Abu Bakr at-Tartooshi (451 h to 520 h) was student of the likes of Abu Walid al Baji, he was teacher of the likes of Qaadi Iyaad, Abu Bakr Ibn al Arabi etc. Fanatics wanted to kill him because he did Rafa yadayn before going to rukoo and after rukoo.
Abu Bakr Ibn al Arabi said:
وقال كان شيخنا أبو بكر الفهري يرفع يديه عند الركوع ، وعند رفع الرأس منه ، وهذا مذهب مالك والشافعي ، وتفعله الشيعة ، فحضر عندي يوما بمحرس ابن الشواء بالثغر موضع تدريسي عند صلاة الظهر ، ودخل المسجد من المحرس المذكور ، فتقدم إلى الصف الأول وأنا في مؤخره قاعد على طاقات البحر ، أتنسم الريح من شدة الحر ، ومعه في صف واحد أبو ثمنة رئيس البحر وقائده ، مع نفر من أصحابه ينتظر الصلاة ، ويتطلع على مراكب تحت الميناء ، فلما رفع الشيخ يديه في الركوع وفي رفع الرأس منه قال أبو ثمنة وأصحابه : ألا ترون إلى هذا المشرقي كيف دخل مسجدنا ؟ فقوموا إليه فاقتلوه وارموا به في البحر ، فلا يراكم أحد . فطار قلبي من بين جوانحي ، وقلت : سبحان الله ، هذا الطرطوشي فقيه الوقت . فقالوا لي : ولم يرفع يديه ؟ فقلت : كذلك كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يفعل ، وهو مذهب مالك في رواية أهل المدينة عنه . وجعلت أسكنهم وأسكتهم ، حتى فرغ من صلاته ، وقمت معه إلى المسكن من المحرس ، ورأى تغير وجهي ، فأنكره ، وسألني فأعلمته فضحك ، وقال : ومن أين لي أن أقتل على سنة ، فقلت له : ولا يحل لك هذا فإنك بين قوم إن قمت بها قاموا عليك ، وربما ذهب دمك . فقال : دع هذا الكلام وخذ في غيره .
My teacher Abu Bakr al Fihri used to raise his hands before going to rukoo and after rukoo, this is the madhab of Imam Malik, Shafiee and Shias also practice upon it. One day he came to me at Ibn al-Shawa’s guardhouse in Al-Thaghr, where I taught, it was time of Dhuhr. He came to the masjid and went to the first row and I was sitting behind him and watching waves of the river.. Abu Thamna was in my row who was ameer and commander of the sea, his companions were also present and waiting for Salah and they were watching the ships in the harbour. As soon as shaykh did Rafa yadayn, they said, how this eastern came to our masjid? Go to him and discard his body into the sea after killing him. My heart trembled in fear and I said Glory to be Allah, he is Tartooshi the faqeeh of this era. They said: Why is he doing rafayadayn? I said, Prophet peace be upon him used to raise his hands, Maalik also did as it is the narration of people of Madina. I started stopping them from the chaos until he (Abu Bakr Fihri) finished his prayer. I went with him.. Until he saw my face changing colors and found it strange. He asked me about it and I informed him everything. He smiled and said, “If only I were fortunate enough to be killed for following a Sunnah”!
Ahkam al Quran under Surah al inshiqaq verse 21
Some stances of Imam Abu Bakr at-Tartooshi against shirk and Bid ah.
1. Imam Abu Bakr at-Tartooshi al Maaliki (451 h to 520 h) commented:
فانظروا – رحمكم الله – أينما وجدتم سدرة أو شجرة يقصدها الناس ويعظمون من شأنها ويرجون البرء والشفاء من قبلها وينوطون بها المسامير والخرق؛ فهي ذات أنواط؛ فاقطعوها.
May Allah have mercy on you, wherever you see the lote tree or (any) tree which is visited and venerated by people, and consider it the cure, hang metal pins and cloth, Then cut it down because it is dhaat Anwaat. [al Hawadis wal Bida 1/39]
2. Imam Abu Bakr At-Tartooshi al Maliki (d. 520 H.) said:
يرحمك الله مذهب الصوفية بطالة وجهالة وضلالة وما الاسلام إلا كتاب الله وسنة رسوله وأما الرقص والتواجد فأول من أحدثه أصحاب السامري لما اتخذ لهم عجلا جسدا له خوار قاموا يرقصون حواليه ويتواجدون فهو دين الكفار وعباد العجل وأما القضيب فأول من اتخذه الزنادقة ليشغلوا به المسلمين عن كتاب الله تعالى وإنما كان يجلس النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مع أصحابه المنافقين على رءوسهم الطير من الوقار فينبغي للسلطان ونوابه أن يمنعهم من الحضور في المساجد وغيرها ولا يحل لأحد يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر أن يحضر معهم ولا يعينهم على باطل هذا مذهب مالك وأبي حنيفة والشافعي وأحمد بن حنبل وغيرهم من أئمة المسلمين وبالله التوفيق”
May Allah have mercy on you, the mazhab of the Sufis is that of Batalah (wastefulness), Jahalah (ignorance), and Dalalah (misguidance). Islam is but the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger.
As for the dancing and the Tawajud, the first to perform this are the companions of Al-Samiri, when he founded for them an image of a calf that had a sound, so they started dancing around it and Yatawajadoon, thus [this action] is the religion of the Kuffar (unbelievers), and the worshippers of the calf.
As for the [hitting with the] rod, the first to adopt this action are the Zanadiqah (disbelieving heretics), to distract Muslims from the Book of Allah the Exalted.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him used to sit with his companions, as if birds were standing on their heads from their dignity [tranquility and stillness]. That is why the Sultan and his assistants are required to stop [these people] from gathering in Masjids and in any other place.
It is not permissible for anyone that believes in Allah and the Hereafter to attend with them, and to assist them in their evil and wastefulness, and that is the Mazhab of Malik, Abu Hanifa, Al-Shafi’y, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and others from the scholars of the Muslims, and from Allah we seek success.(end quote)[Qurtubi mentioned same thing under Surah al-Kahf verse 14]