Shaykh al Islam Imam Awzaai was from Subcontinent i.e. Sindh.

Shaykh al Islam Imam Awzaai was from Subcontinent i.e. Sindh.
It is narrated that he was born in بعلبك, There is a ikhtilaf about his origins, he was not a tribal Arab, rather someone from the progeny of the Sabaaya – the captured war prisoners who were brought as slaves.
adh-Dhahabi said he was originally from Sindh.
وأصله من سبي السند
Tadhkiratul Huffaz by adh-Dhahabi 1/178
Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti said:
It is narrated that When he went to ash-Sham from Sindh, he lived in a small village near Damascus with the name of Awza due to which he is called al Awzaai.
(Barre Sagheer me Islam k Awwaleen Nuqush page 211)