Mulla Ali al qari on mawlid


Mulla Ali al qari wrote a whole book on mawlid.

Sunni: did you read that book?

They: no, but just one or two passages.

Sunni: let’s see what he said in that very book.

Mulla Ali Qari said refuting those who claim the night of mawlid is better than laylatul qadr:

أن الأفضلية ليست إلا لكون العبادة فيها أفضل بشهادة النص القرآني، {لَيْلَةُ ٱلْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ} [القدر:3]، ولا تعرف هذه الأفضلية لليلة مولده صلى الله عليه وسلم، لا من الكتاب، ولا من السنة، ولا عن أحد من علماء الأمة

Doing Ibadah in Layla tul Qadr is better because its Nus is mentioned in Quran that {Laylatul Qadr is better than a Thousand months} This Fadheelah is not proven for the night of Prophet peace be upon him from the Quran, neither from Sunnah, Not even from a single scholar from Imams. [al Mawlid al Ruwi fe Mawlid an Nabi by Mulla Ali al Qari page 57]

You claim people of Islam have more right to celebrate the night of the mawlid because Christians also celebrate it.

Mulla Ali Qari refuted it in very same book by saying:

قلت لكن يرد عليه انا مأمورون بمخالفة أهل الكتاب, ولم يظهر من الشيخ لهذا السوال جواب

“I say: ‘However, it can be argued against that we are commanded to differ from the People of the Book.

[المورد الروي في المولد النبوي by Mulla Ali Qari page 28,29]

You claim, Prophet peace be upon him visits the majlis of mawlid, and auliyah can talk to him. Mulla Ali al Qari said regarding the people who claim that they have seen the Prophet peace be upon him while awake:

(إنه لو كان له حقيقة لكان يجب العمل بما سمعوه منه صلى الله عليه وسلم من أمر ونهي وإثبات ونفي ومن المعلوم أنه لا يجوز ذلك إجماعاً كما لا يجوز بما يقع حال المنام ولو كان الرائي من أكابر الأنام وقد صرح المازري وغيره بأن من رآه يأمر بقتل من يحرم قتله كان هذا من الصفات المتخيلة لا المرئية)

“If ( the’ claim of seeing the Prophet peace be upon him in wakefulness after his death) had any reality to it then it would be obligatory to act upon what they heard from him (peace be upon him) in terms of commands, prohibitions, affirmations, and negations. However, it is well-known that this is not permissible by consensus, just like what happens during sleep, even if the one who saw the vision is among the most noble of people. Al-Maziri and others have explicitly stated that if someone sees him (peace be upon him) commanding to kill someone who is prohibited from being killed, then this is from the imagined attributes, not the actual seen attributes.”

[Jama al Wasail Sharah al Shumail Tirmidhi 2/238]

You claim that people of Makkah used to celebrate mawlid, but Mulla Ali al qari said, they left this practice in his time.

He said about people of Makkah:

اما الآن فما بقى من تلك الاطعمة الا الدخان ولا يظهر مما ذكر الا بريخ الريحان فالحال كما قال:

اما الخيام فانها كخيامهم === وأرى نساء الحى غير نسائهم

“As for now, nothing remains of those foods except the smoke, and nothing appears from what was mentioned except the faint scent of basil. The situation is as poet said:

‘The tents are like their tents,

But I see the women of the neighborhood are not like their women.’

[al Mawrid al Ruwi fe Mawlid un Nabi page 12]

Meaning, everything has changed, and only the names or appearances remain, but the essence and reality are different.

You stand in veneration of Prophet peace be upon him, thinking that he has arrived.

Mulla Ali al Qari said:

وأن الصحابة رضي الله عنهم ما كانوا يقومون له – صلى الله عليه وسلم – تعظيما له ، مع أنه سيد الخلق ؛ لما يعلمون من كراهيته لذلك

The Companions would not stand in veneration of Prophet peace be upon him. Even though He (peace be upon him) was their leader but they knew He (peace be upon him) disliked this practice. [Mirqaat al Mafateeh Kitab al Adab, Chapter al Qiyaam]

You raise your voices in masajid while dancing in dhikr, in the name of mawlid.

While He said:

فما يفعله المؤذنون الآن عقب الأذان من الإعلان بالصلاة والسلام مرارا أصله سنة ، والكيفية بدعة لأن رفع الصوت في المسجد ولو بالذكر فيه كراهة

What the muezzin do now after giving azaan, they raise their voice while sending Salaat wa Salam, the Asal of of (sending blessings) is sunnah, but how it is done now is an innovation, as it is dislikes to raise the voice in the mosque even if it is for dhikr. [Mirqaat al Mafateeh under the hadith 657 islamweb]

He also said:

وقد نص

بعض علمائنا بأن رفع الصوت في المسجد ولو بالذكر حرام

Some of our (Hanafi) scholars clearly said: to raise the voice in the Mosque is prohibited even if it is dhikr. [Mirqaat 15/445-446]


But he said

“Allah said: There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves (9:128), In this It is pointed towards honoring the time when Prophet (saw) arrived amongst us, therefore one should do dhikr to thank Allah. As for Samah and playing is concerned then that which is Mubah (i.e. allowed) could be made part of Mawliddue to happiness without any harm [Al Mawlid an Nabi, Page No. 17]


Let us understand this statement with his other statement in the same book:

قلت: وأنا لما عجزت عن الضيافة الصورية كتبت هذه الأوراق لتصير ضيافة معنوية نورية مستمرة على صفحات الدهر غير مختصة بالسنة والشهر وسميته: بالمورد الروى فى مولد النبى

“I say: ‘When I was unable to provide physical hospitality, I wrote these papers to serve as a spiritual and eternal hospitality across the pages of time, not limited to a specific year or month. I have titled it: “Al-Mawrid al-Rawi fi Mawlid al-Nabi”

Al-Mawrid al-Rawi fi Mawlid al-Nabi page 18

He also said:

فمن واظب على فعل لم يفعله الشارع ، فهو مبتدع

Whoever practice a thing which Prophet peace be upon him did not do, He is an innovator. [Mirqaat al Mafateeh 1/41 under the hadith “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions”]

So in short, as per him, mawlid is not celebrated on specific time, rather even writing books, doing dhikr, reciting durood can be done any part of the year, and he went against all the stances of those who celebrate mawlid on specific night like doing dhikr loudly in Masjid, standing in veneration, thinking that Prophet peace be upon him has arrived and auliyah may see him etc.

Let’s see 5 of his more fatawa against you.

1. Mulla Ali al qari himself taught tawheed.

ولا يسأل غيره ; لأن غيره غير قادر على العطاء والمنع ودفع الضر وجلب النفع ، فإنهم لا يملكون لأنفسهم نفعا ولا ضرا ، ولا يملكون موتا ولا حياة ولا نشورا ، ولا يترك السؤال بلسان الحال أو ببيان المقال في جميع الأحوال ، ففي الحديث : من لم يسأل الله يغضب عليه

إذ السؤال إظهار شعائر الانكسار ، والإقرار بسمت العجز والافتقار والإفلاس عن ذروة القوة والطاقة إلى حضيض الاستكانة والفاقة ، ونعم ما قيل :

الله يغضب إن تركت سؤاله وبني آدم حين يسأل يغضب

( ” وإذا استعنت ” ) أي : أردت الاستعانة في الطاعة وغيرها من أمور الدنيا والآخرة ( ” فاستعن بالله ” ) : فإنه المستعان وعليه التكلان في كل زمان ومكان . ” ”

Do not ask anyone (other than Allah) because others are not able (Qadir) to give, prevent and remove harm, attract benefit, for indeed the others do not possess the ability to benifit or harm, give death or life and nor resurrection. AND DO NOT LEAVE ASKING (ALLAH) IN ALL OF THE CASES.. as the Hadith states whoever do not ask Allah angers him ”

Allah gets angry if one do not ask Allah and if bani adam are asked, they get angry.

…. (Ask Allah) Allah is the only one who should be asked for help and depended upon in all the zamaan and makaan

[Mirqat, 2/159 under the hadeeth 5302]

2. He quoted scholars against Rijal al ghayb, and said:..بالجملة فالعلم بالغيب أمر تفرد به سبحانه ولا سبيل للعباد إليه

الا بعلام منه والهام بطريق المعجزة أو الكرامة أو الإرشاد الى الاستدلال بالامارات فيما يمكن فيه ذلك.

ولهذا ذكر فى الفتاوى ان قول القائل عند روية هالة القمر أى دائرته يكون مطر مدعبا علم الغيب لا بعلامة كفر.

ومن الطائف ما حكاه بعض أرباب الظرائف ان منجما صلب فقيل له: هل رأيت هذا فى نجمك! فقال رأيت رفعة ولكن ما عرفت أنها فوق خشبة

ثم اعلم أن الأنبياء عليهم الصلاة والسلام لم يعلموا المغيبات من الأشياء إلا ما أعلمهم الله أحيانا ، وذكر الحنفية تصريحا بالتكفير باعتقاد أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعلم الغيب لمعارضة قوله تعالى قل لا يعلم من في السماوات والأرض الغيب إلا الله

كذا في المسايرة

In short knowledge of ghayb is a matter exclusive Him – Glorified is He – and there is no path for the servants to it with the exception of Ilham by the way of Miracle or karamah… “Know that the Prophets (peace be upon them) did not know matters related to hidden knowledge except for those that Allah taught them SOMETIMES (Ahyanan) and the Ahnaf have clearly affirmed the Takfeer (excommunication from Islam) for those who hold the belief that the Prophet (saw) knows Al-Ghayb (the Unseen) contradicting His saying: Say: “None In the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (unseen) except Allah” (An-Naml : 65) This is how it is stated in Al-Musayarah [Sharah Fiqh al Akbar page 421 of Dar al Basaaer al Islamiyah and page 253 of dar al kutub Ilmiya]

3. He also said about the hadith:

( اللهم لا تجعل قبري وثنا يعبد ) ، أي : لا تجعل قبري مثل الوثن في تعظيم الناس ، وعودهم للزيارة بعد بدئهم ، واستقبالهم نحوه في السجود ، كما نسمع ونشاهد الآن في بعض المزارات والمشاهد

“O Allah, do not make my grave an idol that is worshipped”, meaning: Do not make my grave like an idol in the eyes of people, where they come to visit it.. and receive it with prostration, as we hear and see now in some shrines and mausoleums.

[Mirqaat hadith no: 750 vol 2 page 228]


5. He said about you as you are follower of Ibn arabi:

فإن كنت مؤمنا حقا مسلما صدقا فلا تشك في كفر جماعة ابن عربي ولا تتوقف في ضلالة هذا القوم الغوي والجمع الغبي فإن قلت هل

يجوز السلام عليهم ابتداء قلت لا ولا رد السلام عليهم بل لا يقال لهم عليكم أيضا فإنهم شر من اليهود والنصارى وإن حكمهم حكم المرتدين

“If you are a true believer and a sincere Muslim, then do not doubt the disbelief of Ibn Arabi’s group (i.e. him and his followers), and do not hesitate in considering them misguided people.. If you ask whether it is permissible to initiate greetings with them, I say no, nor should you return their greetings. In fact, you should not even say ‘upon you’ to them, for they are worse than the Jews and Christians, and their ruling is the same as that of the apostates. [al-Radd al Qaiyleen be wahdat al wajood page 155-156]

5. He said about Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al qayyim:

بل ومن أولياء هذه الأمة

They are auliyah of this ummah.

Mirqaah al-Mafaateeh by al-Mulla ‘Ali Qaari (8/146)

There are 10s of more quote of him against you.

