Ibn Jawzi and Mawlid

They: oh yeah, Ibn jawzi also approved celebrations of mawlid.

Sunni: But you dance in mawlid call it sufi hadarah I.e. source of spiritual relations with Allah.

Ibn Jawzi said:

و قد إنعقد إجتماع العلماء أن من إدعى الرقص قربه إلى الله تعالى كفر.

The scholars has led them to a Ijma that whosoever claims that “Dance” is a source and means of developing spiritual relations with Allah he is doing Kufar. [ صيد الخاطر page 154]

You also claim, Prophet peace be upon him visit the mawlid gatherings but Ibn Jawzi mentioned some deviants who claim they could see Prophet’s (peace be upon him) while awake.

Ibn kathir said:

ثم أورد ابن الجوزي أشياء منكرة من كلامه، فالله أعلم، من ذلك: أنه كان كلما أشكل عليه شيء رأى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في اليقظة فسأله عن ذلك فدله على الصواب،

Ibn al-Jawzi then mentioned some repudiated statements from his (the deviant’s) speech, and Allah knows best. Among them:

He claimed that whenever he was unsure about something, he would see the Prophet (peace be upon him) in a waking state and ask him about it, and the Prophet would guide him to the correct answer. [al Bidaya wal Nihaya 12/262, al Qassaas wal Muzkareen by Ibn Jawzi page 316] ]

He also said about those who wrote in their books that sufis can see the souls of Prophets while awake:

: وكان السبب فِي تصنيف هؤلاء مثل هذه الأشياء ، قلة علمهم بالسنني والإسلام والآثار وإقبالهم عَلَى مَا استحسنوه من طريقة القوم ،

The factors that caused these individuals to write these books was due to:

1. Lack of knowledge about Sunnah, Islam, and narrations.

2. Inclination towards the methods they deemed admirable, specifically the ascetic approach.

[ Talbees Iblees pg. 163 ]

You also claim auliyah and Khidr visits the gatherings.

Ibn Jawzi said:

وَرُبمَا لقِيه شَيْطَان من الْإِنْس أَو من الْجِنّ، فَقَالَ لَهُ: أَنا الْخضر،

Sometimes a Man or Jinn meet them and say I am Khidr.

[Quoted by Shaykh Salaah Maqbool Ahmad in his Tahqiq of the book al Zuhar wal Nazar fe Haal al Khidr by Ibn Hajr page 1/36]

He also said:

فواعجبا ألهم فيه علامة يعرفونه بها ؟ وهل يجوز لعاقل أن يلقى شخصا فيقول له الشخص أنا الخضر فيصدقه.

How strange! do they know any sign from which they know (i.e. he is khidr for sure?). Is it allowed for any person who has intellect that if he meets someone and he says to him, I am Khidr and he agrees with him? [al Modhuaat Ibn al Jawzi pg 199]

You also chant Ya gawth madad in the gatherings.

Ibn al Jawzi quoted his teacher, Ibn Aqil, on asking help from dead:

وهم كفار عندي بهذه الأوضاع مثل تعظيم القبوروإكرامها بما نهى الشرع عنه من إيقاد النيران وتقبيلها وتخليفها وخطاب الموتى بالألواح وكتب الرقاع فيها يا مولاي افعل بي كذا وكذا وأخذ التراب تبركا وإفاضة الطيب على القبور وشد الرحال إليها وإلقاء الخرقعلى الشجر اقتداء بمن عبد اللات والعزى

“To me, they are kafir (infidels) due to these positions like:

Revering the graves and paying respect to them with things which are forbidden by Shari’a like burning fire, kissing the graves, roaming around them, addressing the dead with sheets (of requests) and notes on patches which say like this: “O My Master do such and such for me”, and taking the soil for getting blessing, pouring perfume on the graves, undertaking journey to visit them, hanging shreds with trees, as imitation to those who worship Lat and Uzza.

Talbees Iblees تلبيس إبليس/الباب الثاني عشر chapter تلبيس إبليس على جمهور العوام

Ibn Jawzi said

ومن ذلك الاستغاثة بهم فى قضاء حوائجهم والحلف بهم والتواجد عند ذكرهم مالا يفعلونها عند ذكر الله وسماع آياته فيمن استعان بغير او استغاثه كما يقول هؤلاء المتولهون بالمشايخ يا سبدى فلان فقد اشرك مع الله غيره

Asking help for the needs from Scholars and Auliyah is included in the shirk and taking oath on their names… who ever ask help from other then Allah or call upon them as they say in veneration of scholars. “O my leader O My shaykh so and so” (Ya Sayyadi Ya Sayyadi Fulaan).. so he associated other partners with Alllah

تذكرة اولى البصائر (Dar Ibn Katheer Beruit Taba 1424 page 22 there is a dispute on attribution of this book towards Ibn Jawzi but this aligns with the fatwa of his teacher as mentioned in Tilbees Iblees above.)

His teacher Ibn aqil also disassociated himself with the gatherings in the masajid in the name of mawlid etc.

Ibn Mufleh said:

في إنكار ما يعمل في المساجد والمقابر في إحياء ليالي المواسم والموالد

قال أبو الوفاء بن عقيل رحمه الله تعالى أنا أبرأ إلى الله تعالى من جموع أهل وقتنا ، في المساجد ، والمشاهد ليالي يسمونها إحياء .

“In rejection of the practice of holding celebratory events in mosques and shrines during the nights of religious events and mawalid.”

Abul Wafa Ibn Aqil Rahimahullah said:

“I disassociate myself before Allah with the gatherings that have become prevalent in mosques and shrines in the name of awaking at night.”

Adaab Ash-Shariyah 3/388

They: Ibn jawzi wahabi gustaakh.

Note: it is not proven from Ibn Jawzi that he indicated celebrations of mawlid

Imam Ahmed & Hanbali Scholars on Mawlid un Nabi Celebration