The Hanafi Jurist Ibn Maazah al Bukhari (616 h) on Haazir Naazir

Omnipresence of Prophet peace be upon him.
The Hanafi Jurist ابن مازة البخاري أبو المعالي
(616 h) said:
تزوج امرأة بشهادة الله ورسوله لا يجوز؛ لأن هذا نكاح لم يحضره شهود، وعن أبي القاسم الصفار رحمه الله أنه قال: يكفر من فعل هذا ؛ لأنه اعتقد أن رسول الله عليه السلام عالم الغيب
It is not allowed for someone to marry by taking Allah and his Rasool as a witness. Because the witness are not PRESENT in this nikah. Abul Qasim al Saffar rahimahullah said: He has disbelieved by this practice because he made a creed that Prophet peace be upon him knows unseen.
المحيط البرهاني في الفقه النعماني 3/29
Meaning: When Prophet peace be upon him is not present and witnessing (Haazir Naazir) then how can he make him witness? This is disbelief because he thinks Prophet peace be upon him can be a witness through unseen.