The fate of the disbelievers who didn’t hear the message of Islam

The fate of kuffaar who did not hear the message of Islam.

Allah says:

“And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.” al Isra verse 15

1. Al Qurtubi said:

ومن لم تبلغه الدعوة فهو غير مستحق للعذاب من جهة العقل، والله أعلم.

From a rational perspective, those who have not received the Islamic call (da’wah) are not deserving of punishment. Allah knows best.”

Tafseer al Qurtubi , al Isra verse 15

2. at-Tabari said:

وَما كُنَّا مَعَذّبِـينَ حتـى نَبْعَثَ رَسُولاً } يقول تعالـى ذكره: وما كنا مهلكي قوم إلا بعد الإعذار إلـيهم بـالرسل، وإقامة الـحجة علـيهم بـالآيات التـي تقطع عذرهم. كما: حدثنا بشر، قال: ثنا يزيد، قال: ثنا سعيد، عن قتادة، قوله: { وَما كُنَّا مُعَذّبِـينَ حتـى نَبَعَثَ رَسُولاً }: إن الله تبـارك وتعالـى لـيس يعذب أحدا حتـى يسبق إلـيه من الله خبراً، ويأتيه من الله بـيِّنة، ولـيس معذّبـاً أحداً إلا بذنبه.

“And We never punish until We send a Messenger.”

The Exalted Allah says: “We never destroy a nation unless We have sent warners to them, establishing evidence against them through clear signs.

– Qatadah said: “Allah, Blessed and Exalted, does not punish anyone until knowledge and proof from Allah have reached them. No one is punished except for their own sin.”

(Tafsir at-Tabari, al Isra verse 15)

3. Qadi Abu Yala.

Ibn jawzi said:

قال القاضي أبو يعلى: في هذا دليل على أن معرفة الله لا تجب عقلا، وإِنما تجب بالشرع، وهو بعثة الرسل، وأنه لو مات الإِنسان قبل ذلك، لم يقطع عليه بالنار

Qadi Abu Ya’la said:

.. Moreover, if a person dies before receiving this revelation, they will not be condemned to Hell.”

Tafsir Zad al-Masir fi ‘Ilm al-Tafsir” by Ibn al-Jawzi Surah al Isra verse 15

4. Ibn Hazm said:

فصح بذلك أن من لم يبلغه الإسلام أصلاً فإنه لا عذاب عليه

This is true that Allah will not punish the one who did not hear the message of Islam. [al-Fasl fe al-Melal wa al-Ahwaa wa al-Nahl 4/105]

5. Shaykh Abdul Rahman as-Sa`di said:

والله تعالى أعدل العادلين، لا يعذب أحداً حتى تقوم عليه الحجة بالرسالة ثم يعاند الحجة، وأما من انقاد للحجة، أو لم تبلغه حجة الله تعالى فإن الله تعالى لا يعذبه، استدل بهذه الآية على أن أهل الفترات، وأطفال المشركين، لا يعذبهم الله، حتى يبعث إليهم رسولاً، لأنه منزه عن الظلم

Allah talah is the greatest just. he will not punish anyone until the proof of risalah has been established against him and then he rejected the proof. And the person who accepted the proof OR the one who was not informed about proof he will not be punished by Allah tala.

It is deduced from this verse that Allah tala will not punish People of fitraat (the people of that era or place to whom the proof of risalah has not been established) and the children of mushrikeen, until he send his messenger towards them. [Tafsir as-Sa`di under al Isra verse 15]

6. an Nawawi said:

وهو المذهب الصحيح المختار الذي صار إليه المحققون ، لقوله تعالى : وما كنا معذبين حتى نبعث رسولا وإذا كان لا يعذب العاقل لكونه لم تبلغه الدعوة ، فلأن لا يعذب غير العاقل من باب الأولى

This is the correct and chosen madhab of the researchers due to the saying of Allah “nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent an messenger (to give warning)” (al-Isra verse 15) When Allah will not punish the one who has intellect and the dawah did not reached him, then the one who has no intellect will not be punished at all. [quoted by Ibn Hajr in Fath al Bari 4/179]

7. Shaykh Saalih al Munajjid said:

“A person who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and who has never heard the message in its correct and true form, will not be punished by Allaah if he dies in a state of kufr (disbelief). ”(Islamqa)

8. Shaykh Rasheed Ridha said:

“من لم يفهم الدعوة لم تقم عليه الحجة

Whoever has not understand the dawah, hujjah is not established on him. [Ta`leeq on Majmu Rasaail an-Najadiyah 5/514]