al Ghazaali on asking others beside Allah.
He said:
الكريم “هو الّذى إذا قدر عفا، وإذا وعد وفّى، وإذا أعطى زاد على منتهى الرّجاء، ولا يبالى كم أعطى، ولا من أعطى، وإن رفعت حاجة إلى غيره لا يرضى
I.e. al Kareem (Allah) will not be pleased if a need is asked from other than him.
المقصد الاسنی شرح اسماء الله الحسنی للغزالی
al Ghazaali was Sufi and he was bashed by many like Ibn Jawzi etc due to his aqaid, but then he changed his stances and came to Sunni aqeeda. Scholars gave him title Hujjat al Islam. See islamqa.