Abusive husbands. Sharh al Kabeer by ad-Dardir al Maaliki states: “(( ولها ) أي للزوجة ( التطليق ) على الزوج ( بالضرر ) وهو ما لا يجوز شرعا كهجرها بلا موجب شرعي وضربها كذلك وسبها وسب أبيها ، نحو يا بنت الكلب يا…
Allah granted power of “Kun” to sufis!
Whether Allah granted the power of “Kun” to sufis. Imam Shihab ud din al Qarafi al Maaliki d 684 AH said: وقد وقع ذلك لجماعة من جهال الصوفية فيقولون فلان أعطي كلمة كن ويسألون أن يعطوا كلمة كن التي في قوله تعالى إنما أمرنا لشيء〔…
Istigatha in poetry
Istigatha in poetic verses. التنبيه الثالث: ما ورد من استغاثات في القصائد الشعرية: قد وُجد لبعض العلماء المتأخرين بعض القصائد الشعرية في المديح النبوي، والتي استُدلّ بها على جواز الاستغاثة بغير الله، والرد على ذلك من وجهين: الوجه الأول: أساليب النداء في الأدب والشعر قد…
Ibn qudama and great Hanbali scholars took part in Fath of Bayt al Maqdas with Salah ud din Ayuubi.
1. Ibn Qudama Hanbali and other great hanabila took part in the battle of Hattin and liberation of al quds with Sultan salah ud din. Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir said, in his biography of the righteous shaykh Abu ‘Umar al-Maqdisi, the brother of Ibn Qudama Hanbali.…
Ibn Taymiyyah knew of Allah and his Rasool more than you, said by Ameer Fakhree to al Subki and his bandwagon.
When the books (related to Travelling to visit the graves) of Ibn Taymiyyah were taken from Shafiee judge (al Subki) forcefully by the Ameer. After the death of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah in the year 728 h his books were in the custody of Qadhi Jalal…
14 interesting debates.
14 interesting debates. A) When al Subki had a debate with the brother of Ibn Taymiyah. B) The debate between Ibn Makhloof Maliki with the brother of Ibn Taymiyah on Arsh and Nuzool. C) The debate between Mahmud Shukri al Alusi grandson of…
Fabricated fatwa attributed to Ibn Hajar al asqalani on Istigatha.
Fabricated fatwa attributed to Ibn Hajar al asqalani on Istigatha. Some sufi Shaykh al Sajai (1197 h) said without any citation: Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī was asked about someone who said, ““Shay’un lillāh i.e. give Something for the sake of Allāh, O my master, ʿAbd al-Qādir,”,”…
Ibn Arabi on tawheed.
1. Tawheed from the pen of Ibn Arabi. A. Ibn Arabi (d 638 h) the sufi said: ومن أضلّ ممن يَدْعو من دُون الله } أي شيء كدعاء الموالي للسادة مثلاً إذ لا يستجيب له أحد إلا الله. “And who is more astray than one…
When al Sakhawi entered Payramids of Giza.
The problems faced by the student of Ibn hajr al asqalani, Hafiz sakhawi in the payramids of Giza. Al-Sakhawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: : (ثم انحدرنا منه ودخلنا المكان الذي بأسفله، ومع كل مِنَّا الشمع المطيب .وفي الوصول إليه خطر؛…
10 quotes of scholars on Shirki belief of people for Shaykh Abdul Qadir , his students and others
10 quotes on Shirki belief of people for Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jeylani, his students and others. Contents. 1. Some people made Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jeylani rahimahullah equal to God. 2. Ibn Kathir on Shirki belief of people for Shaykh Adi Bin Musafir student of…