Ibn al Arabi Maaliki going against Maaliki madhab and his fear of muqallideen.

Ibn al Arabi Maaliki going against Maaliki madhab in an issue and his fear of staunch Maaliki muqallids.

Ibn al Arabi Maaliki said:

“المسألة الثانية قوله: {وإذا قرئ عليهم القرآن لا يسجدون} [الانشقاق: ٢١] ثبت في الصحيح «أن أبا هريرة قرأ: {إذا السماء انشقت} [الانشقاق: ١] فسجد فيها، فلما انصرف أخبرهم أن رسول الله – صلى الله عليه وسلم – سجد فيها» وقد قال مالك: إنها ليست من عزائم السجود والصحيح أنها منه، وهي رواية المدنيين عنه. وقد اعتضد فيها القرآن والسنة.

قال ابن العربي: لما أممت بالناس تركت قراءتها؛ لأني إن سجدت أنكروه، وإن تركتها كان تقصيرا مني، فاجتنبتها إلا إذا صليت وحدي. وهذا تحقيق وعد الصادق بأن يكون المعروف منكرا والمنكر معروفا .

Second issue is that the meaning of this verse:

And when the Qur’ān is recited to them, they do not prostrate [to Allah]? [Al-Inshiqaq verse 21]

And it is proven in Saheeh (al Bukhari) that Abu Huraira recited Surah Al-Inshiqaq and prostrated. After completing the prayer he said, Prophet peace be upon him used to do that.

Imam Malik said there is no prostration in this surah. (Ibn al Arabi commented) and true is that there is prostration in this surah. And this is also one narration of people of Madina from Maalik. And there are evidences from Quran and Sunnah in this issue.

Ibn al Arabi said: When I lead the prayer to (Maaliki) people, I don’t even recite this verse. Because if I prostrate, these (muqallid) people will ask why did you prostrate? (as it is not in the Maaliki madhab). And if I don’t recite then its my shortcoming (that I feel bad as I am going against hadith). So when I pray alone I recite it and also prostrate. This was already mentioned by the truthful Prophet (peace be upon him) that truth will be called wrong and wrong will be called truth.

(احکام القرآن under سورة الانشقاق)