When Shaykh Suleman bin Abdul Wahaab left his refutations against his brother Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab.
Shaykh Badi al Din Shah al Rashidi said:
The brother of shaykh, Suleman bin Abdul Wahab (d 1208 h) who was staunch against him rather he wrote a risalah against him by the name of “Al Sawaiq Al Ilahia Fi Al Radd Ala Al Wahabiyya”. But he was Saleem ul Qalb and his refutations were not based on Hasad, Bughz and Anaad. At the end he understood the truth and left his false aqaid and accepted the truth. This is mentioned by Allama Husayn bin Ghanaam Ahsai d 1225 h in his book Rawdhatul Afkaar page 66 vol 1 under the things happened in 1190 h. This is also mentioned by Shaykh Suleman bin Sahman in his book “al Diya al Shariq” page 60.
[Aqida e Tawheed aur Ullema e Salaf ki khidmat page 73]
In this book shaykh Badi ud din mentioned the books authored on the issue of aqeeda up till 14th century and mentioned the names of their authors.
Following is the Image of Rawdhatul Afkaar page 66 vol 1 under the things happened in 1190 h