Category: Aqeedah : beliefs associated with Islam

When people saw blessed bodies of Ibraheem, Ishaq and Yaqub (Peace be upon them) in 513 AH

When people saw bodies of Ibraheem, his son Ishaq and his son Yaqub (peace be upon them). Ibn Kathir said: وفيها: ظهر قبر إبراهيم الخليل عليه السلام وقبر ولديه إسحاق ويعقوب، وشاهد ذلك الناس، ولم تبلَ أجسادهم، وعندهم قناديل من ذهب وفضة، ذكر ذلك ابن…

al Nawawi and scholars of his time on the ignorant who would start worshiping the tree under which Prophet peace be upon him took bayt Ridwan.

al Nawawi and scholars of his time on the ignorant who would start worshiping the tree under which Prophet peace be upon him took bayt Ridwan. Al Nawawi said: ’’قال العلماء سبب خفائها أن لا يفتتن الناس بها لما جرى تحتها من الخير ونزول الرضوان…