The belief that The Prophet’s wives were not allowed to remarry after his death because He peace be upon him is alive like the life of this world.
a) The belief of later sufis.
b) The belief of classical scholars.
a) The belief of later sufis.
“Malfuzat” v 3 p 276, Ahmad Raza Khan wrote about the life of the Prophet (saw) in his grave:
Question: What is the difference in the Barzakhi life of Prophets (may Salah be upon them) and Awliya
“The life of the noble Prophets (may Salah and Salam be upon them) is real and physical similar to the life of this world (Haqiqi Hisi Dunyawi), and death touched them for a little moment just to fulfil the divine promise, then just after they are given the same life. This life has the same ruling as the life of this world, their inheritance is not distributed, the Nikah of their wives is forbidden and they do not have any ‘Iddah period, they (Prophets) eat and drink and pray in their graves, rather Saydi Muhammad ibn Abdul Baqi Az-Zarqani said that for the Prophets (may Salah and Salam be upon them), their pure wives are presented to them in their graves, and they spend the night with them.” [From the Article of br. Ali Hassan Khan]
b) The belief of classical scholars.
Abu Abdillah al Qurtubi said:
فحرم الله نكاح أزواجه من بعده، وجعل لهن حكم الأمهات. وهذا من خصائصه تمييزاً لشرفه وتنبيهاً على مرتبته صلى الله عليه وسلم. قال الشافعيّ رحمه الله: وأزواجه صلى الله عليه وسلم اللاتي مات عنهن لا يحلّ لأحد نكاحهن، ومن استحلّ ذلك كان كافراً؛ لقوله تعالى: { وَمَا كَانَ لَكُمْ أَن تؤْذُواْ رَسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَلاَ أَن تَنكِحُوۤاْ أَزْوَاجَهُ مِن بَعْدِهِ أَبَداً }. وقد قيل: إنما منع من التزوّج بزوجاته؛ لأنهن أزواجه في الجنة، وأن المرأة في الجنة لآخر أزواجها. قال حذيفة لامرأته: إن سرّك أن تكوني زوجتي في الجنة إن جمعنا الله فيها فلا تزوّجي من بعدي؛ فإن المرأة لآخر أزواجها. وقد ذكرنا ما للعلماء في هذا في (كتاب التذكرة) من أبواب الجنة.
“Allaah The Exalted forbade marrying the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) after his death and declared them as Mothers of the believers. This is one of the special privileges granted to the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) to preserve his honor and emphasize his high status to the Muslims.
ash-Shafiee said: It is not allowed to marry the wives of the Prophet peace be upon him who were in his Nikah at the time of his death. Whoever says that it is allowed is a Kaafir due to the saying of Allah ta`ala: ” {And it is not (conceivable nor lawful) for you to harm the Messenger of Allaah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed}”
It was also said that the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) were not permitted to remarry after him because they will be his wives in Paradise, as the woman will be the wife of her last husband in Paradise. It was narrated that Huthayfah may Allaah be pleased with him said to his wife, “If you want to be my wife in Paradise, don’t marry anyone after my death. A woman will be with her last husband in Paradise.” I (al Qurtubi) mentioned the sayings of the scholars in this regard in the book “Al Tadhkirah” under the chapters of Jannah. [Tafseer al Qurtubi under Surah al Ahzab verse 53]
Brailwis have not a single righteous predecessor who said the life of Prophets is worldly and that the wives are presented to him. Yes there is a quote of 10th and 11th century sufi Maaliki az-Zarqani who was sufi Imam and muhaddith and praised by sunni and salafi scholars but he was in no way equal to Imams and giants like Sahaba, Tabiyee, 4 Imams, he was not even close to his own Malaki Imam al Qurtubi that is why Imam Ahmad said:“Beware of saying a statement which no predecessor has preceded you in.”
We ask Allah’s forgiveness and stay away from new aqeeda of sufis which was alien to salaf al-Saliheen.