13 quotes related to Love.
1. The greatest love between two souls is the love of husband and wife.
2. Saying “I Love you” to your wife
3. Dr Muhammad bin Umar Baazmool commented on above
4. Showing your true colors in love.
5. Love for the opposite sex.
6. Love letter written with blood.
7. If you truly love someone then marry, don’t make excuses and linger on.
8. When a crippled, one eyed and disfigured woman fell in love with Abu Uthman al Hiri (230–298 h) scholar of Khurāsān and he married her without even seeing her.
9. Love story of the great scholar and historian Taqi al din Maqrizi (766 h to 845 h) and his wife Safra bint Umar Umm Muhammad (770 h to 790 h).
10. Imam an-Nasa’i ruled the city of Homs as a judge in Syria and his love for his wives.
11. Ibn Hajr al Asqalani loved his wife Layla so much that when he went far from home, He said,
12. Shuraih al Qadhi Praising his wife Zainab from Banu Tamim.
13. Bulbul the wife of Allama Ibn Mubrad Hanbali (d 909 h).
1. The greatest love between two souls is the love of husband and wife.
Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
فلا ألفة بين روحين أعْظَمُ مِمّا بَيْنَ الزَّوْجَيْنِ ; ولهذا ذكر تعالى أن الساحر ربما توصل بكيده إلى التفرقة بين المرء وزوجه
There is no love between any two souls greater than that exists between the husband and wife. This is why Allah mentioned that the sorcerer might be able with his trick to separate between a man and his wife (thus indicating the difficulty of separating them in normal circumstances).
Tafseer Ibn Katheer surah al Araaf verse 190.
2. Saying “I Love you” to your wife:
Ibn Maeen Narrated:
ابراهيم قال: “كانوا يقولون قول الرجل لإمرأته: إنى احبك طرف من السحر”.
Ibraheem said: They (Sahaba and tabiyeen) said, saying I love you to your wife is type of a magic.
تاريخ ابن معين – رواية ابن محرز (2/ 63)
3. Dr Muhammad bin Umar Baazmool commented on above:
وفيه ما كان عليه الصحابة والتابعون من العناية بأمر الزوجة واستصلاحها لزوجها.
وفيه أن الوصية بها وبما يشبهها مما يرغب في تعلمه وتعليمه.
وفيه أن حب الرجل لزوجته وحب الزوجة لزوجها مما ينبغي الاعتناء به، ويعين على تحمل أعباء الحياة ومشاكلها.
وبالله التوفيق.
And it shows what the Companions and their followers were upon..
In it there is benefit of a man’s love for his wife and a wife’s love for her husband and the things that should be taken care of, and help to bear the burdens and problems of life.
(د. محمد بن عمر بازمول)
4. Showing your true colors in love.
Ibn Hibban said:
وإن من أعظم عيب المرء تلونه في الوداد
One of the greatest defects in a person is the changing of colors in (his/her) love.
”انسان کے بڑے عیبوں میں سے ایک محبت میں رنگ بازی کرنا ہے۔“
(روضة العقلاء لابن حبان : ١٠٣)
5. Love for the opposite sex.
Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
There is no blame on one who feels love towards women; rather this is a sign of perfect manhood.
End quote from ad-Daa’ wa’d-Dawaa’ (p. 552).
6. Love letter written with blood.
Imam Ibn Hazm رحمہ اللہ said:
ولقد رأيت كتاب المحب إلى محبوبه، وقد قطع في يده بسكين له فسال الدم واستمد منه وكتب به الكتاب أجمع.ولقد رأيت الكتاب بعد جفوفه فما شككت انه بصبغ اللك.
I saw a lover who wrote a letter to his love with blood cutting his hand with a knife, then I saw that letter when it dried up and found out that it is not the blood it’s just the ink to color the leather.
[Tauq al Hammama pg. 140 via Abdul Aziz Akhtar]
7. If you truly love someone then marry, don’t make excuses, don’t linger on.
Mulla Ali Qari commented:
إذا جرى بين المتحابين وصلة خارجية ازدادت الوصلة الباطنية ، وقيل : إذا نظر إلى الأجنبية وأخذت بمجامع قلبه فنكاحها يورث مزيد المحبة ، وسفاحها البغض والعداوة
If there is an external bond between the two who love each other, the inner bond increases, and it is said: If he looks at a ajnabi woman and she takes hold of his heart, then marrying her will inherit more love, and doing zina with her (makes them) hate (each other and increases) enmity.
Mirqaat Al Mafateeh no. 3093
8. When a crippled, one eyed and disfigured woman fell in love with Abu Uthman al Hiri (230–298 h) scholar of Khurāsān and he married her without even seeing her.
Ibn kathir said:
وروى الخطيب أنه سئل: أي أعمالك أرجى عندك؟
فقال: إني لما ترعرعت وأنا بالري وكانوا يريدونني على التزويج فأمتنع، فجائتني امرأة فقالت: يا أبا عثمان قد أحببتك حبا أذهب نومي وقراري، وأنا أسألك بمقلب القلوب وأتوسل به إليه لما تزوجتني.
فقلت: ألك والد؟
فقالت: نعم.
فأحضرته فاستدعى بالشهود فتزوجتها، فلما خلوت بها إذا هي عوراء عرجاء شوهاء -مشوهة الخلق – فقلت: اللهم لك الحمد على ما قدرته لي، وكان أهل بيتي يلومونني على تزويجي بها، فكنت أزيدها برا وإكراما، وربما احتبستني عندها ومنعتني من الحضور إلى بعض المجالس، وكأني كنت في بعض أوقاتي على الجمر وأنا لا أبدي لها من ذلك شيئا.
فمكثت كذلك خمس عشرة سنة، فما شيء أرجى عندي من حفظي عليها ما كان في قلبها من جهتي.
وفيها توفي:
Al-Khatib narrated that Abu Uthman was asked: Which of your deeds do you most hope for its acceptance?
He said: When I grew up while I was in “Ray” and they wanted me to marry but I used to refuse. A woman came to me and said: O Abu Uthman, I love you so much that I can’t sleep at night and i have no patience. I ask by the controller of the hearts (Allah) and make him mediator that you marry me.
I said: Do you have a father?
She said: Yes.
So He was brought and I married her in the presence of witnesses, But when I went to her alone I saw that she was one-eyed, crippled and disfigured.
I said: O Allah, praise be to you that you have decreed her for me. My family used to blame me for marrying her but I would always increase my goodness and good behavior with her. Many times she kept me with her and prevented me from attending some (knowledgeable) gatherings, and due to that I would consider myself as if I was on hot coals but I never showed her anything about my feelings.
I remained like that for fifteen years, due to this there is no good deed which I hope for acceptance. Because i preserved her love for her.
(al Bidaya wal Nihaya under the year 298 h)
9. Love story of the great scholar and historian Taqi al din Maqrizi (766 h to 845 h) and his wife Safra bint Umar Umm Muhammad (770 h to 790 h).
He wrote a biography of his wife who died at the age of 20 only. He was 24 years of age at the time when she died and lived 55 years after her death.
He said
:واتفق أني كنت أكثر من الاستغفار لها بعد موتها فأريتها في بعض الليالي وقد دخلت علي بهيئتها التي كفنتها بها، فقلت لها: وقد تذكرت أنها ميتة: يا أم محمد: الذي أرسله إليك يصل ؟ أعني استغفاري. فقالت: نعم سيدي، في كل يوم تصل هديتك إلي، ثم بكت وقالت، قد علمت يا سيدي أني عاجزة عن مكافاتك. فقلت لها: لا عليك عما قليل نلتقي.
وكانت غفر الله لها مع صغر سنها من خير نساء زمانها عفة وصيانة وديانة وثقة وأمانة ورزانة ما عُوضت بعدها مثلها .
أبـكـي فـراقهم عيني فأرّقها إن الـتـفـرق للأحباب بكاء
ما زال يعدو عليهم ريب دهرهم حـتى تفانواوريب الدهر عدّاءُ
جمعنا الله بها في جنته وعمنا بعفوه ومغفرته.
I used to pray for her forgiveness frequently. Once I saw her in a dream.. I asked, O Umm Muhammad, whatever I send to you i.e. supplications for your forgiveness do you get that?
She replied: Yes MY Sayyid I get those gifts daily. Then she cried and said do you know my sayyid? I can’t repay your gifts…
May Allah forgive her even though she was young, she was best of the women of our time in chastity, wisdom, Diyanah, trustworthiness, Amanah… May Allah unite us in jannah..
[Durar al Uqood 2/99 no. 488]
10. Imam an-Nasa’i ruled the city of Homs as a judge in Syria and his love for his wives.
Ibn Kathir said about Imam an-Nasa’i.
وقد ولي الحكم بمدينة حمص.
سمعته من شيخنا المزي عن رواية الطبراني في معجمه الأوسط حيث قال: حدثنا أحمد بن شعيب الحاكم بحمص وذكروا أنه كان له من النساء أربع نسوة، وكان غاية الحسن، وجهه كأنه قنديل، وكان يأكل في كل يوم ديكا ويشرب عليه نقيع الزبيب الحلال
He ruled the city of Homs as a Judge.
I heard it from our teacher Al-Mizzi from the narration of Al-Tabarani in his Al-Mu’jam Al-Awsat, where he said: We were told by Ahmed bin Shuaib (al Nasa’i) the judge of Homs and they mentioned that he had four wives and he was extremely handsome, his face (used to shine like) a lamp, and he used to eat a rooster every day and used to drink an infusion of halal raisins on it.
al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 303 h
Ibn kathir also said:
وكان له أربع زوجات وسريتان، وكان كثير الجماع، حسن الوجه مشرق اللون. قالوا: وكان يقسم للإماء كما يقسم للحرائر.
He had four wives and two concubines, and he used to intercourse frequently, he had a handsome face and bright colour.
al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 303 h.
11. Ibn Hajr al Asqalani loved his wife Layla so much that when he went far from home, He said:
رحلت وخلفت الحبيب بداره … برغمي ولم أجنح إلى غيره ميلاً
أشاغل نفسي بالحديث تعللا … نهاري وفي ليلي أحن إلى ليلي
I departed and left my beloved behind in the house …and, I didn’t incline towards anyone besides liking her.
I busy myself in hadith and explaining it day and night, longing for the night (Layla).
This is narrated by his student al Sakhawi in الضوء اللامع 5/458
12. Shuraih al Qadhi Praising his wife Zainab from Banu Tamim.
It is attributed to Shuraih al Qadhi |(The great student of Sahaba) that he said about his wife Zainab:
رأيت رجالا يضربون نساءهم فشلت يميني حين أضرب زينبا وزينب شمس والنساء كواكب
إذا طلعت لم تبق منهن كوكبا
I have seen men beating their women, May My right hand be Paralyzed if I beat her.
Zainab is like a sun and other women are like star, when the sun rises the stars do not shine.
[Siyar A’laam an-Nubala under the biography of Shuraih al Qadhi]
13. Bulbul the wife of Allama Ibn Mubrad Hanbali (d 909 h).
He loved her so much that he wrote a book “لقط السنبل في أخبار البلبل” in which he wrote about beautiful days he spent with his wife.