al Ayni Defending Ibn Taymiyah on the issue of divorce and traveling to visit the graves.
Imam al Ayni Hanafi said:
ولم يكن بحثه فيما صدر عنه في مسألة الزيارة والطلاق إلا عن اجتهاد سائغ بالاتفاق، والمجتهد في الحالين مأجور مثاب، وليس فيه شيء مما يلام أو يعاب، ولكن حملهم على ذلك حسدهم الظاهر، وكيدهم الباهر، وكفى للحاسد ذماً آخر سورة الفلق، في احتراقاته بالقلق،
Whatever he said regarding the issue of “Ziyarah” and “Talaq” is his Ijtihaad, which is allowed by the agreement. The Mujtahid get the thawab whether he is right or even when he is wrong. AND THEN THERE IS NOTHING IN HIS (THE FATAWA OF ZIYARAH AND TALAQ) WHICH SHOULD BE BLAMED AND CONDEMNED, envious tried to make his name bad by doing mischievous things. The last verse of Surah Falaq is enough in refutation of envious. he burns because he is anxious. [Taqreez of al Ayni on the book “Radd al Wafir”, Ghayat al Amani 2/157]
He not even defended and praised ibn Taymiyah rather wrote a full Sharah on the book of Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah by the name of “العلم الهيب في شرح الكلم الطيب” in which he said on page 32, that This book is authored by
الامام العالم العلامة الاوحد الرحلة الفهامة شيخ الاسلام والمسلمين: تقي الدين أحمد بن عبد الحليم بن تيمية الحرانى تغمده الله برحمته واسكنه بحبوح جنته وحين وقع نظرهم عليه انكبوا بالالتفات اليه
The Imam, The Scholar, The Allama.. The Knowledgeable Shaykh al Islam of the Muslims Taqi ad-Din Ahmad bin Abdul Haleem Ibn Taymiyah al Harrani May Allah have mercy on him and GRANT HIM THE BEST PLACE IN JANNAH..
Al-Ayni also said:
فمن قال هو كافر فهو كافر حقيق، ومن نسبه إلى الزندقة فهو زنديق، وكيف يكون ذلك وقد سارت تصانيفه إلى الآفاق، وليس فيها شيء مما يدل على الزيغ والشقاق
“Whoever says ibn Taymiyyah is a kaafir then he is in reality himself a kaafir, and the one who accuses him of heresy is himself a heretic. How is this possible when his works are widely available and there is no hint of deviation or dissension contained therein.” [Taqreez of al Ayni on the book “Radd al Wafir”, Ghayat al Amani 2/157]