Beware of the famous creed which the common people have regarding the shrines, always check from the scholars.
Ibn Mufleh Said:
، قال إبراهيم الحربي : الدعاء عند قبر معروف الترياق المجرب .
وقال شيخنا : قصده للدعاء عنده رجاء الإجابة بدعة لا قربة باتفاق الأئمة ، وقال أيضا : يحرم بلا نزاع بين الأئمة .
وقد شاع عند الناس لا سيما أهل الحديث تعظيم السلطان محمود بن سبكتكين ، قال أبو الحسن عبد الغافر بن إسماعيل الفارسي هو أبو القاسم بن ناصر الدين أبي منصور ، ولي خراسان أربعين سنة ثم عظمه إلى غاية إلى أن قال : وقد زرت مشهده بظاهر غزنة وهو الذي يتقرب إليه الناس ويرجون استجابة الدعوات عنده ، توفي في جمادى الأولى سنة إحدى وعشرين وأربعمائة ، ويأتي كلامه في الفنون آخر الفصل الثاني من باب الدفن
Ibraheem al Harbi said:”The dua at the grave of Maroof is proven medicine” [this is not proven from Ibraheem al Harbi]
My (Ibn Mufleh’s) teacher said: (travelling towards the grave) with the intention of prayer hoping that it will be accepted there is an innovation, there is no nearness (to Allah) in it with the agreement of the scholars. He also said: It is prohibited without any disagreement among the scholars.
It was famous among the common people specially the people of hadeeth on the veneration of Sultan Mahmood bin sabugtageen, Abul hasan Isma’eel al farsi said: His (Sultan mahmood name was) Abul qasim Nasir uddin, He was the ruler of Khurasaan for forty years then later people venerated him to extremes. I (Abul hasan Isma’eel al farsi) have visited his grave on the outskirts of Ghazni and people come to him and hope that their supplications will be accepted near him, He died in Jamadi al Ula in 421 H. [al Furoo 2/160]
Ibn Khilkan mentioned what people do at the grave of Musa Kazim:
وقبره هناك مشهور يزار، وعليه مشهد عظيم فيه قناديل الذهب والفضة وأنواع الآلات والفرش ما لا يحد
His grave is famous and visited by people and it has a great shrine where there are chandeliers of gold and silver and various types of things and farsh which has no limit. [Wafayat al-Ayan 4/505]
Same way, Ibn Kathir mentioned various things people did with the body of Ibn Taymiyah for tabarruk which was not prescribed by Ibn Taymiyah himself.