When Imam Al Bukhari left fasting due to minor illness and Ishaq bin Rahwayh questioned him.

When Imam Al Bukhari left fasting due to minor illness and Ishaq bin Rahwayh questioned him.

Imam Al Hakim narrated:

حدثني أبو سعيد أحمد بن محمد النسوي قال: حدثني أبوحسان مهيب بن سليم قال: سمعت محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري يقول: ” اعتللت بنيسابور علة خفيفة، وذلك في شهر رمضان فعادني إسحاق بن راهويه في نفر من أصحابه، فقال لي: أفطرت يا أبا عبد الله، فقلت: نعم، قال: خشيت أن تضعف عن قبول الرخصة، فقلت: أخبرنا عبدان، عن ابن المبارك، عن ابن جريج قال: قلت لعطاء: من أي المرض أفطر؟ قال: ومن أي مرض كان كما قال الله عز وجل: {فمن كان منكم مريضا} [البقرة: ١٨٤] ؟ , قال البخاري: ولم يكن هذا عند إسحاق

Muhayab bin Aslam said that I heard Muhammad bin Ismaeel Al Bukhari saying:

I was was afflicted with minor illness in Neysabur in the month of Ramadan. Ishaq bin Rahwayh came to visit me with his students.

He said: O Abu Abdullah are you not fasting? I (Al Bukhari) said yes I am not fasting. He (Ishaq bin Rahwayh) said, I fear that you left obligatory fasting due to a small reason.

Imam Al Bukhari replied:

Abdan narrated to me, he heard from Abdullah bin Mubarak who heard from Ibn Juraij who asked from (great Tabiyee) Ata bin ABI Rabah that is it allowed to leave obligatory fasting due to any illness? Ata replied: it can be any illness (small or extreme) because Allah says: “So whoever among you is ill” (2 : 184).

Al Bukhari said this (Fatwa) was not known to Ishaq.

[Muarifat Uloom al Hadith Page 75]