prohibitions on introducing innovations (bidah) into the religion are quite clear.
Definition of Bidah: ((Linguistically bid’ah (innovation) means ‘a newly invented matter’. The Sharee’ah definition of bid’ah is: “A newly invented way [beliefs or action] in the religion, in imitation of the Sharee’ah (prescribed Law), by which nearness to Allaah is sought, [but] not being supported by any authentic proof – neither in its foundations, nor in the manner in which it is performed)). Imaam ash-Shaatibee (rahima-hullaah) in al-I’tisaam of ash-Shaatibee (1/37)
Allah says in Quran:
1) “Say (O Muhammad to mankind): ‘If you (really) love Allah, then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins’.” [al ‘Imran 3:31]
2) “Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah), and follow not any Awliya’ (protectors and helpers who order you to associate partners in worship with Allah), besides Him (Allah). Little do you remember!” [Quran al-A’raf 7:3]
3) One day as The Prophet (s) sat with his companions, he drew a straight line in the dirt, he then drew a series of line branching off from either side of it. When the companions aasked him what it meant, … he recited the following verse: “And verily, this is my straight path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His (Allah’s) path.” [al-A’nam 6:153] (Reported by Ibn Masood and collected by Nasai, Ahmad, and Darimi)
4) And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The most truthful of speech is the Book of Allah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, and the most evil of things are those which are newly-invented.” And he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will have it rejected.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 2697; Muslim).
5) According to a version narrated by Muslim, “Whoever doe anything that is not in accordance with this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), will have it rejected.”
6) Ibn e umar r.a said: Every innovation is an astray even if people understands it good.
ابن عمر- رضي الله عنه – : ” كل بدعة ضلالة وإن رآها الناس حسنة ” وسنده صحيح كما قال الألباني في تخريج اصلاح المساجد ص.
( Related by Ad-Darimee, Abu Shamaah (no. 39), Ibn Nasr in as-Sunnah (no. 82), al-Laalikaa’ee in Sharh Usoolul-Ftiqaad (no. 126) & Sharh I’tiqad Ahl as-Sunnah (1/92), and by al-Bayhaqee in al-Madkhal (no. 191). Its authentic; Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz (258) and Islah al-Masajid (13). Salim Al-Hilaali said: “Its isnaad (chain of narration) is as authentic as the sun!”)
7) Prophet (saw) said: “…Beware of newly invented matters, for every invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is a going astray, and every going astray is in Hell-fire.” [Wa sharrul Umoori Muhdathaatuhaa, Wa kulla Bid’atin dhaialah, wa kulla dhalatin fin-naar”] (Sunan An Nisai, Vol 2, Book 19, Hadith 1579, Sahih. Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)
8) Abdullaah Ibn Masood (ra) – said: “Follow and do not innovate, for indeed you have been sufficed, and every innovation is misguidance.” (Saheeh. Reported in Az-Zuhd of Imam Ahmed p. 162, Ad-Daarimee (no. 211), Al-Bayhaqee in Madkhal (no. 204), Wakee’ in Az-Zuhd (no. 315), Ibnut-Tararaanee in As-Sunnah (no. 104), Ibn Nasr in As-Sunnah (p. 23) and by Mujaahid in As-Sab’ah (p. 46))
9) Ibn ‘Abbaas(radhi-yallaahu ‘anhumaa) said:((Indeed the most detestable of things to Allaah are the innovations)).al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunan al-Kubraa (4/316)
10) Sufyaan ath-Thowree (rahima-hullaah) mentions:((Innovation is more beloved to Iblees than sin, since a sin may be repented from but innovation is not repented from)). al-Laalikaa’ee – Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (no. 238)
11) al-Fudayl bin ‘Iyaad (rahima-hullaah) mentions:((I met the best of people, all of them people of the Sunnah and they used to forbid from accompanying the people of innovation)).al-Laalikaa’ee – Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (no.267)
12) al-Hasan al-Basree (rahima-hullaah) mentions:((Do not sit with the people of innovation and desires, nor argue with them, nor listen to them)).Sunan ad-Daarimee (1/121)
13) Ibraaheem ibn Maysarah (rahima-hullaah) mentions: ((Whoever honours an innovator has aided in the destruction of Islaam)).al-Laalikaa’ee – Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah (1/139)
14) Sufyaan ath-Thowree (rahima-hullaah) mentions: ((Whoever listens to an innovator has left the protection of Allaah and is entrusted with the innovation)). Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah (7/26) and Ibn Battah (no.444)
15) Imaam al-Barbahaaree (rahima-hullaah) mentions: ((The innovators are like scorpions. They bury their heads and bodies in the sand and leave their tails out. When they get the chance they sting; the same with the innovators who conceal themselves amongst the people, when they are able, they do what they desire)). Reported in ((Tabaqaatul-Hanaabilah)) – Volume 2, Page 44 and ((Manhajul-Ahmad)) Sharhus-Sunnah – Imaam al-Barbahaaree
16) Abu Haatim (rahima-hullaah) said: ((A sign of the people of innovation is their battling against the people of Narrations)). Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah – al-Laalikaa’ee – Volume 1, Page 179
17) as-Saffaareenee (rahima-hullaah) said: ((And we are not focusing on mentioning the virtues of the people of Hadeeth, for indeed their virtues are well known and their merits are many. So whoever belittles them, then he is despicable and lowly. And whoever hates them, then he is from the backward party of the Devil)). Lawaa.ihul-Anwaar – Volume 2, Page 355
18) Imaam Abu ‘Uthmaan as-Saaboonee (rahima-hullaah) said: ((The signs of the people of innovation are clear and obvious. The most apparent of their signs is their severe enmity for those who carry the reports of the Prophet)). The ‘Aqeedah of the (Pious) Predecessors – Page 101
19) Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Qaasim related to us, saying: Ahmad ibn al-Hasan narrated to us saying: Sulaymaan ibn al-Ash’ath narrated to us, saying: ‘Abdullaah ibn Chubbi al-Anteeq narrated to us, saying: Yaws ibn Asbaat narrated to us, saying: I heard Muhammad ibn an-Nadr al-Haarithee say: ((Whoever listens to a person of innovation – and knows that he is a person of innovation – then protection is taken away from him, and he is left to himself)). al-Imaam al-Haafiz Abul-Qaasim Habatullaah ibn al-Hasan ibn Mansoor at-Tabaree al-Laalikaa’ee (d.418 A.H.) reports in his “Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah” – Volume 1 Pages 135-136 No. 252 Source . Also read detailed ‘commandments of Imams of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamah on Bidah:
20) Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee (rahima-hullaah) said: The Sunnahs of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) reach, as well as escape from every one of us. So whenever I voice my opinion, or formulate a principle, where something contrary to my view exists on the authority of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), then the correct view is what the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) has said, and it (that) is my view. Related by Haakim with a continuous sanad up to Shaafi’i, as in Taareekh Damishq of Ibn ‘Asaakir (15/1/3), I’laam al-Muwaqqi’een (2/363, 364) & Eeqaaz (p. 100)
Imam ash-Shafi’i (rahimahullaah)said, “Whosoever considers an innovation to be good has corrected the Prophet.” [Bulugh al-Maram of Ibn Hajar (available in English), p190 footnote 2] And all that has been related from him that contradicts this statement, regarding innovation as being of two types is either weak or baseless as al-Hafidh adh-Dhahabi and others from the scholars of hadith state.
21) Imaam Maalik (d.179 AH) said about bidah: “Whoever thinks that there is such thing as a good innovation in Islam, has accused the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم of treachery because Allah said “This day I have perfected your religion…”. So what was not religion then, is not religion today” (Al-‘Itisaam as-Shaatibi 1/38) He also said, “How evil are the people of innovation, we do not give them salam.” [Al-Ibanah of Ibn Battah (d. 387H), no. 441]
22) Imam Abu Haneefah said: You should adhere to the way of the Salaf, and beware of EVERY newly invented thing, for it is an innovation (bid’ah) [Al-Khateeb in Al-Faqeeh wal-Mutafaqqih and Sawn ul-Mantaq of as-Suyuti, p32]
23) Imam al-Bukhari said, “I have met more than a thousand scholars … (then he named the more prominent in each of the lands he visited) and I found that they all agreed on the following points: … they all used to prohibit bid’ah – that which the Prophet and his Companions were not upon, because of the saying of Allah, ‘…and hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not separate.’ ” [From his article on belief, quoted in Sharh Usul I’tiqad, 1/170].
For more refer: point 22 under heading: IX) Discussing arguments of those who celebrate Mawlid (it has excellent examples how sahabas & tabaein dealt when they saw people indulging in bidah)
AnchorVI) Ways in which innovated birthday of prophet(pbuh) is celebrated
Among the reprehensible innovations that people have invented is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal. They celebrate this occasion in various ways:
■ Some of them simply make it an occasion to gather and read the story of the Mawlid, then they present speeches and qasidahs (odes) for this occasion.
■ Some of them make food and sweets etc., and offer them to the people present.
■ Some of them hold these celebrations in the mosques, and some of them hold them in their houses.
■ Some people in these gatherings involve in haram and reprehensible things, such as free mixing of men and women, dancing and singing, or committing actions of shirk such as seeking the help of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), calling upon him, seeking his support against their enemies and so on.
■ Some of them believe that Prophet (pbuh) is actually present at their milaad celebrations, so consequently the participants stand to greet & welcome him. However, this is from the greatest of lies & the worst form of ignorance, because Prophet(pbuh) shall neither come out of his grave before the Day of Judgement, nor will he meet anyone, nor attend their gatherings.
Whatever form it takes and whatever the intentions of those who do this are, there is no doubt whatsoever that it is an invented, haram innovation which was introduced after the three best centuries in order to corrupt the religion of the Muslims.
AnchorVII) Origin of Celebrating birthday of Prophet (pbuh)
This haram innovation was introduced by Shia Fatimid dynasty after the three best centuries in order to corrupt the religion of the Muslims. The first person to do this after them was the King al-Muzaffar Abu Sa’id Kawkaburi, the King of Irbil, at the end of the sixth century or the beginning of the seventh century AH, as was mentioned by the historians such as Ibn Khalikan and others.
Abu Shamah said: the first person to do that in Mosul was Shaykh ‘Umar ibn Muhammad al-Mala, one of the well-known righteous people. Then the ruler of Irbil and others followed his example.
Al-Hafidh Ibn Kathir said in al-Bidayah wa’l-Nihayah (13/137), in his biography of Abu Sa’id Kawkaburi: “He used to observe the Mawlid in Rabi’ al-Awwal and hold a huge celebration on that occasion … some of those who were present at the feast of al-Muzaffar on some occasions of the Mawlid said that he used to offer in the feast five thousand grilled heads of sheep, ten thousand chickens and one hundred thousand large dishes, and thirty trays of sweets … he would let the Sufis sing from Dhuhr until Fajr, and he himself would dance with them.”
Ibn Khalikan said in Wafiyat al-A’yan (3/274): “When it is the first of Safar they decorate those domes with various kinds of fancy adornments, and in every dome there sits a group of singers and a group of puppeteers and players of musical instruments, and they do not leave any one of those domes without setting up a group (of performers) there.
The people give up work during this period, and they do no work except going around and watching the entertainment. When there are two days to go until the Mawlid, they bring out a large number of camels, cows and sheep, more than can be described, and they accompany them with all the drums, songs and musical instruments that they have, until they bring them to the square… On the night of the Mawlid there are performances of nashids after Maghrib in the citadel.”
This is the origin of this celebration on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday. More recently idle entertainment, extravagance, and wasting of money and time have become associated with an innovation for which Allah has not sent down any authority.
Celebration of Milad un Nabi via Juloos (procession) started first in undivided-India (prior to independence) in lahore, Pakistan on 5th July 1933/12th Rabbi ul awwal 1353.
Ahsan writes in the newspaper of famous novelist Naseem Hijazi : In Lahore the 1st Eid-e-Miladun Nabi procession/juloos was taken out for the first time on 5th July 1933/12th Rabbi ul awwal 1353. For this license was taken from the britishers (Newspaper Kohistan 22 July 1964). The Milad un Nabi procession was taken out by muslims citing the reason that hindus and Sikhs take out procession of their leaders, so even we have to do the same (Newspaper Kohistan 22 July 1964).
So the reason to start milad un nabi procession was clearly to follow the foot stpes of non-muslims even though:
Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” (narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawud, 4/314). And he said, “Be different from the mushrikin.”(narrated by Muslim, 1/222, no. 259) – especially with regard to things that are the symbols or rituals of their religion.
Its proven that Milad un Nabi celebration first started 400 years after Hijrah was stopped & again re-started during 700AH, while in India it first started in Lahore afer 1350AH. The reason used to celebrate this milad un nabi & the start date are enough to call it as a bidah in Islam.
What Muslims should do is to revive the Sunnah and put an end to bidah (innovation); they should not do any action until they know the ruling of Allah concerning it.
For more details refer: Biographies of those who Innovated Mawlid
AnchorVIII) Ruling on Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday
Celebrating the occasion of the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) is forbidden and is to be rejected for a number of reasons:
1 – Celebration not part of Sunnah: It is not part of the Sunnah of the Messenger (pbuh) or of the khalifahs who succeeded him. Since this is the case, then it is a forbidden innovation, because the Prophet (pbuh) said: “I urge you to follow my Sunnah and the way of the rightly-guided khalifahs after me; adhere to it and cling to it firmly. Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation (bid’ah) and every innovation is a going-astray.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; at-Tirmidhi no. 2676).
Celebrating the Mawlid is an innovation introduced after the three best centuries in order to corrupt the religion of the Muslims. If a person does anything in order to draw closer to Allah which was not done by the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or enjoined by him, and was not done by the khalifahs who succeeded him, this action implies that he is accusing the Messenger of not explaining the religion to the people, and that he disbelieves in the words of Allah(interpretation of the meaning):
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you.” [al-Ma’idah 5:3]
Because he is adding something extra and claiming that it is a part of the religion, but the Messenger (pbuh) did not bring this.
Even deviant sects which supports celebration of Milad un Nabi accepts that none of the earlier generations ever celebrated Milad un Nabi
Pro Milaadi Tahir ul Quadri said in his Book (Scan Proof,see image 1 below):
Baab Haftum “Quroon e Aula k Musalmanoo ne Jashan e Meelad kion nai manaya?”
Translation: Chapter 7 “Why Muslims of Quroon e Aula (Sahaba,Tabiyeen and itteba tabiyeen) didn’t celebrated Mawlid?” Scan Proof(see image 2 below)
Quadri mentioned reasons:
A) Sahaba RaziAllahanhum k liye Huzoor Saallahu Alihewasallam ka saneha e irtehaal intehaai ghum angez tha
Translation: The death of Prophet peace be upon him was very sad for his Companions May Allah be please with them. Scan Proof(see image 3 below)
Then Quadri wrote in last two lines of this heading
B) Sahaba e Kiram RaziAllahanhum Wisal e Mahboob Sallahu Alihewasallam ko yaad kar k sadmah zadah logun k sath khushi ka izhar na kar saktey the. So, wo wiladat ki khushi me jashan manatey na wisaal k ghum me afsurdah hotey.
Translation: “By remembering the death of Beloved peace be upon him, companions could not celebrate with shocked hearts (of people). So they did not celebrate mawlid neither they were dis hearted in the grief of death”. [Meelad un Nabi, Chapter no: 7, Page no:454 Minhaj ul Quran Publications] Scan Proof(see image 4 below). For those who want to read refutation of Tahir ul Quadri book Meelad un Nabi can do so over here in urdu
So it can also be seen in the books of ‘pro-milaadi’ sects that none of the Sahaba, Tabiyeen and itteba tabiyeen ever celebrated Milad un Nabi. This indicates that this celebration is Bidah and all kinds of Bidah in religion are deviation from the right way as stated by the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him): Every Bid‘ah is a Dalalah (deviation). It is in contradiction with the way of the Sahabah who were the most knowledgeable and the best people. Therefore, it is a duty upon Muslims to reject this act.
2 – Celebrating the birthday an imitation of the Christians: because they celebrate the birth of the Messiah (pbuh). Imitating them is extremely haram. The hadith tells us that it is forbidden to imitate the kuffar, and we are commanded to differ from them. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”(narrated by Ahmad, 2/50; Abu Dawud, 4/314). And he said, “Be different from the mushrikin.” (narrated by Muslim, 1/222, no. 259) – especially with regard to things that are the symbols or rituals of their religion.
3 – Celebration means to exaggeration & excess veneration: Besides being bid’ah and an imitation of the Christians, both of which are haram, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) is also a means that leads to exaggeration and excess in venerating him, which even goes as far as calling upon him (making du’a’ to him)and seeking his help, instead of calling upon Allah, as happens now among many of those who observe the bid’ah of the Mawlid, when they call upon the Messenger instead of Allah, and ask him for support, and sing qasidahs (odes) of shirk praising him, like Qasidat al-Burdah etc. The Prophet (pbuh) forbade going to extremes in praising him, as he said: “Do not extol as the Christians extolled the son of Maryam. For I am just His slave, so say, the slave of Allah and His Messenger.” (narrated by al-Bukhari, 4/142, no. 3445; al-Fath, 6/551), i.e., do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians exaggerated in praising the Messiah and venerated him until they worshipped him instead of Allah. Allah forbade them to do that when he said (interpretation of the meaning):
“O people of the Scripture (Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allah aught but the truth. The Messiah ‘isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allah and His Word, (“Be!” — and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Ruh) created by Him.” [al-Nisa’ 4:171]
Our Prophet (pbuh) forbade us to exaggerate concerning him lest the same thing happen to us as happened to them, so he said: “Beware of exaggeration, for those who came before you were destroyed because of exaggeration.” (narrated by an-Nasa’i, 5/268; classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Sunan al-Nasa’i, no. 2863).
4 – Distraction from Sunnah & opening doors to new bidah: Observing the innovation of the Prophet’s birthday opens the door to other kinds of bid’ah and being distracted by them from the Sunnah. Hence you find that the innovators are very active when it comes to bid’ah and very lazy when it comes to the Sunnah; they hate it and regard those who follow it as enemies, until their entire religion is innovated anniversaries and Mawlids. They have split into various groups, each of which commemorates the anniversary of its Imam’s birth, such as the births of al-Badawi, Ibn ‘Arabi, al-Dasuqi and al-Shadhili. No sooner do they end the celebration of one birthday but they start the celebration of another. This results in exaggeration concerning these dead people and others, and in calling upon them instead of Allah, believing that they can bring benefit and cause harm, until they deviate from the religion of Allah and go back to the religion of the people of the Jahiliyyah of whom Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And they worship besides Allah things that harm them not, nor profit them, and they say: ‘These are our intercessors with Allah’.” [Yunus 10:18]
“And those who take Awliya’ (protectors, helpers, lords, gods) besides Him (say): ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah’.” [az-Zumar 39:3]
A small Bid’ah leads to a big Bid’ah, a small sin leads to a big sin, then the sinner becomes pleased with his sin until he considers it permissible and he becomes destroyed! A classic example of this is the incident which occurred during the time of the Sahaabah:
‘Amr ibn Salmah said, “We used to sit by the door of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood before the morning prayer, so that when he came out we would walk with him to the masjid. (One day) Abu Moosa al-Ash’aree came to us and said, ‘Has Abu ‘Abdurrahmaan come out yet?’ We replied, ‘No.’ So he sat down with us until he (ibn Mas’ood) came out. When he came out we all stood along with him, so Abu Moosa said to him, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! I have just seen something in the masjid which I deemed to be evil, but all praise is for Allaah, I did not see anything except good.’ He enquired, ‘Then what is it?’ (Abu Moosa) replied, ‘If you live you will see it. I saw in the masjid people sitting in circles awaiting the prayer. In each circle they had pebbles in their hands and a man would say, “Repeat Allaahu Akbar a hundred times.” So they would repeat it a hundred times. Then he would say, “Say Laa ilaaha illallaah a hundred times.” So they would say it a hundred times. Then he would say, “Say subhaanallaah a hundred times.” So they would say it a hundred times.’ (Ibn Mas’ood) asked, ‘What did you say to them?’ (Abu Moosa) said, ‘I did not say anything to them. Instead I waited to hear your view or what you declared.’ (Ibn Mas’ood) replied, ‘If only you had ordered them to count up the evil deeds they acquired and assured them that their good deeds would not be lost!’ Then we went along with him (Ibn Mas’ood) until he came to one of these circles and stood and said, ‘What is this which I see you doing?’ They replied, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! These are pebbles upon which we are counting takbeer, tahleel and tasbeeh.’ He said, ‘Count up your evil deeds. I assure you that none of your good deeds will be lost. Woe to you, O Ummah of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam! How quickly you go to destruction! These are the Companions of your Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and who are widespread. There are his sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam clothes which have not yet decayed and his bowl which is unbroken. By Him in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you are upon a religion better guided than the religion of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or you are opening the door of misguidance.’ They said, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! By Allaah, we only intended good.’ He said, ‘How many there are who intend good but do not achieve it. Indeed Allaah’s Messenger sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to us, “A people will recite the Qur’aan but it will not pass beyond their throats.” By Allaah! I do not know, perhaps most of them are from you.’ Then he left them.”
Amr ibn Salmah (the sub-narrator) said, “We saw most of those people (refering to the people who initiated bidah in mosque) fighting against us on the day of Nahrawaan, along with the Khawaarij.” (Sunan ad-Daarimi 1/79)
5- False belief of prophet(pbuh) present in milad celebrations: One of the strangest matters also is that some of them believe that Allaah’s Messenger(pbuh) is actually present at their milaad celebrations, so consequently the participants stand to greet and welcome him. However, this is from the greatest of lies and the worst form of ignorance, because the Messenger (pbuh) shall neither come out of his grave before the Day of Judgement, nor will he meet anyone, nor attend their gatherings. Rather, he shall remain in his grave until the Day of Judgement, whilst his noble rooh (soul) resides in the highest of places with his Lord in the home of the exalted, as Allaah – the Most High – said: “Then you shall surely die, then you shall be raised-up again on the Day of Resurrection.” [Soorah al-Mu’minoon 23:15-16].
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “I will be the leader of the children of Aadam on the Day of Resurrection, and I will be the first for whom the earth will split open, and will be the first to intercede and the first whose intercession will be accepted.” (Muslim (7/59), from Abu Hurayrah). So this noble aayah (verse) and this noble hadeeth – and those verses and ahaadeeth with a similar meaning – prove that the Prophet (pbuh) and others that have also died, will only come out of their graves on the Day of Resurrection. And this is a matter about which there is an agreement amongst the Muslim Scholars, there being no difference between them.
6. It causes hypocrisy and not love to grow in the heart: Hence, you will find the innovators, when it comes to the waajibaat they are negligent, but when it comes to their Bid’ah they are the first in the queue!
7. It brings death to the Sunnah: That is why you will find that those who celebrate the Mawlid once a year, they rarely observe the Sunnah of fasting on Mondays. Ibn Abbas (d.67 AH) said:
“When Bid’ah is created then the Sunnah dies, and continues to die until Bid’ah is alive and the Sunnah is dead” (Tirmidhi 187).
8. It causes chaos and divisions within the Ummah: No group has ever split from the Jamaa’ah except by way of an innovation. So when they return back to the Qur’an and Sunnah then Allah will give them back their honour and will establish them upon the Earth. Allah said:
“Allah has promised those amongst you who believe and do righteous actions that He will certainly grant them Khilafah (succession) on the earth, as He granted it to those before them; and that He will grant them authority to practice their religion, the one that He has chosen for them; and He will change their state from one of fear in which they lived to one of peace and security, providing they will worship Me alone, not associating any partner with Me. But whosoever disbelieves after this, then they are the rebellious ones.” (Holy Qur’an 24:55)
9. Reward for abstaining from Bidah(Innovation) in Islam is Jannah
A man from Najd with unkempt hair came to Allah’s Apostle and we heard his loud voice but could not understand what he was saying, till he came near and then we came to know that he was asking about Islam. Allah’s Apostle said, “You have to offer prayers perfectly five times in a day and night (24 hours).” The man asked, “Is there any more (praying)?” Allah’s Apostle replied, “No, but if you want to offer the Nawafil prayers (you can).” Allah’s Apostle further said to him: “You have to observe fasts during the month of Ramad, an.” The man asked, “Is there any more fasting?” Allah’s Apostle replied, “No, but if you want to observe the Nawafil fasts (you can.)” Then Allah’s Apostle further said to him, “You have to pay the Zakat (obligatory charity).” The man asked, “Is there any thing other than the Zakat for me to pay?” Allah’s Apostle replied, “No, unless you want to give alms of your own.” And then that man retreated saying, “By Allah! I will neither do less nor more than this.” Allah’s Apostle said, “If what he said is true, then he will be successful (i.e. he will be granted Paradise).”(Reference:-Sahih Bukhari Book 1 Volume 2 Hadith 44, Muwatta Imam-Malik Book 9 : Hadith 9.25.97 )
For more details refer: V) Allah says follow Quran & Messenger Teachings, prohibits innovations (Bidah) into religion
AnchorIX) Discussing arguments of those who celebrate Mawlid
Those who think that this bid’ah should be continued produce specious arguments which are flimsier than a spider’s web. These specious arguments may be dealt with as follows:
Arugment: 1 by those who celebrate Mawlid – Their claim that this is veneration of the Prophet (pbuh):
Response: The response to that is that the way to venerate him is to obey him, do as he commanded and avoid that which he forbade, and to love him; he is not to be venerated through innovations, myths and sins. Celebrating his birthday is of this blameworthy type because it is a sin. The people who venerated the Prophet (pbuh) the most were the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them), as ‘Urwah ibn Mas’ood said to Quraysh: “O people, by Allah I have visited kings. I went to Caesar, Chosroes and the Negus, but by Allah I never saw a king whose companions venerated him as much as the companions of Muhammad venerated Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). By Allah, whenever he spat it never fell on the ground, it fell into into the hand of one his companions, then they wiped their faces and skins with it. If he instructed them to do something, they would hasten to do as he commanded. When he did wudu’, they would almost fight over his water. When he spoke they would lower their voices in his presence; and they did not stare at him out of respect for him.” (al-Bukhari, 3/178, no. 2731, 2732; al-Fath, 5/388).Yet despite this level of veneration, they never took the day of his birth as an ‘Eid (festival). If that had been prescribed in Islam they would not have neglected to do that.
Arugment: 2 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They say that by celebrating the Mawlid they are keeping the memory of the Prophet (pbuh) alive.
Response: The answer to that is that the memory of the Prophet (pbuh) is constantly kept alive by the Muslim,such as:
► When his name (pbuh) is mentioned in the adhan
►When his name (pbuh) is mentioned in the iqamah
► When his name (pbuh) is mentioned in the khutbahs,
► Every time the Muslim recites the Shahadatayn after doing wudu
► Every time he sends blessings upon the Prophet (pbuh) in his prayers or when he(pbuh) name is mentioned, and
►Every time the Muslim does a wajib (obligatory) or mustahabb (recommended) action that was prescribed by the Messenger (pbuh).
In all of these ways (the Muslim) remembers him and the reward equivalent to the reward of the one who does that action goes back to the Prophet (pbuh). Thus the Muslim constantly keeps the memory of the Messenger alive and has a connection with him night and day throughout his life through that which Allah has prescribed, not only on the day of the Mawlid and things which are bid’ah and go against the Sunnah, for that puts one at a distance from the Messenger (pbuh) and the Messenger will disown him because of that.
The Messenger (pbuh) has no need of this innovated celebration, because Allah has already bestowed veneration and respect upon him, as He says: “… and raised high your fame …” [ash-Sharh 94:4]
For Allah is not mentioned in the adhan, iqamah or khutbah except that the Messenger (pbuh) is mentioned after Him; this is sufficient veneration, love and renewal of his memory, and sufficient encouragement to follow him.
Allah did not refer to the birth of the Messenger (pbuh) in the Qur’an, rather He referred to his Mission, and says (interpretation of the meaning): “Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves” [al ‘Imran 3:124]
“He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves.” [al-Jumu’ah 64:2].
Argument 3 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say that celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) is indicative of their love for him; this is one way of showing that, and showing love of the Prophet (pbuh) is prescribed in Islam!
Response: The answer to that is that undoubtedly loving the Prophet (pbuh) is obligatory for every Muslim; he should love him more than he loves himself, his child, his father and all the people – may my father and mother be sacrificed for him – but that does not mean that we should introduce innovations for doing so that have not been prescribed for us. Loving him dictates that we should obey him and follow him, for that is one of the greatest manifestations of love, as it is said:
“If your love is sincere then obey him; for the lover obeys the one whom he loves.”
Loving the Prophet (pbuh) implies keeping his Sunnah alive, adhering firmly to it, and avoiding words and deeds that go against it. Undoubtedly everything that goes against his Sunnah is a reprehensible innovation (bid’ah) and a manifest act of disobedience. That includes celebrating his birthday and other kinds of bid’ah. A good intention does not mean that it is permissible to introduce innovations into the religion. Islam is based on two things, purity of intention and following [the Prophet (pbuh)]. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Yes, but whoever submits his face (himself) to Allah (i.e. follows Allah’s religion of Islamic Monotheism) and he is a Muhsin (a doer of good) then his reward is with his Lord (Allah), on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [al-Baqarah 2:112]
Submitting one’s face to Allah means being sincere towards Allah, and doing good means following the Messenger and implementing the Sunnah.
Argument 4 by those who celebrate Mawlid– Celebrating the Mawlid and reading the biography of the Prophet (pbuh) on this occasion, they are encouraging people to follow his example!
Response:We say to them that reading the biography of the Prophet (pbuh)and following his example are required of the Muslim all the time, all year long and throughout his life. Singling out a specific day for that with no evidence for doing so is an innovation, and every innovation is a going astray. (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/164; at-Tirmidhi, 2676). Bid’ah does not bear any fruit but evil and it leads to a person distancing himself from the Prophet (pbuh).
We find in the biography great details about the life of the Prophet (s). But regarding his date of birth there is confusion, whether it is 9,10,11,12, or some other date of Rabi-ul-Awwal, it is not definite, we find no consensus, have we ever reflected as to why is it so, it is because, the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) was never considered to be an important event in Islam. What is important however is his mission, his life, his path, his teachings, and his traditions.
Argument 5 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They use hadith ‘ merits of rememberence of Allah in an assembly ‘ and try to prove Milad celebration
Hadith used by them to support Milad celebration: Agharr Abi Muslim reported: I bear witness to the fact that both Abu Huraira and Abu Sa’id Khudri were present when Allah’s Messenger may peace be upon him) said: The people do not sit but they are surrounded by angels and covered by Mercy, and there descends upon them tranquillity as they remember Allah, and Allah makes a mention of them to those who are near Him. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Shu’ba with the same chain of transmitters. (Muslim Book #035, Hadith #6520)
Response: How on earth this is proving Mawlid celebrations? Imam Muslim mentioned this hadeeth under the Chapter THE MERIT OF AN ASSEMBLY FOR THE RECITATION OF THE QUR’AN OR FOR TIIE DHIKR (REMEMBRANCE OF ALLAH)
let us understand it with another hadith
…and those persons who assemble in the house among the houses of Allah (mosques) and recite the Book of Allah and they learn and teach the Qur’an (among themselves) there would descend upon them the tranquillity and mercy would cover them and the angels would surround them and Allah makes a mention of them in the presence of those near Him, and he who is slow-paced in doing good deeds, his (high) descent does not make him go ahead.[Muslim Book 35, Number 6518]
Comment: It is clear that hadith is regarding reading and teaching Qur`an.
Imam Nawawi said in the commentary of the hadith that
It is allowed to gather in Mosque to read Qur`an this is our madhab and the madhab of majority, according to Imam Malik this is makrooh
Comment: Meaning of saying of Imam Malik is that you should not recite Qur`an loudly so that the people who are praying should not be disturbed.
Not a single companion,tabiyee,itteba tabiyee plus muhaddith said mawlid celebrations is proven from this hadeeth. This is just recitation of Quran and teaching the Quran
Argument 6 by those who celebrate Mawlid– Using as evidence the fact that many people in many countries do this and may quote: Ibn Mas’ud said: “Whatever the Muslims collectively deem as good is good with Allah and whatever the Muslims collectively deem as bad is bad with Allah”. How can such a large majority be wrong?
Response: This hadith has been taken out of context. The full hadith is:
“Allah looked into the hearts of mankind and found that the heart of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم was the finest, so He chose him to be his beloved and sent him with His message. Then Allah looked into the hearts of everybody else and found that the hearts of Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه و سلم companions were the finest, so He made them succeed His Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم and made them fight for His religion. Therefore, anything which the Muslims collectively deem to be good is good with Allah and anything which the Muslims collectively deem to be bad is bad with Allah.” (Ahmad 3600).
As- Sindhi said: “The ‘Muslims’ in this narration is obviously referring to the companions. Therefore, the consensus must be that of the companions and the consensus of others cannot be included, let alone the agreement of a single group of people on one opinion…”
The notion that the Ummah as a whole are united upon celebrating the Mawlid is a fallacy. The scholars of the Ummah never united upon misguidance, rather they spoke in refutation of this celebration ever since it’s invention. From them we have the likes of:
-Shaikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728 AH), who wrote a refutation against it in ‘Iqtida al-siratal Mustaqim’.
-Imaam ash-shaatibi (d.790 AH), who wrote a refutation of it in ‘al-‘itisaam’.
-Imam al-Faakihaani (d.734), who wrote a letter (al mawrid fi amalil mawlid) in refutation of it. Books of scholars who denounced the celebration of this milaad un nabi are mentioned under heading: X) Scholars who spoke against celebration of Milad (below)
Allah said: “And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah” (Holy Qur’an: 6:116)
The prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم said: “Indeed Islam began as something strange and it will return to being something strange just like it began. So glad tidings to the strangers.” When it was asked ‘Who are the strangers?’ He replied “A righteous FEW amidst an evil majority, those who oppose them are GREATER IN NUMBER than those who follow them” (Ahmad 6650)
The prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم said: “Indeed the Jews split into 71 sects, all of them in the hell-fire except one. The Christians split into 72 sects, all of them in the hell-fire except one. My Ummah will split into 73 sects, all of them in the hell-fire except one, and it is the Jamaa’ah.” (Ibn Maajah 3992)
Here the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم is informing us that the majority of the Ummah will end up in the hell-fire.
Furthermore Abu Shaamah (d.665 AH) said: “The order to stick to the Jama’ah means sticking to the truth; even if those who stick to the truth are few and those who oppose it are many, since the truth is that which the first Jama’ah from the time of the prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and his companions were upon. No attention is given to the great number of the people of futility coming after them.” (Al baa’ith ‘alal bid’ah wal hawaadith P.19)
Argument 7 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say that the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday was introduced by a knowledgeable and just king who intended thereby to draw closer to Allah.
Response: Our response to that is that bid’ah is not acceptable, no matter who does it. A good intention does not justify a bad deed and even if a person died as a knowledgeable and righteous person, this does not mean that he was infallible.
Refer point 22 under heading: IX) Discussing arguments of those who celebrate Mawlid (it has excellent examples how sahabas & tabaein dealt when they saw people indulging in bidah that too with good intentions)
Argument 8 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They say that celebrating the mawlid comes under the heading of bid’ah hasanah (“good innovation”) & may quote some practises introduced by 4 rightly guided caliphs to justify milad celebration
Response:Our response to that is that there is nothing good in innovation. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will have it rejected.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 2697; al-Fath, 5/355). And he said, “Every innovation is a going astray.” (narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; at-Tirmidhi, no. 2676). The ruling on innovations is that they are all misguidance, but this specious argument suggests that not every bid’ah is a going astray, rather there are good innovations.
Al-Hafiz ibn Rajab said in Sharh al-Arba’in: “The words of the Prophet (pbuh), ‘every innovation is a going astray’ is a concise but comprehensive comment which includes everything; it is one of the most important principles of religion. It is like his words ‘Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam), that is not part of it will have it rejected.’ (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3/167, no. 2697; al-Fath, 5/355). Whoever innovates anything and attributes it to Islam when it has no basis in the religion, this is a going astray and is nothing to do with Islam, whether that has to do with matters of belief (‘aqidah) or outward and inward words and deeds.”[Jami’ al-‘Ulum wa’l-Hikam, p. 233]
They say that celebrating the mawlid comes under the heading of bid’ah hasanah (“good innovation”) & may quote some practices introduced by khulfa-e-rashideen to justify Milad celebration
During the era of the 4 khulfa-e-rashideen, the khalifas introduced so many things due to some reason but those things were only for limited period of time because they cannot make shariya. These practices were started by rightly guided khalifas, it was accepted by all consensus of muslims (Al-Muhajireen and Al-Ansar) during their era and their actions are supported by 2 hadiths from Prophet(pbuh):
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those of you who will outlive me will see many controversies, so follow my sunnah and that of the rightly-guided Caliphs” [ibn Hibban and al-Hakim, Abu dawood Book 40, Chapter Model Behavior of the Prophet (Kitab Al-Sunnah)Number 4590].
Allah will never let my Ummah agree upon misguidance, and the hand of Allah is over the group (Jama’ah)[Saheeh Al-Jame 1848,Silsilah as-Saheeha 3/319 no: 1331].
Two Adhan of Friday by Uthman (ra):
✦The adhaan introduced by Uthmaan ra was deemed to be Bidah by Abdullah bin Umar
✦It is mentioned in Musannif Ibn Abi Shaiba that Ibn Umar ra said قال الاذان الاول يوم الجمعة بدعة
“The first call to prayer on the day of Friday is an Innovation”[See Fath ul Bari ]
✦At That time we would follow this ruling but now we are not obliged to do so.
✦The reason is mentioned in the hadeeth itself that “But at the time of ‘Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him), when the number of people increased he added the third call.”[Bukhari]
✦and that adhaan was given in al-Zawraa'(not in the Masjid) which was a place in the market of Madeenah. as said by Imam Bukhari, Because many of the houses were far away from the masjid. So because of the hadith of following Rightly Guided Caliph Sahaba accepted the Ijtihaad of Uthmaan ra.
✦Plus when Ali ra became Caliph, he did not do that because there was no need of it. Muhammad Tahir Ibn Ashoor said that in Koofah era of Ali bin abi Talib ra the adhaan of Jummah was one as it was in the era of Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.
أن علي بن أبي طالب لما كان بالكوفة لم يؤذن الجمعة إلا أذانا واحدا كما كان في زمن النبيء – صلى الله عليه وسلم – وألغي الأذان الذي جعله عثمان بالمدينة . فلعل الذي أرجع الأذان الثاني بعض خلفاء بني أمية قال مالك في المجموعة : إن هشام بن عبد الملك أحدث أذانا ثانيا بين يديه في المسجد .
[Al-Tahreer wal-Tanveer]
Triple Talaq is also a Fiqhi Issue:
Umar ra imposed some rulings due to some reason for limited period of time for example:
✦he went against tayammum (Saheeh Muslim Book 3, Number 0718),
✦ he ordered to Burn the house of Drunkard (Kitab al Amwaal page 102),
✦ his Fatwa of Stopping Hajj Tamattu(Umrah with Hajj).
✦Similarly even these people (who say 3 talaq at a time is 3) say that Those opinions of Umar ra were only for that time and we have provided evidence for that:
Ibn Hazam Sums it up beautifully:
إما أن نأخذ بسنن الخلفاء الراشدين كلها فهذا لا سبيل إليه لأنهم قد اختلفوا، وإما أن نردها كلها فهذا ضلال مبين، لأن من سننهم ما هو موافق لسنة رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم -، وإما أن نأخذ من سننهم ما كان موافقا لكتاب الله ولسنة رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم- وهذا هو قولنا
Be it that we take all of the practices of the rightly guided caliphs, then there is no way to achieve it because they (sometimes) differed. And if we reject all of their practices, then this is clear misguidance ….. we take from their practice which is in agreement to the book of Allah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah Peace be upon him
✦Adhaan of Uthman ra has the reason, Plus he was rightly guided Caliph. What it has to do with Meelad? Which was started centuries after Prophet peace be upon him and Sahaba?. either go with the opinion of Uthman ra (which was due to reason) or go with other opinion.
✦The matter of fiqh has nothing to with Bidah of milad un nabi.
✦Today the people who have introduced these bidah neither do they have consensus of ummah nor are they anyone closer to the 4 righlty guided khalifas that can bring changes.
Taraweeh in congregation by Umar (ra):These people have no proof that there is any such thing as a “good innovation” apart from the words of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) concerning Tarawih prayers, “What a good innovation this is.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 2/252, no. 2010 mu’allaqan; al-Fath 4/294) and this has been refuted in another of our article here: Refutation of Good Bidah (Saying of Umar bin Al Khattab Ra) .
Did Omar (ra) change Adhaan of Fajr or &
For more related to this issue (good bidah) Refer points 21 & 22 under heading: IX) Discussing arguments of those who celebrate Mawlid
Argument 9 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may try to compare Compilation of Quran to Bidah of Mawlid un Nabi
Response:They also said that things were innovated which were not denounced by the salaf, such as compiling the Qur’an into one volume and writing and compiling the hadith.This point has been refuted in detail over here: COMPARISON OF COMPILATION OF QURAN TO BIDA`H OF MAWLID UN NABI The response to that is that these matters had a basis in Islam, so they were not newly-invented.
‘Umar said: “What a good bid’ah” meaning innovation in the linguistic sense, not in the shar’i (technical) sense. Whatever has a basis in Islam, if it is described as an innovation, is an innovation in the linguistic sense, not in the shar’i sense, because innovation in the shar’i sense means that which has no basis in Islam.
Compiling the Qur’an into one book has a basis in Islam, because the Prophet (pbuh) had commanded that the Qur’an be written down, but it was scattered, so the Sahabah compiled it in one volume so as so protect and preserve it.
The Prophet (pbuh) led his companions in praying Tarawih for a while, then he stopped doing that, lest that become obligatory on them. The Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) continued to pray it separately during the life of the Prophet (pbuh) and after his death, until ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with them) gathered them behind one imam as they used to pray behind the Prophet (pbuh). This was not an innovation introduced into the religion.
Writing down the hadith also has a basis in Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) ordered that some ahadith should be written down for some of his companions when they asked him for that. In general terms writing it down during his lifetime was not allowed, for fear that the Qur’an might be mixed with things that were not part of it. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died, this fear was no longer a factor, because the Qur’an had been completed and arranged in order before he died. The Muslims compiled the Sunnah after that in order to preserve it and keep it from being lost. May Allah reward them with good on behalf of Islam and the Muslims, because they preserved the Book of their Lord and the Sunnah of their Prophet (pbuh) from being lost or being tampered with.
We may also say to them: why was this act of thanksgiving (the Mawlid), as they call it, not done by the best generations, the Sahabah, Tabi’in and followers of the Tabi’in, who loved the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) most and who were most keen to do good and give thanks? Are those who introduced the innovation of the Mawlid more rightly-guided than them? Do they give more thanks to Allah? Definitely not!
AnchorArgument 10 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say that Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays citing the reason “as for Monday, it was the day I was born.” (Muslim 1162)?
Response: The Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم commemorated the day of his birth NOT THE DATE. Monday is a weekly occurrence but the Mawlid is celebrated yearly in month of Rabbi ul awwal. He did not follow up his fast by any celebration nor did he encourage it. Besides, this was not the only reason why he used to fast on this day. Other narrations mention that he also fasted on these days because Monday was the day when he started receiving the revelation (Muslim 1162), and Mondays and Thursdays are the days when the record of our deeds are raised up to Allah (Tirmidhi 747). Also, it is forbidden to fast on an ‘Id day; if the Mawlid was a legitimate ‘Id then why did the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم fast on it?
Furthermore, there is not a single narration from the 6 collections which mention an exact date for the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم birth. It is important to mention here that within Arab custom, an individual is recognised by the date of his death and not by the date of his birth. In fact, the date of birth is often not known, hence, the difference of opinion with regards to the date of the Prophet’sصلى الله عليه و سلم birth:
1. Those who simply state that it is unspecified.
2. In the month of Rabee’ Al-Awwal, but do not specify a date. Amongst those who held this opinion was Al-Qastillaanee in his book “Al-Mawaahib Al-Ladunniyya”
3. It was on a Monday as stated in a hadeeth from the collection of Imam Muslim[hadith n° 1162]. The vast majority are in agreement upon this alongside the dates they have postulated.
4. 2nd Rabī al-Awwal. Abū Ma’shar al-Sindī (d. 171 AH), Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr (d. 463)[***] and narrated by Al-Waaqidi[**]
5. 5th Rabbi al Awwal (Seerat e Tayyaba page 76).
6. 7th of Rabee’ Al-Awwal. A rejected position which Ibn Dihyah Al-Kalbi narrates from some of the Shi’ah.
7. 8th of Rabī al-Awwal.
a) Ibn Ḥazm (d. 456 AH),
b) Imām Mālik (d. 179 AH),
c) Az-Zuhrī (d. 128 AH)
d) Ibn Diḥyah Al Kalibi (d. 610 AH),
e) Al-Qutb Al-Qastillaanee states “the 8th of Rabee’ Al-Awwal was the chosen opinion amongst the majority of Ahlul Hadeeth as well as the majority of those who were the most learned in the subject of history”.
f) Al-Qudaa’ee stated there is a consensus upon this date amongst those learned in date keeping based on astronomical calculations.
g) Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilvi, (Fatawa Rizwiyah, Volume 26, Page 412, 415, Anjuman Faizan Raza and Nutq ul Hilal pg 12 and 13).
8. 9th of Rabee’ Al-Awwal.
a) Amongst those who held this opinion was Egypt well known scholar Paasha Al-Falaki Al-Masri [“At-Taqweem Al-‘Arabi Qabl Al-Islam” (Az Memood Pasha) pg.36-39, taba’ Qatar, Hadaiq-ul-Anwar page#29, jild 1, بحوالہ محاضراتِ تاریخ الامم الاسلامیہ از خضری بک :ص۶۲] who wrote a thesis on the topic, aiming to expound upon it from a completely scientific perspective taking into account astronomical events and measurements in order to come up with a calculated final result. The late ‘Ali At-Tantawi praised his work and was strongly in favour of this position.
b) Allahmah Qazi Suleman Mansurpuri (Rehmatul Alameen 1/40)
c) Allahmah Shubli Naumani (Seerat un Nabi 1/1/71)
9. 10th of Rabī al-Awwal.
a) Ibn Asākir (d. 571 AH),
b) Abū Ja’far al-Bāqir (d. 114 AH),
c) Ash-Sha’bi[*] and
d) Muhammad Al-Baaqir
e) as well as being authenticated by Al-Haafidh Ad-Dimyaati Ash-Shaafi’i.
10. 12th of Rabī al-Awwal.
a) Ibn Isḥāq (d. 150), who reported it without any reference.
b) Ahmed Raza Khan Bareilvi (Malfoozat 220/2)
c) Mubarakpuri in Sealed Nectar (Ar Raheeq al Maqtum, page 101)
11. 17th of Rabī al-Awwal. This is the opinion of some Shi’ite scholars.
12. 22nd of Rabī al-Awwal. This opinion has also been attributed to Ibn Ḥazm.
13. Multiple dates by Ibn Kathir:
a) 2 Rabi ul awal
b) 8 Rabi ul awal
c) 10 Rabi ul awal
d) 12 Rabi ul awal
e) 17 Rabi ul awal
f) 18 Rabi ul awal
g) 22 Rabi ul awal [Al-Bidayah wal nihaya , vol 2 pg 320] In the month of Ramaḍān, without a specific date, in the ‘Year of the Elephant’. This was the opinion of the famous early historian al-Zubayr b. al-Bakkār (d. 256).
14. 12th of Ramaḍān, in the ‘Year of the Elephant’. This opinion was reported by Ibn ʿAsākir as being held by some early authorities.
15. 10th Moharram according to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani [Ghuniat-ul-Talibeen, pg 392/2, Taba’ Beirut, Scan)
The fact that his date of birth is unknown is a proof in and of itself that the Muslims never used to celebrate his birthday, because if they did, they would have recorded his date of birth and we would have known it. It just so happens that when the people first started celebrating the Mawlid they chose the date of 12th Rabi’ Al-Awwal due to the popularity of Ibn Ishaq with them; so when this celebration spread, so did the date. However, the other dates that have been put forward by the scholars cannot be denied, even though the 8th Rabi’ Al-Awwal seems to be the weightiest position.
►What this clearly indicates to us is that the Muslim is not required to pay a huge amount of attention in seeking his (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) birthday, nor to care about when exactly it occurred.
►The only thing that is obligated of the Muslim is for him or her to see where they stand in terms of their love for the Prophet (SalAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), how closely and how well they are able to follow the Shari’ah that he was sent with, how sincere is their striving to follow his Sunnah and in helping guide others also to its divine precepts and last but not least their commitment & dedication to espousing his noble character and virtues in their own daily lives and dealings with others.
Argument 11 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say: Prophet’s used to celebrate their own birthdays. Allah quotes ‘Isa السلام عليه as saying: “And the peace on me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am raised alive”. (Holy Qur’an: 19:33)
Response: This ayah does not mention anything about celebrating Birthdays! The Muslims never understood this verse to mean celebrating birthdays otherwise we would have found the Sahaabah celebrating the Birthday of ‘Isa السلام عليه and the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلمwould have commanded it.
►If “peace on me the day I was born” was an evidence for the permissibility of celebrating the Mawlid then using the same logic, the day on which the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم died is also a day of celebration because the ayah continues “…and the day I die…” (We seek Allah’s refuge).
Argument 12 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say: Did not the Prophet (pbuh) celebrate the birthday of his son Ibrahim by freeing a slave [Ta’rikh Ibn Kathir, ‘Birth of Ibrahim’]?
Response: No, the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم only celebrated the birth of his son, not his birthday since this narration mentions nothing about any annual commemoration.
We are recommended to celebrate our children’s birth but not commemorate it annually.
Argument 13 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may quote a narration that states that a person saw Abu Lahab in a dream and asked him about his punishment and Abu Lahab replied that his punishment in hell is reduced every Monday because he rejoiced at the birth of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم and freed a slave girl?
Response: The hadith in question is:
Al-Bukhari said: “Urwah said: ‘Thuwaibah was the freed slave of Abu Lahab and she was freed to suckle the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم. When Abu Lahab died, some of his family members saw him in a dream in a bad state and asked him ‘What have you encountered?’ Abu Lahab replied ‘I have not found any rest since I left you except I have been given water to drink between my fingers because I freed Thuwaibah.” (Bukhari 5101).
The response is divided into 5 parts:
a) Deception of ahlul bidah using report mentioned in seerah book without sanad but posting it as though its part of bukhari hadith.
b) Explanation of bukhari hadith by Al Hajr in Fath Al Bari
c) Ibn Abdul-Barr
d) Ibn Jawzi supporting that Thawbah, the slave girl was freed at birth of Prophet?
e) Our comment
a) Deception of ahlul bidah using report mentioned in seerah book but posting it as a bukhari hadith:
✦The Narration present in ”Sahih Bukhari” does not contain that Abu Lahab freed Thuwaiba on the day of birth of Prophet PBUH, when he heard the blessed news of the birth of Prophet PBUH.
✦The narration in Bukhari doesn’t mention that person who saw Abu Lahab in dream was Abbas (R.A.)”
✦The narration doesn’t mention birthday as Monday
✦The narration doesn’t mention Every Monday Abu Lahab is released from punishment…” rather, this is additional information came from (seerah book & not Bukhairi) the narration of As-Suhaili in ”Rawd Al-Anif”, without any chain of narration (at all).
He said in ”Rawd al-Anf” (vol.3),
”In the narration of other than Bukhari, the person who saw the dream was Abbas (R.A.), his (Abu Lahab’s) brother. He (Abbas) said, ”After a period of time I saw Abu Lahab in dream in very bad condition. He (Abu Lahab) said, ”I have not encountered after you (worldly life) any comfort except the punishment has lightened on me every monday. And this is because Prophet PBUH born on monday. Thuwaiba informed Abu Lahab that the son of his brother Abdullah has been born. So Abu Lahab said to her, ”Go, you are free.” And this act is benefitting him in Hell like Abu Talib..” *end qoute*
✦And from this, the mistake and fault of the reporter is clear, and today’s innovator’s ascribe it to Bukhari by not mentioning that this is not present in Bukhari rather in a Seerah book without a Sanad.
✦The saying that Abu Lahab set her (Thuwaiba) free at the time of birth of Prophet PBUH, (as mention in ”Rawd al-Anf” not in Sahih Bukhari. Read the hadith again),is against what is mentioned by Ahl as-Siyar (the Prophet’s Biographers n Historians). (According to them) Abu Lahab set her free long time after the birth of Prophet, after the Hijra (migration), as mentioned by Ibn Hajar in ”Fath Al-Bari”(9.84). He also opined this in ”Al-Isaabah”(7/548). Similarly, it is opined by Hafiz Ibn Abdul-Barr in his ”Al-Istai’aab”(1/10) and Hafiz Ibn Al-Jawzi in his book ”Al-Wafa bi Ahwalil Mustafa”(which have been presented below).;postcount=5
b) Hafiz Ibn Hajar talked about it in detail he said in the commentary of this hadith
قوله ( وكان أبو لهب أعتقها فأرضعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ) ظاهره أن عتقه لها كان قبل إرضاعها ، والذي في السير يخالفه ، وهو أن أبا لهبأعتقها قبل الهجرة وذلك بعد الإرضاع بدهر طويل وحكى السهيلي أيضا أن عتقها كان قبل الإرضاع ، وسأذكر كلامه .
✦Saying “Abu Lahb whom he had manumitted, and then she suckled the Prophet peace be upon him.”apparently (according to this hadith) Abu Lahab set her (Thuwaiba) free before breastfeeding, but this is against Siyar (the Prophet’s Biography and History). That he Abu Lahab set her free before Hijrah and that after the lactation which was long time (after the birth of Prophet) and Suhaili relates same that he freed before the breastfeeding. I will mention what he (suhaili) said
قوله ( بعض أهله ) بالرفع على أنه النائب عن الفاعل . وذكر السهيلي أن العباس قال : لما مات أبو لهب رأيته في منامي بعد حول في شر حال فقال : ما لقيت بعدكم راحة ، إلا أن العذاب يخفف عني كل يوم اثنين ، قال : وذلك أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ولد يوم الاثنين ، وكانت ثويبة بشرت أبا لهب بمولده فأعتقها .
✦(Then Ibn Hajar mentioned the narration of Suhaili (which is without chain) which states that Abu Lahb freed at the time of birth of prophet peace be upon him. And the person who saw dream was Abbas ra)
✦وفي الحديث دلالة على أن الكافر قد ينفعه العمل الصالح في الآخرة ; لكنه مخالف لظاهر القرآن ، قال الله تعالى وقدمنا إلى ما عملوا من عمل فجعلناه هباء منثورا وأجيب أولا بأن الخبر مرسل أرسله عروة ولم يذكر من حدثه به ، وعلى تقدير أن يكون موصولا فالذي في الخبر رؤيا منام فلا حجة فيه ، ولعل الذي رآها لم يكن إذ ذاك أسلم بعد فلا يحتج به ، وثانيا على تقدير القبول فيحتمل أن يكون ما يتعلق بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مخصوصا من ذلك ، بدليل قصة أبي طالب كما تقدم أنه خفف عنه فنقل من الغمرات إلى الضحضاح . وقال البيهقي : ما ورد من بطلان الخير للكفار فمعناه أنهم لا يكون لهم التخلص من النار ولا دخول الجنة ، ويجوز أن يخفف عنهم من العذاب الذي يستوجبونه على ما ارتكبوه من الجرائم سوى الكفر بما عملوه من الخيرات
Then Ibn Hajr answered that:
✦ “In the Hadith there is an indication that the Disbeliever may receive benefit in the Hereafter on account of a righteous deed, however this is contrary to what is apparent from the text of the Qur’aan. Allaah said: ‘And We shall attend to whatever deeds the Disbelievers did, and We shall make them as scattered dust particles'(Noble Qur’an: 25:23)
✦ The report is mursal (disconnected), it was reported in mursal form by ‘Urwah, and he did not mention who narrated it to him; and
✦ Even if it were taken to be connected, then what occurs in the report is a dream, and therefore there is no proof in it (dreams are not proof in Islam); and
✦ Perhaps the one who saw the dream had not accepted Islam at that time, so there would be no evidence in it; and secondly,
✦ Even if it were accepted, then it is possible that anything relating to the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم is a specific exception to that, as indicated by the story of Aboo Taalib, as has preceded- that the punishment will be lessened for him, such that he is transferred from the lowest depths to a shallow part; and al-Bayhaqee said:’ What occurs regarding good being rendered null and void for the Disbeliever, then its meaning is that they will not escape the Fire, nor enter into Paradise on account of it; but it is possible that the punishment which they became deserving of for the crimes which they committed besides Shirk, may be lessened for them on account of the good deeds which they did….” (Fathul-Baari 9/145)
c) Ibn Abdul Barr (368AH-461AH)
وأعتقها أبو لهب بعدما هاجر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى المدينة
Abu Lahab freed her after the Hijrah of Prophet (peace be upon him) towards Madeenah (”Al-Istai’aab fe muarifat al-Ashaab by Ibn Abdul Barr ”, 1/28) (Scan Proof,see image 5 below)
d) Ibn Jawzi said (508AH-597AH):
وكانت ثويبة تدخل على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد ما تزوج خديجة فيكرمها
رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وتكرمها خديجة، وهي يومئذ أمَة، ثم أعتقها أبو لهب.
Thawbia used to come to prophet(pbuh) even after prophet (pbuh) marrying khadijah (ra), so prophet(pbuh) & khadijah (ra) used to respect her &she was a slave girl during those days, then Abu Lahab freed her [Al wafa biahwaal Mustafa 1/107 Maktaba Nooriya Rizwiya Faisal Abad] (Scan Proof,see image 6 below)
►Right after this quote Ibn Jawzi mentioned the hadith of Urwa (which is mursal) that means whatever Ibn Jawzi has narrated in this book does not mean its authentic as brelvis claim because his own saying is different then the narration.
e) Our Comment: If, for arguments sake, we do accept this mursal narration; it still would not prove the celebration of the Mawlid. This is because the hadith does not mention anything about the Mawlid (birthday), never mind an annual celebration that we see today called milad un nabi.
Argument 14 by those who celebrate Mawlid– Did not Allah command us to rejoice in His mercy: “Say: In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy let them rejoice, that is better than what they accumulate”(Holy Qur’an: 10:58) and was not Muhammadصلى الله عليه و سلم the greatest of his mercies?
Response: The “mercy” referred to here is not the “mercy” claimed by the innovators.
Ibnul Qayyim (d.751 AH) said: “Ibn Abbas, Qatadah, Mujahid, al-Hasan and others have said ‘and His mercy is the Qur’an’ “(Madarij as-saalikiin 3/97)
Ibn Kathir (d.774 AH) said: “Rejoice in what has come from Allah. Let them rejoice in the guidance and the religion of truth. It is better than anything they might rejoice in”. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
This verse does not prove the celebration of the Mawlid in any way whatsoever because if this was the case the Sahaabah would have celebrated it because they best understood the Qur’an after the Prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم.
Argument 15 by those who celebrate Mawlid– If Jumuah is special because Adam (pbuh) was created on it then is not the birthday of Muhammadصلى الله عليه و سلم worthier?
Response: The hadith being referred to is:
“The best day the sun has risen is on yawmul Jumuah, and (not “because”) Aadam was created on it, on it he entered Jannah, on it he was expelled from it and the hour will not begin except on it” (Muslim 854).
It is not always the case that when a day comes, in which a significant historical event took place, that we take that day as a day of celebration because if that was the case then we would have taken the day in which the legislations of the Shari’ah became complete as a day of celebration:
“Ibn Abbas said that a Jew said to Umar: ‘There is a verse in your book that if it was revealed to us we would have taken it as a day of celebration’ Umar asked which verse it was and he replied: ‘This day I have perfected your religion…'(Holy Qur’an 5:3) Umar replied: ‘Indeed it was revealed on yamul ‘iidain: yamul Jumuah and Yamul Arafat'”(Bukhari 45)
The point is that the same ruling should not be given for both events because Islam legislated for one but not the other. Also, Yawmul Jumuah is not honoured because Aadam was created on it; the hadith just states that this event took place on this day but does not mentioned that it is honoured because of this.
Argument 16 by those who celebrate Mawlid– What about the numerous scholars who have written in support of the Mawlid. Such as Shah Waliullah Dehlvi (in: al qawl al jaleel p.74) and Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi (in: Madarij an-nubuwwah v.2 p.34)?
Response: The same question can be asked about all those scholars (mentioned above) and others who have written in refutation of the Mawlid.
If what is attributed to these scholars is indeed authentic, then we respond with the saying of Imam Maalik (d.179 AH) who said:
“Every person’s sayings may be accepted or rejected except for his (pointing towards the grave of the prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم)” (Al Ihkaam Fii Usool Al Ahkaam 1/145)
So how do we determine who is correct? Allah said: “O you who believe! Obey Allah and His Messenger and those of you who are in authority. If you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.”(Noble Qur’an: 4:59).
So let us refer this affair back to Allah and His messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم:
Did Allah command the Mawlid in Quran? No ✘
Did His messenger صلى الله عليه و سلم command it anywhere in Sunah/hadiths? No. ✘
Did his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) ever celebrate it? No. ✘
Are there any reports of this Ummah’s pious predecessors (the Salaf i.e. sahaba, tabein, tabe-tabein + 4 imams) ever having celebrated it? No. ✘
Whoever claims otherwise needs to bring their evidence, as Allah said: “Bring your proof if you are truthful” (Noble Qur’an: 27:64).
Argument 17 by those who celebrate Mawlid– What do you say about the narration of As-Suyutee (d.911 AH) wherein which he said: “Another primary text has occurred to me by which the legitimacy of the Mawlid can be derived, namely what is reported by al-Bayhaqee from Anas that ‘the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم performed Aqeeqah for himself after his prophethood.’ And it occurs that his grandfather Abdul Muttalib performed the Aqeeqah for him when he was a child of seven years, and the Aqeeqah is not repeated a second time. So therefore this is to taken to mean that what the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم did was to openly manifest gratitude for Allaah making him the mercy for the universe and to legislate this for his Ummah, just as he used to do by his sending salaam upon himself. Therefore it is recommended for us that we openly manifest gratitude for his birth.” (‘Husnul Maqsad’ of as-Suyutee contained in his ‘Haawi lil Fataawi’)?
Response: Imam Maalik (d.179 AH) was asked about this narration and he replied: “Do you see the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه و سلم, for whom the Aqeeqah was not performed in the days of Jaahiliyyah, performing Aqeeqah for themselves in Islaam? This is from the rejected (narrations)” (Ibn Rushd al-Maaliki: AL-Muqaddamaat al-Mumahhadaat 2/15]
Imam an-Nawawi (d.676 AH) said: “This hadith is false. Al Baihaqi said: rejected”. (Majmu’ Sharh Muhadhdhab an-nawawi 8/330)
Ibn Hajr (d.852 AH) said: “This hadith is rejected because it contains Abdullah Bin Muharrar, and he is severely weak.” (Talkhees al-Habeer 4/147)
for detailed discussion of the hadith refer:
Argument 18 by those who celebrate Mawlid– Did not Ibn taymiyyah (d.728 AH) say: “So honouring the Mawlid, and taking it as a festive season (mawsam) which some of the people have done, there is a great reward in it due to the good intention and the honouring of the Messenger”?
Response: Once again, this quote has been taken out of context. Before mentioning that, Shaikhul Islam says: “Indeed the Eid is a legislated law, so what Allaah legislates is followed, otherwise do not innovate in this religion that which is not part of it. As for the Mawlid that the people have invented, either in opposition to the Christian celebration of the birthday of Jesus, or out of love for the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and in honour of him. And Allaah will reward them for this love and ijtihaad, but NOT FOR THE BID’AH of taking the day of the birth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم as an Eid…so if you were to see someone doing this (celebration) and he were to not leave it except for an evil greater than it, then do not call him to leaving the evil so that he may perform something more evil than this…So honouring the mawlid, and taking it as a festive season which some of the people have done, there is a great reward in it due to the good intention and the honouring of the Messengerصلى الله عليه و سلم because of what I have previously stated to you – that it is possible that something be good for some of the people and be denounced by the strict believer. This is why it was said to Imaam Ahmad about some of the leaders, that they spent 1000 dirhams upon the mushaf or similar to this. So he replied, ‘leave them, for this is better than them spending it on gold (jewellery).’ This despite the fact that the madhhab of Imaam Ahmad was that it is abhorrent to decorate the mushafs…” (Iqtidaa Siraat al-Mustaqeem 2/618)
To further highlight his position on this issue, Ibn Taymiyyah mentions on the next page:
“But this does not prevent one from detesting and prohibiting it and to replace it with a legislated action containing no bid’ah…. Just as the Jews and Christians may find benefit in their worship because it is possible that their worship includes an aspect of what is legislated but this does not necessitate that you perform their actions of worship or you report their words because all of the innovations contain evil that outweighs their good, this due to the fact that if their good outweighed the evil then why would the Sharee’ah have disregarded it? So we depend upon the fact that it’s sin is greater than it’s benefit and this necessitates forbiddance.”
So from this we understand that Ibn Taymiyyah only approved of the Mawlid from the angle of it being the lesser of the two evils, in the case of the practitioner entering into a greater evil were he to leave celebrating the Mawlid.
This principle is also found in a narration that mentions that once Ibn Taymiyyah was walking with his students when they came across some drunken Mongol Soldiers (who were Muslims) and he did not censure them. When he was asked by his students why he did not censure them he replied “Because when they are sober they kill Muslims”. So they being drunk was the lesser of the two evils as it relates to them killing Muslims.
Argument 19 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say: If Iblis cried on this day should we not celebrate it?
Response: The narration in question is: Abu al-Qasim al-Suhayli, Ibn Kathir & Ibn Sayyid al-Nas quote: “Iblis, the curse one, in his life screamed and cried fiercely four times. The first was when he was declared cursed. The second was when he was thrown from elevation to the lowest level. The third was when the joyous birth of the Sovereign of both Worlds (Peace be upon him) occurred and the fourth was when Surat al-Fatihah was revealed.” (Ibn Kathir: Al Bidaya wan Nihaya v.2 p.166). If Iblis cried on this day should we not celebrate it?
I am not aware of the authenticity of this narration. However, even if it were to be authentic then it still wouldn’t prove the validity of the Mawlid because this narration mentions that Iblis cried when the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم was born. The narration mentions nothing about Iblis crying annually on the birthdate of the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم. As we know, it is permissible to celebrate births but not the birthday which occurs annually.
Even if the narration was to mention that Iblis cries annually during the Mawlid, it still wouldn’t lend any support towards the celebration because of that very same reason ie. the narration does not mention anything about any celebration.
Furthermore, if on the basis of Iblis crying when Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم born, we are now allowed to celebrate the Mawlid, then from the same intellect we can say that the other three occasions when Iblis cried are also days of celebrations?
Lastly those who don’t celebrate mawlid are ridculed/mocked using this hadith saying apart from iblis & his followers (intending those who don’t celebrate yearly mawlid) the whole world is celebrating. There is an ijma (consensus) of scholars that Prophet(pbuh) died on 12th Rabbi ul awwal while there is no such consensus about his exact birthdate, so Using the same intellect can we say only Iblis & his followers are happy on the date (12th Rabbi ul awwal) on which Prophet(pbuh) died? !
Poetic reply in Roman Urdu to those who celebrate Milad & taunt those who don’t celebrate Milad:
Aie baarah rabiul awwal tuney kaisa diya firaaq !
Taajdaarey do jahaan duniya sey jaa rahey hai !!
Ghamgheen hai kono makaa falak bhi ashkbaar hai !
Iblees kay hawari badi dhum sey khushiya mana rahey hai !
Argument 20 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say: Allah never told us to do many things – Allah never told us to drive cars, to listen to the radio or to go to the gym. These are only a few examples, there are millions of things that we do in our everyday lives that we were not told to do by Allah or the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلمbut that does not in and of itself mean that we cannot do those things.
Response: This is indeed the speech of one who lacks understanding of the Arabic language and the Islamic Sciences. And this brings to mind the saying of Imam As-Shafi’iy (d.206 AH) who said: “Never did the people deviate from the truth and fall into catastrophy except due to their ignorance and abandonment of the Arabic language and their inclination towards the language of Aristotle” (Sawnul muntaq as-Suyuti 1/47-48)
Islamic terminology often have dual meanings: a linguistical meaning and a jurisdical meaning.
♛The definition of Bid’ah in the language is “an innovation” and this is known as Bid’ah lughawi. These may be good or bad depending upon their usage (Ibn Hajr: Fathul Bari’ 13/286).
♛The definiton of Bid’ah in the Shari’ah is “A newly invented way in beliefs and actions, in imitation of the Shari’ah, not being supported by any authentic proof neither in its foundation nor the manner in which it is performed” (Al-‘itisam ash-Shaatibi 1/37) and this is known as Bid’ah Shar’i.
As for worldly innovations such as cars, radio, gym etc, then these things are Bid’ah Lughawi and are permissible unless they are used against Islam or there exists a specific text forbidding them. The evidence being the saying of Allah:
”Say: Do you see the provisions that Allah has sent down for you: Some of which you declare to be forbidden and some of which you declare to be permissible?! Say: Has Allah commanded you or do you forge a lie against Allah? (Noble Qur’an: 10:59)
However, we are not concerned with Bid’ah Lughawi; we are concerned with Bid’ah Shar’i. As for Bid’ah Shar’i then it is always evil and there is no such thing as a “good Bid’ah Shar’i” because it contradicts the statement of Allah:
”This day I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed my favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (Noble Qur’an: 5:3)
If something is already perfect then can it be any more perfect? If something is already complete then can it be any more complete?
The prophetصلى الله عليه و سلم said: “And beware of the newly invented matters, for indeed every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a deviation and every deviation is in the hellfire” (Tirmidhi 2676).
AnchorArgument 21 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may quote hadith of: Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah al-Bajali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever starts a good thing and is followed by others, will have his own reward and a reward equal to that of those who follow him, without it detracting from their reward in any way. Whoever starts a bad thing and is followed by others, will bear the burden of his own sin and a burden equal to that of those who follow him, without it detracting from their burden in any way.'” (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2675. He said, This is a saheeh hasan hadeeth)
Response: (Shaikh Salih Al Munajjid from IslamQA answers this)There is a story behind this hadeeth, which will explain what “whoever starts a good thing” means. Imaam Muslim reported this story from Jareer ibn ‘Abdullaah, who also narrated the hadeeth itself. He said: “Some people from the Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), wearing woollen garments. He saw that they were in bad shape and in desperate need, so he urged the people to give them charity. They people were very slow to respond, and it could be seen in his face (that he was upset). Then a man of the Ansaar brought a package of silver, then another came, and another and another, and his face was filled with joy. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever starts a good thing in Islam, and others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a reward like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their reward. Whoever starts a bad thing in Islam, and others do likewise after him, there will be written for him a burden of sin like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their burden.'” (Reported by Muslim, no. 1017)
Further explanation may be found in a report recorded by al-Nisaa’i, also from Jareer ibn ‘Abdullah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: “We were with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) early one day, when some people who were almost naked (not dressed properly) and barefoot, with their swords by their sides, came to him. Most, if not all of them, were of (the tribe of) Mudar. The Messenger’s face changed when he saw how poor they were (i.e., he became upset). He went into (his house), then he came out and ordered Bilaal to give the call to prayer. He led the people in prayer, then he addressed them, saying: ‘O people, “be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person, and from him He created his wife, and from them both he created many men and women, and fear Allaah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship)” [al-Nisaa’ 4:1]. “Fear Allaah, and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow…” [al-Hashr 59:18].
Let a man give charity from his dinars, his dirhams, his clothing, his wheat or his dates – even if it is only half a date.’ A man from the Ansaar brought a package which he could hardly carry in his hand, then another and another came, until there were two piles, of food and clothing, and I saw the face of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) beaming with joy. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever starts a good thing in Islam will have his own reward and a reward equal to that of those who follow him, without it detracting in the least from their reward, and whoever starts a bad thing in Islam will have to bear the burden of his own sin and a burden equal to that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their burden.(Reported by al-Nisaa’i in al-Mujtaba: Kitaab al-Zakaat, Bab al-Tahreed ‘ala al-Sadaqah).
From the context of the story, it is clear that what is meant by the words “whoever starts a good thing (sunnah hasanah) in Islam” means: Whoever revives a part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or teaches it to others, or commands others to follow it, or acts according to it so that others see him or hear about it and follow his example.
This is also indicated by the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said: “A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and he urged the people to give him charity. A man said: ‘I have such-and-such,’ and there was no person left in the gathering who did not give something in charity to him, whether it was a large amount or a little. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever starts something good, and others follow his lead, will have a complete reward and a reward like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their reward. Whoever starts something bad, and others follow his lead, will bear a complete burden of sin, and a burden like that of those who followed him, without it detracting in the least from their burden. (Reported by Ibn Maaajah in al-Sunan, no. 204)
It should be clear from the above, with no room for doubt, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was not allowing innovation in matters of deen (religion), nor was he opening the door to what some people call “bid’ah hasanah,”.
Anchor Argument 22 by those who celebrate Mawlid– They may say: Why to create rift between Muslims by speaking against Milad, let those who want to celebrate milad let them celebrate
Response: After all the convincing proofs are provided, those who celebrate mawlid resort to this attitude that don’t speak against milad, let those who want to do it.
Amongst the greatest obligations for muslims is amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Evidences for it are:
Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Al Imran, 3: 104).
You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah.” [Al Imran, 3:110].
”The believers, men and women, are protectors of each other: they enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil.”[Tauba, 9:71]
”Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman.” [Muslim]
Prophet(pbuh) asked us to follow salaf *1st 3 generations). so let us see Classic examples of how sahabas & Tabaeens treated when they saw a person indulging bidah in Islam :
a)’Amr ibn Salmah said, “We used to sit by the door of Abdullah ibn Mas’ood before the morning prayer, so that when he came out we would walk with him to the masjid. (One day) Abu Moosa al-Ash’aree came to us and said, ‘Has Abu ‘Abdurrahmaan come out yet?’ We replied, ‘No.’ So he sat down with us until he (ibn Mas’ood) came out. When he came out we all stood along with him, so Abu Moosa said to him, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! I have just seen something in the masjid which I deemed to be evil, but all praise is for Allaah, I did not see anything except good.’ He enquired, ‘Then what is it?’ (Abu Moosa) replied, ‘If you live you will see it. I saw in the masjid people sitting in circles awaiting the prayer. In each circle they had pebbles in their hands and a man would say, “Repeat Allaahu Akbar a hundred times.” So they would repeat it a hundred times. Then he would say, “Say Laa ilaaha illallaah a hundred times.” So they would say it a hundred times. Then he would say, “Say subhaanallaah a hundred times.” So they would say it a hundred times.’ (Ibn Mas’ood) asked, ‘What did you say to them?’ (Abu Moosa) said, ‘I did not say anything to them. Instead I waited to hear your view or what you declared.’ (Ibn Mas’ood) replied, ‘If only you had ordered them to count up the evil deeds they acquired and assured them that their good deeds would not be lost!’ Then we went along with him (Ibn Mas’ood) until he came to one of these circles and stood and said, ‘What is this which I see you doing?’ They replied, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! These are pebbles upon which we are counting takbeer, tahleel and tasbeeh.’ He said, ‘Count up your evil deeds. I assure you that none of your good deeds will be lost. Woe to you, O Ummah of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam! How quickly you go to destruction! These are the Companions of your Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and who are widespread. There are his sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam clothes which have not yet decayed and his bowl which is unbroken. By Him in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you are upon a religion better guided than the religion of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or you are opening the door of misguidance.’ They said, ‘O Abu Abdurrahmaan! By Allaah, we only intended good.’ He said, ‘How many there are who intend good but do not achieve it. Indeed Allaah’s Messenger sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to us, “A people will recite the Qur’aan but it will not pass beyond their throats.” By Allaah! I do not know, perhaps most of them are from you.’ Then he left them.”
Amr ibn Salmah (the sub-narrator) said, “We saw most of those people fighting against us on the day of Nahrawaan, along with the Khawaarij.” (Sunan ad-Daarimi 1/79, Authenticated by Al-Haithamee (Al-Majma`, 1/181, 189), Al-Haitamee (Az-Zawaajir, Al-Kabeerah #51 ), Al-Albaanee (As-Saheehah, 2005; Ar-Radd `alal-Habashee, p.45-47), `Abdul-Muhsin Al-`Abbaad (Al-Hathth `alat-tibaa`-is-Sunnah, p.49), Bakr Aboo Zaid (Tas-heeh-ud-Du`aa’, p.149, 153, 154), Husayn Asad (Musnad-ud-Daarimee, 210), `Amr Saleem (Al-Bida` libn Waddaah, 27), Al-Hilaalee (Al-Bid`ah, p.44-47), Al-Halabee (Ihkaam-ul-Mabaanee, p.55-58), Al-Huwainee (Al-Bid`ah wa Aathaaruhaa (1), 03:45), Mashhoor Salmaan (Al-Amr bil-Ittibaa, p.83-84), Zakariyyaa Al-Baakistaanee (Taudeeh-ul-Usool ) and others) Obejection to the hadith is clarified here:
Note: Abdullah ibn Mas’ood was a sahabi. Prophet (pbuh) said: If I was to make anyone a leader over someone without consulting anyone, I would make Ibn Masood a leader
b) Al-Bayhaqi (d.458 AH) narrates: “Sa’iid Ibn al Musayyib saw a man praying more than two rakah after sunrise with excessive ruku’ and sujuud, so he forbade him from that. The man replied: ‘Ya Aba Muhammad, will Allah punish me for praying? He said: ‘No, BUT HE WILL PUNISH YOU FOR DIFFERING WITH THE SUNNAH!”’ (Saheeh, Narrated by ‘Abdur Razzaaq in “Al-Musannaf” (no. 4755), Ad-Daarimee in “As-Sunnan” (1/116) and Al-Baihaqee in Sunan al-kubra 2/466).
So what message do we learn from the above 2 examples? What was so wrong in reciting Allaahu Akbar , subhaanallaah, Laa ilaaha illallaah in a mosque? That Abdullah ibn Mas’ood said ‘Count up your evil deeds & How quickly you go to destruction & ‘How many there are who intend good but do not achieve it??
What was so wrong in 2 rakah after sunrise with excessive ruku and sujud that Saiid Ibn Al Musayyib said Allah will punish you from differing with sunnah? What we learn from this is that whatever act we do should be in accordance with quran & sunnah. You can read and gather story or seerah throughout the year but to make it only/specifically for a single day & call it as eid needs evidence from Quran or hadiths otherwise it’s a bidah & such acts needs to be rebuked.
An excellent detailed explanation of the above hadiths can be read from here:
Note: Said Ibn Al-Musayyib lived in Medina was among the foremost authorities in hadith, jurisprudence and Quranic tafseer among the Taba’een. Abdullah ibn Umar remarked, “If [Muhammad] had seen that young man, he would have been very pleased with him (M, ‘Ajjaj al-Khatib, al-Sunna Qabl al-Tadwin, 485)
c) Abdullaah Ibn ’Umar (radiyallaahu ’anhu) once he heard a man sneezing and saying, ‘Praise be to Allaah and may the salaah and salaam (the praises of Allaah and blessings of peace) be upon Allaah’s Messenger.’ So he said to him,
‘What is this? This is not what Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) taught us, rather he said, ‘‘When one of you sneezes then let him praise Allaah.’’ And he did not say: And also send salaah (blessings of peace) upon Allaah’s Messenger.’’Related by at-Tirmidhee (no. 2738) and al-Mizzee in Tahdheebul-Kamaal (no. 552-553). The isnaad is good.
d) A man came to Imaam Maalik (d.179H) – rahimahullaah – and said,‘O Aboo ’Abdullaah! Where shall I enter the state of ihraam (the dress for one intending to do Pilgrimage)?’ So Imaam Maalik replied, ‘‘From Dhul-Hulayfah, where Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) entered the state of ihraam.’’The man then said, ‘But I wish to enter the state of ihraam at the mosque by his grave.’ So Imaam Maalik said, ‘‘Do not do that, for I fear for you the fitnah (trial).’’
So the man said, ‘What fitnah are you referring to, since it is only a few extra miles.’ So Imaam Maalik said, ‘‘And what fitnah can be greater than for you to think that you have attained some virtue, which Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) fell short of. Have you not heard the saying of Allaah,
‘‘Let those beware who oppose the command of the Prophet, lest they are afflicted with fitnah (trial),or lest they are afflicted with a painful punishment.’’ [Sooratun-Noor 24:63]
e) It is reported from Abu Idris Al-Khawlani – Allah have mercy on him – that he used to say: I would rather hear of a fire in the masjid than hear of a bid’ah in it without there being anyone to do away with it. Never do a people innovate a bid’ah in their religion except that Allah removes a sunnah from them. Ibn Waddah, Al-Bida’ p92.
Note: Abu Idris Al-Khawlani was the chief judge of Damascus in his time, its main scholar, renowned for his exhortations. He was born in the year of the Conquest of Makkah and his father is regarded as a Companion. He narrated from a number of the Companions. He died in 80H, Allah have mercy on him.
f) It is reported from Sufyan Al-Thawri (tabaeen) – Allah have mercy on him – that he said: A person who sits with a heretic (an adherent of bid’ah) will not escape one of three things: Either he will become a trial (fitnah) for others, or some deviation will occur in his heart and he will slip and be cast into the Fire by Allah, or he will say to himself, ‘By Allah, I don’t care what they say, I am confident about myself;’ but whoever feels secure from Allah about his religion even for the blinking of an eye, Allah will take his religion away from him. (Ibn Waddah, Al-Bida’ p125).
g) Imam Malik – Allah have mercy on him – said:
Knowledge is not to be taken from four types of people: a foolish person who openly acts foolish, even if he reports the most narrations; an adherent of bid’ah who calls to his desires; a person who lies, even if I don’t accuse him of lying in hadith; and a righteous pious worshipper who does not accurately retain what he narrates.(Al-Dhahabi , Siyar A’lam Al-Nubala’ in his biography of Imam Malik).
For more refer Heading V
23) Quotations from Nemat ul Kubra book by Ibn Hajar Haytami to justify Celebrartion of Mawlid un nabi from Sayings of Sahaba and Tabaeen ,Tabe Tabaeen Radiallahu Ajmaeen
a.قال عمر رضي الله عنه من عظم مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد أحيا الإسلام
Hazrat Umar (r.a) farmaty han: Jisny Nabi (s.a.w) ki …amad k din ki tazeem ki usny Islam ko zinda kiya. (Nenamt ul kubra by Imam hajr al haytami rahmatulla alaih page 7-8 Published Istanbul, Turkey)
b. قال عثمان رضي الله عنه من أنفق درهما على قراءة مولد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فكأنما شهد غزوة بدر وحنين
Hazrat Usman (r.a) farmaty han: Jis na Nabi (s.a.w) ki wiladat ki khushi ma 1 dirham bhi kharch kiya wo goya k ghazwa e badr o hunain ma shareek hua. (Nenamt ul kubra by Imam hajr al haytami rahmatulla alaih Page 7-8 Published Istanbul, Turkey)
c. قال حسن البصري رضي الله تعالی عنه وددت لو کان لی مثل جبل احد ذھبا فانفقته علی قراءۃ مولد النبي صلی الله علیه وسلم
Hazrat imam hasan (r.a) farmaty han: Agar mery pas uhad pahar jitna sona hota to ma usy Nabi (s.a.w) ki meelad par kharch kardeta (Nemat ul kubra by Imam hajr al haytami rahmatulla alaih Pg 6 Published Istanbul, Turkey)
d. ۔ حضرت امام شافعی علیہ الرحمہ (المتوفی 204ھ) آپ علیہ الرحمہ ارشاد فرماتے ہیں کہ ”میلاد شریف منانے والا صدیقین، شہداء اور صالحین کے ساتھ ہوگا”
Hadrat Imam Shafai Rahmatulla alaih Farmaate hai (Died 204 Hijri) Milaad shareef manaane waala siddiqeen, Shuhada, aur Saliheen ke saath hoga.((Nemat ul Kubra by Imam hajr al haytami rahmatulla alaih page 6) النعمتہ
e. The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time, they are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqat are given, Dhikr is done, Darud and Salam is sent upon the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and he is praised. [quoted by Tahir ul Qadri in his book Meelad un Nabi, Imam al Haythami (rah) in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 202]
Response: ■ Points a to d Nematul Kubra is the book of Ibn Hajar Haytamee al-Makki born in (d 974 h). We need chain of narrators from Haytamee upto Companions of Prophet peace be upon him.
Alousi Hanafi baghdadi said regarding Ibn Hajar Haythamee”Because the books of ibn e hajar Haythamee are filled with lies and ifteraa …. opinions which have no evidence and dawah of ghair ALLAH, BID’ah DALALAH”[انوار رحمانى ترجمة غاية الامانى 2/433.]
Abdus Samad Ibnul Hasaan said I heard Sufyaan AtThawree (tabaein) say, ” The isnaad is the weapon of the believer. So if he does not have a weapon then what will he fight with?”
Imaam Muslim mentioned in his introduction to his Saheeh that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak said: The isnaad is part of religion. Were it not for the isnaad, whoever wanted to could say whatever he wanted to.
■Point e) See the fatwa in detail:
الموالد والأذكار التى تفعل عندنا أكثرها مشتمل على خير كصدقة وذكر وصلاة وسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ومدحه ، وعلى شرّبل شرور . ولو لم يكن فيها إلا رؤية النساء للرجال الأجانب لكفى . وبعضها ليس فيه شر لكنه قليل نادر ولا شك أن القسم الأول ممنوع للقاعدة المشهورة: إن درء المفاسد مقدم على جلب المصالح فمن علم وقوع شئ من الشر فيما يفعله من ذلك فهو عاص آثم .
وبفرض أنه عمل فى ذلك خيراً فربما خيرُه لا يساوى شره ، ألا ترى أن الشارع صلى الله عليه وسلم اكتفى من الخير بما تيسر ، وفطَم عن جميع أنواع الشر حيث قال : فإذا أمرتكم بالشئ فخذوا به ما استطعتم ، وإذا نهيتكم عن شئ فاجتنبوه
( والقسم ) الثانى سنة تشمله الأحاديث الواردة فى الأذكار المخصوصة والعامة ، كقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : لا يقعد قوم يذكرون الله تعالى إلا حفّتهم الملائكة وغشيتهم الرحمةُ ونزلتْ عليهم السكينة وذكرهم الله فيمن عنده . رواه مسلم
The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time many of them confined to good deeds like Sadaqat are given, Dhikr is done, Darud and Salam is sent upon the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and he is praised and evils are women seeing at stranger men. Although there are some Mawlid gatherings where there are no wrong things but they are few.There is no doubt in it that first type is prohibited, because it is the famouse rule of Islamic law that “It is better to leave the losses rather than earning benefits”. So the one who know that there is even a single thing in mawlid which is against Islamic law, and still he participates in it then he is disobiediant to Allah and a sinner. And even if we assume that he did some praiseworthy works in the mawlid still it does not compensate that (wrong thing) in mawlid. Don’t you see regarding good and voluntary things Prophet peace be upon him ordered to do only which we can afford , but against that He (peace be upon him) ordered to keep away from all kinds of bad things. So we know that even if the evil is less it is not allowed to practice and against that one can do according to his power good voluntary things. And the second type of gathering is sunnah which comes under those ahadith which are regarding adhkaar
Allah’s Messenger may peace be upon him) said: The people do not sit but they are surrounded by angels and covered by Mercy, and there descends upon them tranquillity as they remember Allah narrated by Muslim [Imam al Haythami (rah) in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 202]
Comment: Even though Ibn Hajar makki was sufi and staunch against Ibn Tamiya ra, and his student Mulla Ali Qari wrote a fatwa against his stance on Ibn Tamiya and he was criticised by Alousi Hanafi that his books are filled with innovations. But still we can see May Allah forgive him, he was not talking about those mawlid celebrations where people stand in respect of Prophet peace be uponn him and think that he is present. He only talked about those gatherings where people remember Allah and these gatherings are very few according to him.
There is a special fatwa of Ibn Hajar Makki in very same Fatawa Hadithiyyah page 60 where he declared standing in the Mawlid as an Innovation and criticised so called scholars who order their awaam to stand.
He said
ونظير ذلك فعل كثير عند ذكر مولده ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) ووضع أمه له من القيام وهو أيضاً بدعة لم يرد فيه شيء على أن الناس إنما يفعلون ذلك تعظيماً له ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) فالعوام معذورون لذلك بخلاف الخواص
And example of this is the practice of Many people stand at the time of dhikr and mawlid of Rasool Allah peace be upon him. This is an innovation because there is no hadith mentioned regarding this issue. Even if people do it in veneration of him (peace be upon him) But the lay people can be excused because they don’t know. But specials (scholars) can not be excused [Fatawa Hadithiya page no: 60 under the heading مطلب في أن القيام في أثناء مولده الشريف بدعة لا ينبغي فعلها]
Comment: Why Tahir ul qadri left the second fatwa? just because it was against him? leave a side second fatwa, he only quoted few lines on his first fatwa which were with the stance of Tahir ul Qadri, so even according to Ibn Hajar makki so called scholars like Tahir ul qadri and Ilyas Qadri are innovators.
24) Did Ibn Jawzi speak in support of Milad un Nabi celebration?
Those in support of Milad un Nabi brings quotations of Ibn Jawzi from (Mawlid al-Aroos) مولد العروس and بیان المیلاد النبوي (Byan Meelad al-Nabivi) books
Tahir ul Qadri has quoted these quotes from these books
a)لا زال أهل الحرمين الشريفين والمصر واليمن والشام وسائر بلاد العرب من المشرق والمغرب يحتفلون بمجلس مولد النبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ، ويفرحون بقدوم هلال شهر ربيع الأول ويهتمون اهتمامًا بليغًا علي السماع والقراة لمولد النبي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم ، وينالون بذالک أجرًا جزيلاً وفوزًا عظيمًا.
ابن جوزي، بيان الميلاد النبوي صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم : 58
b) وجعل لمن فرح بمولده حجابًا من النار وسترًا، ومن أنفق في مولده درهمًا کان المصطفيٰ صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم له شافعًا ومشفعًا، وأخلف اﷲ عليه بکل درهم عشرًا.
فيا بشري لکم أمة محمد لقد نلتم خيرًا کثيرًا في الدنيا وفي الأخري. فيا سعد من يعمل لأحمد مولدًا فيلقي الهناء والعز والخير والفخر، ويدخل جنات عدن بتيجان درّ تحتها خلع خضرًا.
ابن جوزي، مولد العروس : 11
a) ✦ As for the first titled: (بیان المیلاد النبوي ), I have not seen anyone from those who compiled the books of Ibn al-Jawzi -Rahimahu Allah- attributing such a book to him. Even the books that make reference to the manuscripts of Ibn al-Jawzi’s work make no mention of this book.
✦ Rather I could not even find any reference online to it or mention of the book, except from those who brought forth that exact same quote you brought here … which is quite laughable
✦ Had such book been a proven book, I would think the advocators of the Mawlid from among the Arabic speakers would have brought forth this book, quoted from it, or at least made reference to it, but I did not see this done.
✦ The reference to the Mawlid of the Prophet as “Meelaad” as is in the title is very uncommon among Arabs. Add to this the very poor Arabic in that short quote brought, makes one really doubt that this quote was written by someone with Arabic as his first language.
✦ Refering to Egypt as al-Misr with the ‘al al-ta3reef’ is also strange
✦ Thus such claimed book seems to be unproven, and whoever wishes to claim it is the work of Ibn al-Jawzi -Rahimahu Allah- has to provide evidence for such an attribution, and use a more scholarly methodology and approach in establishing such a claim.
b) ✦ As for the second titled (Mawlid al-Aroos) مولد العروس This book is a fabricated lie upon Ibn al-Jawzi -Rahimahu Allah-.
✦ Shaykh Mashhour’s work “Kutub Hazar Minha al-‘Ulama” volume 2/303-304 points out several matters that show that this book is a lie upon Ibn al-Jawzi.
✦ Shaykh Mahmoud Mahdi al-Istanbuli “Kutub Laysat min al-Islam” p.47, discusses some of the great misguidances and fabrications in this book and shows that this is a fabricated work that cannot in anyway be proven as the work of Ibn al-Jawzi -Rahimahu Allah-
Below is fatwa too:.
كتاب ( مولد العروس ) مكذوب على الإمام ابن الجوزي
أحضر لي أحد طلابي كتاباً صغير الحجم ، بعنوان (مولد العروس) للعلاّمة والحبر الفهامة ، الإمام ابن الجوزي ، هكذا جاء في على غلافه ، ويحتوي على نثر وشعر يتعلق بالمولد النبوي ، وسألني عن هذا الكتاب ؟
الجواب: إن هذا الكتاب المسمى (مولد العروس) والمنسوب لابن الجوزي مكذوب عليه وفيه كثير من المخالفات الشرعية ، ولم تثبت نسبته بطريق صحيح إلى الإمام ابن الجوزي ولم ينسبه أحد إليه إلا كارل بروكلمان ، وفي نسبة هذه المخطوطة لإبن الجوزي – أي مخطوط مولد العروس – نظر ، فهو يخلو من الإسناد الذي اعتاد عليه ابن الجوزي في كتبه ، كما يخلو من تعليق أو نقد ابن الجوزي لما يرد فيه من أخبار ، وكل ما ورد فيه يتعلق بولادة الرسول- صلى الله عليه وسلم – ، وأشعار مدحه ، مما يدل على أن أحد العوام قد وضعه ثم إن الذين ترجموا لابن الجوزي ، لم يذكروه ضمن كتبه .
وورد فيه أيضاً أمور كثيرة مخالفة للعقيدة الإسلامية وللنصوص الشرعية من كتاب الله وسنة رسوله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – كما ورد في ص15 منه( وفي الحديث الصحيح أن البيت الذي فيه اسم محمد وأحمد فإن الملائكة تزوره في كل يوم وليلة سبعين مرة) ، ومن المعلوم أن هذا الحديث مكذوب على رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – ، بل إن ابن الجوزي نفسه ذكره في كتابه الموضوعات وحكم عليه بالوضع والكذب ، انظر كتب حذر منها العلماء 2/303 – 304 وانظر أيضاً نفس المصدر 2/388 – 389 . Source:
The above fatwa says that the book Mawlid al aroos is fabrication and not the book of Ibn jawzi, and he mentioned the evidence that on page 15 of the book Ibn Jawzi said
وفي الحديث الصحيح أن البيت الذي فيه اسم محمد وأحمد فإن الملائكة تزوره في كل يوم وليلة سبعين مرة
And it is in Authentic hadith that the house in which the name of Muhammad and Ahmad is written the Angels visits the house 70 times in the day and night.
then the fatwa says that
ومن المعلوم أن هذا الحديث مكذوب على رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – ، بل إن ابن الجوزي نفسه ذكره في كتابه الموضوعات وحكم عليه بالوضع والكذب ، انظر كتب حذر منها العلماء 2/303 – 304 وانظر أيضاً نفس المصدر 2/388
and it is well know that this hadith is a lie on Prophet peace be upon him in fact Ibn Jawzi himself mentioned it in his Kitab al-Modhuaat (Book of fabrications) and said this is fabrication and lie…
Answered by Mahmoud Al-Misri on
AnchorX) Scholars who spoke against celebration of Milad
Did any of the imams – Abu Haneefah, Maalik, al-Shaafi’i, Ahmad, celebrated Milaad or command others to do it or say that it was good? NO, they didn’t. Among those who denounced the celebration of this occasion was
►Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, in Iqtida’ as-Sirat al-Mustaqim.
►Imam al-Shatibi in al-‘I’tisam.
►Ibn al-Haj in al-Madkhil.
►Shaykh Muhammad Bashir al-Sahsawani al-Hindi in his book Siyanah al-Insan.
►al-Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Rida wrote a separate essay on this topic.
►Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim alush-Shaykh wrote a separate essay on it.
► المورد في عمل المولد،. by Imam Taj ud din Fakihani (died in 734 h)
► حكم الاحتفال بالمولد النبوي والرد على من أجازه by Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibraheem al Shaykh
► حكم الإحتفال بالمولد النبوي By Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz.
► الرد القوي على الرفاعي والمجهول وابن علوي وبيان أخطائهم في المولد النبوي :by Shaykh Hamood Taweejri This is refutation of Rafaai, Ibn alwi etc
► الإنصاف فيما قيل في المولد من الغلو والإجحاف by Shaykh Abu Bakar al Jazairee.
► القول الفصل في حكم التوسل بخير الرسل By Shaykh Ismaeel Mohammad al-Ansaree.
► الاحتفال بالمولد بين الإتباع والإبتداع By Shaykh Muhammad bin Saeed bin Shaqeer.
1) Imaam al-Faakihaanee or al-‘Allaamah Taajud-Deen al-Maaliki [ Umar bin Ali bin Saalim bin Sadaqah al-Lakhmee (654-734AH, famously known as al-Iskandaree (d.734H) – rahimahullaah -said in Al-Mawrid fi ‘Amalil-Mawlid: “Celebrating his birthday has no basis in the Book nor the Sunnah, nor is this action recorded from any one of the Scholars of this Ummah; those who are taken as examples to be followed and who cling to the narrations. Rather it is a bid’ah (innovotion), which was introduced by the (deviated) Battaaloon sect
(pp.21-22)(The Battaaloon: they are one of the deviated Baatiniyyah sects from the Faatimids – as al-Maqreezee says in al-Khatat (1/490)). Ibn Kathir described him as being ‘as-sheikh al-imam’. Refer to al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah Volume 14, page 168.
2) Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah grant him His mercy, said: “Similar to this is what some people do, they celebrate the birthday of the Prophet either to resemble the Christians’ celebration of the birthday of Jesus, whom Allah saved from evil, or out of their love and adulation to the Prophet . Although people are at variance with regard to the actual date of the Prophet’s birthday. Such functions were not held by the Pious Predecessors. Were such functions to be a good thing, the Pious Predecessors, may Allah be pleased with them, would have been more deserving than us in holding it. They loved and revered the Prophet more than we love and revere him, and they were keener than ourselves in seeking goodness. His true love and reverence can be materialized in following and obeying him, and adhering to his commands, and reviving his Sunnah internally and externally. It can also be materialized by propagating the message with which he was sent, and struggling by heart, hand and tongue for that purpose. This is the way of the Pious Predecessors and the Muhajireen and Ansar, and those who followed them with piety.” [Iqtida As-Sirat 2/165. This quotation has been abridged by the author]
Some people claim that Ibn Taymiyyah was for the mawlid and as ‘evidence’ they produce the following paragraph from his words:
“And similarly what some people innovate by analogy with the Christians who celebrate the birth of ‘Eesa (Jesus), or out of love for the Prophet (saw) and to exalt him, and may Allaah reward them for this love and effort, not on the fact that it is an innovation…”
[Taken from “Majmoo’ Al-Fataawa”, Vol.23 p.163, and “Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat Al-Mustaqeem”, p.294-295, Section entitled, “The innovated festivals of time and place.”]
From the above words is seems as if this great Imaam, Mujaahid & Scholar of Islaam, was for the mawlid and saw it as something legitimate and rewardable.
However, this is a false interpretation of his words. Here is what Ibn Taymiyyah actually said along with a better translation of the text:
و كذلك ما يحدثه بعض الناس إما مضاهاة لنصارى في ميلاد عيسى عليه السلام و إما محبة للنبي صلى الله عليه و سلم و تعظيما له و الله قد يشيبهم على هذه المحبة و الاجتهاد لا على البدع
“And like that, what some people have innovated, be it out of analogy to the Christians in the birth of ‘Eesa or be it out of love for the Prophet (saw) and honor for him and Allaah, they may be rewarded for this love and ijtihaad, not for the innovation.”
So it is clear that Ibn Taymiyyah callaed it an innovation, and saw no reward for the deed.
For more information please refer to: “The Erroneous & Invalid In Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s Mawlid”, By Abu Khaliyl, ‘Dar Al-Kitab Wal-Hikmah’ publishing. Pp. 30-32
3) Ibn Al-Haaj Al-Maaliki states in his “Al-Madkhal” regarding the Mawlid,specifically in regards to when it is devoid of any evil actions which contradict the Shari’ah (for those who claim it is permissible if nothing haram or evil is carried out as part of the celebrations)
وهذه المفاسد مركبة على فعل المولد إذا عمل بالسماع. فإن خلا منه وعمل طعاماً فقط ونوى به المولد، ودعا إليه الإخوان، وسَلِم من كل ما تقدم ذكره فهو بدعة بنفس نيته فقط؛ إذ إن ذلك زيادة في الدين، وليس من عمل السلف الماضين واتباع السلف اولى
“Even if none of the aforementioned evil or haram actions take place, it is still in and of itself a bid’ah (innovation) because of the same intention only. This is because that is making an increase in the religion and also it is was not from the conduct of the pious predecessors (As-Salaf). It has not reached us that a single one of them ever celebrated it nor intended to do so. Thus following in the footsteps of the Salaf is paramount, rather it is obligatory.”[Al-Madkhal 2/312]
4) Naseer Ad-Deen Al-Mubarak better known as Ibn At-Tabbaakh states, “This (the Mawlid) is not from the Sunnah.”
[Quoted by Sheikh Muhammad bin Yusuf As-Saalihi Ash-Shaami in his book “Subul Al-Hudaa War-Rashaad fi Seerati Khayril ‘Ibaad” 1/441]
5) Dhaheer Ad-Deen Ja’far At-Tizmanti says, “This action (of celebrating the Mawlid) did not occur during the early times of the pious predecessors out of their exaltation and love for him (SalAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), yet all of us together could not match even a single one of them in their love and exaltation of him (SalAllahu’alayhi wa sallam).
[Quoted by Sheikh Muhammad bin Yusuf As-Saalihi Ash-Shaami in his book “Subul Al-Hudaa War-Rashaad fi Seerati Khayril ‘Ibaad” 1/441]
6) Imam Maalik ibn Anas states, “Whomsoever from this Ummah innovates something (into this Religion) for which there is nothing of its like preceding it, then he has declared that the Messenger of Allah (SalAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) has indeed betrayed his trust in conveying the message, for Allah states, “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as the religion.””[Quran, Al-Maaidah 05:03] Thus what was not part of the religion then, is not part of the religion today.
7) Qazi Shihab ud din Dolat Abadi (d 849 h) said:
وما يفعله الجهال على رأس كل حول وشهر ربيع الأول ليس بشىء ويقومون عند ذكر مولده صلى الله عليه وسلم ويزعمون ان روحه يجيء و حاضر فزعمهم باطل وهذا الاعتقاد شرك
On the start of year and in the month of Rabi ul Awwal in the name of Mawlid of peace be upon him Ignorants do something which is nothing(i.e these things have nothing to do with Islam). They claim that his (peace be upon him) soul comes and (he peace be upon him is) present. This is False and this creed is shirk. [Majmoo Fatawa Qazi Shahab ud din 1/27]
Note: He was on of the great muftis of ahnaf, and he was Judge as it can be seen in the books سبحة المرجان فى آثار هندوستان page no: 39 and نزهة الخواطر
Same statement is in the book تحفة القضاة
8) Abu Ishaq Shatibi (720 h) said:
” فالبدعة إذن عبارة عن طريقة في الدين مخترعة ، تضاهي الشرعية ، يقصد بالسلوك عليها المبالغة في التعبد لله سبحانه … ومنها التزام الكيفيات والهيآت المعينة ، كالذكر بهيئة الاجتماع على صوت واحد ، واتخاذ يوم ولادة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عيدا ، وما أشبه ذلك .
ومنها التزام العبادات المعينة ، في أوقات معينة ، لم يوجد لها ذلك التعيين في الشريعة ، كالتزام صيام يوم النصف من شعبان ، وقيام ليلته ”
Bid’ah (innovation) refers to something that is newly invented in matters of religion that appears similar to that which is prescribed, by which people intend to go to extremes in worshipping Allaah, may He be glorified. That includes adhering to certain forms of worship, such as reciting dhikr in a group, in unison, or taking the day of the Prophet’s birth as Eid, and so on.
That also includes adhering to certain acts of worship at certain times, for which there is no evidence in sharee’ah, such as always fasting on the fifteenth of Sha’baan (al-nusf min Sha’baan) and spending that night in prayer. End quote from al-I’tisaam (1/37-39).
Note: This is his explanatiuon of the part of the bidah definition that is not supported by Shareeah
9) Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
If celebrating the Prophet’s birthday was prescribed, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would have told his ummah of that, because he is the most sincere of people and there is no Prophet after him who could explain anything he did not speak about. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets and he explained to the people what he had to explain of the truth, such as loving him and following his sharee’ah, sending blessings and salaams upon him and other rights of his that are explained in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. He did not tell his ummah that celebrating the day of his birth was something prescribed so that they would do that. He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do that during his lifetime and his companions (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who were the dearest of people to him and the most knowledgeable of his rights did not celebrate that day, neither did the Rightly-Guided Caliphs or any others. Then those who followed them in truth of the best three generations did not celebrate this day either.
Do you think that all these people were ignorant of his rights or fell short with regard to them, until the later generations came and made up for this shortfall and made the truth complete? No, by Allaah. No wise man who understands the nature of the Sahaabah and how they followed the truth would say this. If you understand that the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday was unknown at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the time of his companions and the time of their earliest followers, you will realize that it is an innovation that has been introduced into the faith, and it is not permissible to do it, approve of it or advocate it, rather we must denounce it and warn people against it. (Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 6/318, 319)
10) Shaykh Assim Alhakeem (from Saudi Arabia):
They believe that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam controls the universe and that is why they supplicate to him! You can see them in Medinah, giving their backs to the Qibla and facing the grave supplicating the Prophet. They claim that he is not dead and that he physically leaves his grave to visit those who are throwing a mawlid party to bless them! When their teacher recites the birth of the Prophet in their mawlid, they all stand up chanting and throwing perfume all over the place. They claim that the Prophet’s soul is visiting them. They even say that if you offer salutation to the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, you will not die until you see him alive and shake hands with him!
Look how they are mocking our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam and making fun of him. These people are ignorant and don’t know the Quran, the Sunnah nor Arabic! That is why they hide their ignorance by holding on to their “Christmas” once a year and deviating away from Islam the rest of the year. By the way, all Muslim scholars acknowledge that our beloved Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam died on the 12th of Rabe’e Alawal. Therefore, these people are not mourning his death, they are celebrating it.
The majority of those who celebrate the mawlid leave a lot of the Prophet’s Sunnah because it goes against their desires and logic. That is why the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam warned them by saying: “Allah has blocked repentance from every innovator.” Scholars say that this is because an innovator believes that he is doing a good thing and that is why he will not repent. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam also told us that he will object to members of his Ummah being turned away from his pool on the Day of Judgment. He told us that the reason he got was that “You don’t know what they had innovated after you”. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam told us that he will comment by saying: Woe to those who innovate after me. I beg you brothers and sisters to stay away from this innovation.
11) Abu Abdullah al-Haffaar Gharnati (811H)
وليلة المولد لم يكن السلف الصالح وهم أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والتابعون لهم يجتمعون فيها للعبادة، ولا يفعلون فيها زيادة على سائر ليالي السنة، لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يعظم إلا بالوجه الذي شرع فيه تعظيمه، وتعظيمه من أعظم القرب إلى الله، لكن يتقرب إلى الله جل جلاله بما شرع، والدليل على أن السلف الصالح لم يكونوا يزيدون فيها زيادة على سائر الليالي أنهم اختلفوا فيها، فقيل إنه صلى الله عليه وسلم ولد في رمضان وقيل في ربيع، واختلف في أي يوم ولد فيه على أربعة أقوال، فلو كانت تلك الليلة التي ولد في صبيحتها تحدث فيها عبادة بولادة خير الخلق صلى الله عليه وسلم، لكانت معلومة مشهورة لا يقع فيها اختلاف ولكن لم تشرع زيادة تعظيم…ولو فتح هذا الباب لجاء قوم فقالوا يوم هجرته إلى المدينة يوم أعز الله فيه الإسلام فيجتمع فيه ويتعبد، ويقول آخرون الليلة التي أسري به فيها حصل له من الشرف ما لا يقدر قدره، فتحدث فيها عبادة، فلا يقف ذلك عند حد، والخير كله في إتباع السلف الصالح الذين اختارهم الله له، فما فعلوا فعلناه وما تركوا تركناه، فإذا تقرر هذا ظهر أن الاجتماع في تلك الليلة ليس بمطلوب شرعا، بل يؤمر بتركه
“The pious predocessors, that is the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the Successors, did not congregate for worship on the night of the mawlid, and they would not increase therein over the rest of the nights of the year, because the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is not glorified except in the manner in which his glorification has been established in the Shari’ah; and his glorification is from the greatest acts of nearness to Allah, but one should seek proximity to Allah with what has been legislated in the Shari’ah. The proof that the Salaf did not increase on that [night] more than the rest of the nights is that they differed over it; so it has been said he (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was born in Ramadan and it has been said in Rabi, and the day on which he was born has been disputed according to four different views. So if it was the case that on the night in the morning of which he was was born acts of worship were invented in it due to the birth of the best of creation (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), it would have been specified and well-known containing no controversy. But increased glorification has not been legislated…If this door is opened, some people will say the day of Hijra is a day in which Allah honoured Islam so they would gather therein and increase in worship, and others will say in the night of Isra he attained immeasurable honour so they invent worship therein, and this will have no boundary. And all good is in following the Pious Salaf for which Allah has selected them; so whatever they do, we do and whatever they left we leave. When this is realised, it becomes clear gathering on this night is not legally required, rather one is ordered to leave it.”
(Al-Mi’yar al-Mu’rib Vol 7 pages 99-100)
12) Shaykh Muhammad Bin Bakheet al-Muteeee, former mufti of Egypt said about origin of mawlid: The first to introduce them in Cairo wer the Fatimid rulers & the first of them was Muizz li Dinnillah, he advanced from Morocco to Egypt in 361H. He innovated 6 birthday celebrations: The prophet’s birthday, birthday of Ali bin Abi Taalib, birthday of Fatimah al Zahraa, birthday of Hasan, birthday of Husayn & birthday of presently serving ruler (Ahsan Al Kalaam fi ma yatlaq bi sunnah wal biddah minal ahkaam pages 59-60)
13) Qadhee Naseer ud deen said in ‘Tareeqtus-Salaf’
وقد احدث بعض جهال المشائخ امورا كثيرة لا نجد لها اثر فى كتاب و لا فى سنة منها القيام عند ذكر ولادت سيدا لانام عليه التحية والسلام
“Some of the Jaahil (ignorant) Shaikhs have invented many new things which have no basis in the Quraan or the Sunnah, from these affairs is the standing in the celebrations of the Prophets Birthday.”[Quoted by Allama Shams ul Haq Adeemabadi (1273/1857ce-1329/1911ce) in his Fatawa page 166]
For more refer Mawlid: Quotes of Scholars Used by Bareilvis
AnchorXI) Conclusion
What then is allowed? Let me quote to you another hadith.
Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me. (Muslim, Book-6, Fasting, Hadith-2606)
This hadith states that all that we are allowed to do is keep a fast on every Monday, this is a weekly cycle, and there is no yearly cycle associated with the prophet’s birthday.
Allah honours us by conferring to us the noble title ‘Kuntum khayrah ummatin’, ‘Ye are the best of peoples’.
Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. [Imran 3:110]
And why does Allah call us the best of peoples, the reason is also stated in the same verse, it is because, ‘we enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah’.
Since Allah calls us the best of peoples, we have to behave as the best of peoples, this brings upon us the duties of a Muslim, so how to go about it, Allah states: Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity. [Imran 3:104]
In conclusion, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh), whatever form it takes, is a reprehensible innovation. The Muslims should put a stop to this and other kinds of bid’ah, and occupy themselves with reviving and adhering to the Sunnah. They should not be deceived by those who promote and defend this bid’ah. Whoever is like this, it is not permissible to imitate him or follow his example, even if the majority of people are like this. Rather we should follow the example of those who follow the path of the Sunnah, among the righteous salaf (early Muslim scholars) and their followers, even if they are few. Truth is not measured by the men who speak it, rather men are measured by the truth.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever among you lives (for a long time) will see many differences. I urge you to follow my Sunnah and the way of the rightly-guided khalifahs who come after me. Hold on to it firmly. Beware of newly-invented matters, for every innovation is a going astray.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 4/126; at-Tirmidhino. 2676). So the Prophet (pbuh) explained to us in this hadith what we should do when there are differences of opinion, just as he explained that everything that goes against his Sunnah, be it words or deeds, is a bid’ah, and every bid’ah is a going astray.
If we see that there is no basis for celebrating the birthday of the Prophet, whether in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) or in the way of the rightly-guided khalifahs, then it is one of the newly-invented matters, one of the bid’ahs which lead people astray. This principle is what is implied by this hadith and is what is indicated by the ayah (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad), and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for final determination.” [an-Nisa’ 4:59]
Referring to Allah means referring to His Book (the Qur’an), and referring to the Messenger (pbuh) means referring to his Sunnah after he has passed away. The Qur’an and Sunnah are the reference point in cases of dispute. Where in the Qur’an or Sunnah does it indicate that it is prescribed in Islam to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday? Whoever does that or thinks that it is good must repent to Allah from this and from other kinds of bid’ah. This is the attitude of the Muslim who is seeking the truth. But whoever is too stubborn and arrogant after proof has been established, then his reckoning will be with his Lord.
We ask Allah to help us adhere to His Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger until the Day when we will meet Him. May Allah grant blessings and peace to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, and the righteous followers of the Prophet (pbuh) througout the ages.
‘Irbaad bin Sariyaah – May Allaah be pleased with him – narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (SalAllahu’alayhi wasallam) admonished us, and his admonishment caused our hearts to tremble, and our eyes to overflow with tears, so we said: O Messenger of Allaah it is as though this is a farewell sermon, so advise us, he said:
I advise you to fear Allaah, hear and obey, even if the one in command is a slave, and he who lives amongst you will witness many differences, so hold fast to my Sunnah, and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs, bite onto it with your molar teeth, and beware of newly invented matters for indeed ALL Bid’ah is misguidance….”[Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]
For more read:
Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu (May peace mercy and blessings of Allah be on all of you)
AnchorXII) Related Articles:
► VIDEOS Milaad un Nabi or Prophet Birthday
Debate between Albani and Milad Supporter
Kindly check for more articles in attachments section present below :
1) Debate between Albani and supporter of Milad un Nabi
2) Ruling on Milad un Nabi in URDU
3) Fatwa of Binbaaz on Milad un Nabi in URDU
Scan Proofs for heading XIII, point 1
Translation of image 2): The death of Prophet peace be upon him was very sad for his Companions May Allah be please with them.
Translation of image 3): The death of Prophet peace be upon him was very sad for his Companions May Allah be please with them.
Translation of image 4): “By remembering the death of Beloved peace be upon him, companions could not celebrate with shocked hearts (of people). So they did not celebrate mawlid neither they were dis hearted in the grief of death”
Translation of underlined words: Abu Lahab freed her after the Hijrah of Prophet (peace be upon him) towards Madeenah
Translation of words marked in RED: Thawbia used to come to prophet(pbuh) even after prophet (pbuh) marrying khadijah (ra), so prophet(pbuh) & khadijah (ra) used to respect her &she was a slave girl during those days, then Abu Lahab freed her.
[***] Ibn Abdul Barr: He is Abu ‘Umar, Yusuf bin ‘Abdullah bin Muhammad bin ‘Abdul-Barr bin ‘Asim An-Namari Al-Qurtubi. Born 368h. He was a celebrated learned Imam and was the Sheikh-ul-lslam and Hafidh of Al-Maghrib (North West Africa). He was considered as the master of his time in the memorization and accurate rendering of hadeeth. He was also skilled in the science of genealogy and history. Ibn Hazm said regarding him, “I cannot talk about the knowledge of hadeeth like ‘Abdul-Barr, so how can I do better than him?” He has authored many books, the most famous of which is Al-Isti’ab. Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr died in 463h at the age of 95 years. [**] Ibn Waaqid: He is Abu ‘Abdillah Muhammad ibn ‘Umar ibn Waaqid Al-Aslami. Born in Madinah in 130h and passed away in Baghdad in 207h. He was chosen as a guide by the Caliph Harun Ar-Rasheed during his Hajj pilgrimage. Al-Waaqidi accompanied him back to Baghdad where he was appointed as a judge, serving in this position until he passed away there. Although he memorised ahadeeth, he had been heavily criticised for his reliability in the field by such scholars as Imam Adh-Dhahabi and Ash-Shaafi’i. Nonetheless his speciality was history, and a great historian he was authoring a large number of works on the Seerah and conquests of the Muslims, amongst his most famous being “Kitaab At-Tareekh wal-Maghaazi”. It was said he even visited the sites of battles in order to reflect a more accurate portrayal of events in the Seerah. [*] Ash Shaibi: He is the scholar from the tabi’een, ‘Aamir bin Sharaaheel bin ‘Abd Dhee Kibaar Ash-Sha’bee. Adh-Dhahabi says regarding him in his “Siyar A’laam An-Nubalaa”, that he was from the tabi’een, providing an amazing example with his excellent ability to memorise ahadeeth. He was born, raised and died in Kufa, Iraq. Born in 19h during the Caliphate of ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab (radiAllahu ‘anhu) he studied and learned ahadeeth from more than fifty of the Sahaabah including Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas, ‘Aaisha, Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, Abu Hurairah as well as numerous from amongst the tabi’een such as Alqama, all of which Adh-Dhahabi lists by name in his Siyar. His students were also numerous and included Imam Abu Haneefah. Ash-Sha’bee held a position of great respect and honour in the sight of the scholars. Ibn ‘Uyaynah stated,“The scholars of the people are three, Ibn ‘Abbas in his time, Ash-Sha’bee in his time and Sufyan Ath-Thawree in his time”. Abul Majliz says, “I have not seen anyone with a better understanding (of the religion) than Ash-Shabee. Neither Sa’eed bin Musayyib, nor Taawoos, nor ’Ataa bin Abi Rabaah, nor Al-Hassan Al-Basree, nor Ibn Sireen, yet I have seen all of them.” Ibn Sireen states, “I visited Kufa and found Ash-Sha’bee teaching a lesson attended by a huge number of people (even though) the Sahaabah were still numerous (at that time)”In conclusion, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh) aka Jashn e Eid Milad un Nabi is a reprehensible bidah or innovation. The Muslims should put a stop such celebration and other kinds of bidah, and occupy themselves with reviving and adhering to the Sunnah. They should not be deceived by those who promote and defend this bidah.