Shaykh al Islam Ibn taymiyyah revived Syria during the Mongol Invasion. Ibn al Imad quoted ad-Dhahabi from his book Mu’jam al Shuyukh: وأحيا به الشام، بل والإسلام، بعد أن كاد ينثلم خصوصا في كائنة التتار، وهو أكبر من أن ينبّه على سيرته مثلي، فلو حلّفت…
Advice of Ibn Jawzi to be faithful to your wives.
Ibn Jawzi counsels men on the importance of marital faithfulness. He said: فالسعيد من إذا حصلت له امرأة.. فمال إليها، ومالت إليه، وعلم سترها ودينها: أن يعقد الخنصر على صحبتها. وأكثر أسباب دوام محبتها أن لا يطلق بصره، فمتى أطلق، أو أطمع نفسه في غيرها،…
Beware! Arrogant and harsh husbands
Arrogant and harsh husbands beware. Prophet peace be upon him said: May I inform you of the people of the Hell-Fire? كُلُّ عُتُلٍّ جَوَّاظٍ مُسْتَكْبِرٍ ”. They are all those violent, arrogant and stubborn people.” In another hadith لاَ يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ الْجَوَّاظُ وَلاَ الْجَعْظَرِيُّ…
Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz on setting a limiting to educating women.
Women education. Shaykh Bin baz Rahimahullah was asked: وهل ترى بوجود حد لتعليم البنات؟ ج. لا، ليس هناك حد، بل يتعلمن حتى أعلى المراحل ليستفدن ويفدن “Q: Do you see a limit to educating daughters/Grils? A: No, there is no limit. Rather, they should learn…
Worst type of torture by Firawn to women who believed in Allah.
Worst type of torture by Firawn to women who believed in Allah. 1. When a female servant defied Pharaoh, he ordered his servants to throw her and her children into a large copper cauldron filled with boiling water. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings…
Bilal bin Rabah, his hardships and love for Tawheed and Prophet peace be upon him.
Bilal bin Rabah, his hardships and love for Tawheed and Prophet peace be upon him. 1. Ata al Khurasani said: كنت عند سعيد بن المسيب فذكرت بلالا فقال : كان شحيحا على دينه وكان يعذب في الله ، وكان يعذب على دينه فإذا أراد المشركون…
Kindness to the animals and righteous predecessors.
Kindness to the animals and Righteous predecessors. Contents. 1. Ibn umar and the one who was grazing the sheep in despicable place. 2. Umar bin al khattab on Camels. 3. Umar bin al Khattab hitting a man with stick who was dragging the sheep. 4.…
Flirting with your wife while fasting.
Flirting with your wife while fasting. 1. Amma Aisha’s advice to be a romantic husband even while fasting. Abu’n-Nadr, the mawla of Umar ibn Ubaydullah said that : A’isha bint Talha told him that she was once with A’isha, the wife of the Prophet, may…
Don’t ignore your wives, beautify yourself for them and give them time
Don’t ignore your wives, beautify yourself for them and give them time. 1. When prophet peace be upon him saw wife of Uthman bin maz’oon in a shabby state. 2. Advice to Abdullah bin Amr by Prophet peace be upon him. 3. When Salman saw…
Sahabiyaat were not lazy, they were fit
Sahabiyaat were fit. Names of some Sahabiyat who killed roman fighters. Ibn Kathir said: وقد قاتل نساء المسلمين في هذا اليوم وقتلوا خلقا كثيراً من الروم، منهن: خولة بنت الأزور, وخولة بنت ثعلبة الأنصارية وكعوب بنت مالك بن عاصم, وسلمى بنت هاشم, ونعم بنت فياض,…