When Crusaders came to Egypt and Muslim generals feared

When the generals of Muslim army saw great army of crusade who came to Egypt, they feared.
Ayyubi and Ameer Sharf ud din said:
من خاف القتل والأسر فليقعد في بيته عند زوجته، ومن أكل أموال الناس فلا يسلم بلادهم إلى العدو.
وقال مثل ذلك ابن أخيه صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب، فعزم الله لهم فساروا نحو الفرنج فاقتتلوا هم وإياهم قتالا عظيما، فقتلوا من الفرنج مقتلة عظيمة، وهزموهم، ثم قتلوا منهم خلقا لا يعلمهم إلا الله عز وجل، ولله الحمد.
The one who fears death and captivity he should go and sit with his wife at his home. And those who took amwaal of people they will not give their land to the enemy.
His (Asad ud din’s) nephew Salah al din Yusaf bin Ayyub said same thing.. and they went to crusaders and fought them and killed them greatly and defeated them. And killed them so much that only Allah knows the numbers.
[al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 12 under 562 h]