Can Auliyah and Anbiya do tasarruf in the treasures of Allah and have kull knowledge of unseen?

Aqeeda class by Allah subhanawatala, Nuh Aleh salam and Ibn Kathir rahimahullah.

Can Auliyah and Anbiya do tasarruf in the treasures of Allah and have kull knowledge of unseen?

Allah says about Prophet Nuh aleh salam in Surah Hud verse 31.

” And I do not say to you that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor that I know the Ghayb; nor do I say I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them. Allah knows what is in their inner selves. In that case, I should, indeed be one of the wrongdoers.”

Ibn Kathir commented:

ويخبرهم أنه لا قدرة له على التصرف في خزائن الله، ولا يعلم من الغيب إلا ما أطلعه الله عليه، وليس هو بملك من الملائكة، بل هو بشر مرسل مؤيد بالمعجزات

He (Nuh peace be upon him) informed that he has no power to do tasarruf in the hidden treasures of Allah, nor does he have any knowledge of the Unseen, except what Allah has allowed him to know. Likewise, he is not an angel, rather, he is a human Messenger aided with miracles. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir under Surah HUD verse 31)