al Shawkani refuted the notion that followers of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdil Wahaab are Khawarij.
al Shawkani said:
وبعض الناس يزعم أنه يعتقد اعتقاد الخوارج وما أظن ذلك صحيحا فإن صاحب نجد وجميع أتباعه يعملون بما تعلموه من محمد بن عبد الوهاب وكان حنبليا ثم طلب الحديث بالمدينة المشرفة فعاد إلى نجد وصار يعمل باجتهادات جماعة من متأخرى الحنابلة كابن تيمية وابن القيم وأضرابهما وهما من أشد الناس على معتقدى الأموات.
“Some people believe that Sahib (ruler) of Najd (Ameer Abdul Aziz bin Muhammad bin Saud) upholds Khariji beliefs, but I do not believe it to be correct as these people (the followers of Ibn Abdil Wahaab) follow the way of Muhammad ibn AbdilWahab and he was from Hanbali Mazhab, he learned Hadith from Shuyukh of Madeenah and returned to Najd where he acted upon the Ijthadat of late Hanbalis scholars such as ibn Taymiyah, ibnul Qayim and others, and these people were among most severe against those who have (false) belief in dead.”
[al–Badr at -tali 1/500]
Nawab Siddique Hassan Khan endorsed this view in AtTaj wal Mukallal p 334, translation from the facebook wall of Ali Hassan Khan with a small change.