Category: History

Information related to Islamic History

Noor ud Din Zangi

Noor Ad-Deen Zangi who had a dream to take Bayt al Maqdas back from Crusaders. 1. Ibn Al-Atheer may Allaah have mercy upon him wrote, “I have read the biographies of the Muslim commanders and I have not found any of them, after the rightly-guided…

Ibn Hazm VS ruthless King Nikephoros

Nikephoros, bloodthirsty King VS Ibn Hazm. Nikephoros not only took the lives of numerous Muslims but also wrote poetic verses againstbIslam and dehumanized Muslim women and girls by comparing them to animals, asserting they were soft and beautiful and therefore permissible for him. Additionally, he…

Fanatic Ashari judge of 494 h

Fanatic ashari judge in 494 h Ibn Kathir said عزيز بن عبد الملك منصور أبو المعالي الجيلي القاضي الملقب: سيدله، كان شافعيا في الفروع، أشعريا في الأصول، وكان حاكما بباب الأزج، وكان بينه وبين أهل باب الأزج من الحنابلة شنآن كبير. سمع رجلا ينادي على…