When al Sakhawi entered Payramids of Giza.

The problems faced by the student of Ibn hajr al asqalani, Hafiz sakhawi in the payramids of Giza.


Al-Sakhawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:


: (ثم انحدرنا منه ودخلنا المكان الذي بأسفله، ومع كل مِنَّا الشمع المطيب .وفي الوصول إليه خطر؛ لكونه لا يتمكن مــــن الدخول في أوله؛ إلا بالمرور على البطن كالحيات والهوام والحيتان .ولا يؤمن في حال المرور فيه من حيّة وغيرها. ويحصل الرقيُّ بعد ذلك من مكان صعب جدًّا، يكون عرضه مقدار ذراع، وعلى يسار الصاعد فيه وهدة، الله أعلم بقرارها، ثم ينتهي إلى مكان مربع .


إلى غير ذلك مما كان الأولى عدم التوغل في دخوله؛ لما فيه من مزيد المشقة والخطر .

وقد توجه عقبنا بيسير القاضي بدر الدين بن القطان؛ فلم يستطع هـو ولا أحد ممن معه الدخول إليه .

واقتضى رأيهم ؛ ردم المكان الذي يدخل منه ؛ لما في بقائه عندهم من الضر ؛ رجع فأخبرنا بذلك، فما كان بأسرع من رجوع البقاعي .


فأزال الردم وصيَّره كما كان أولًا، لكنه لم يلبث بعد ذلك يسيرًا، وسقط عليه مـــــن قطع الحجارة ما لا يمكن إزالته إلا بتكلف ورجال. ولله الأمر) انتهى كلامه رحمه الله .


“‘We then descended from the pyramid and entered the area beneath it, each of us carrying scented candles. Reaching it was challenging, as the entrance requires crawling like snakes, reptiles, or whales. There’s also a risk of encountering snakes and other dangers during passage.


“‘After that, one must navigate a narrow, extremely difficult passage, about the width of a forearm. On the left side of the ascending passage, there’s a recess; Allah knows its dimensions. The passage then leads to a square area…


“‘Considering the hardship and danger, it would have been better to avoid entering. Our companion, Judge Badr al-Din ibn al-Qattan, attempted to follow but neither he nor anyone with him could enter. They decided to fill the entrance with rubble due to the potential harm it posed. Upon returning, he informed us of this. No sooner had the news spread than Al-Biqa’i retreated.


“‘[Al-Biqa’i] then removed the rubble and restored [the entrance] to its original state. However, he didn’t persist for long, and soon stones fell upon him, which couldn’t be removed without great effort and men. And so, the matter rested with Allah.'”


“Al-Tibr Al-Masbuk fi Dhayl Al-Suluk” (2/9-12), under the events of Friday, 18th Muharram, 851 AH

Hafiz Sakhawi on top of Payramids.

He said in “Al-Daw’ al-Lami'” (2/160) in the biography of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Omar al-Barnabari (d. 898 AH)

“‘I heard him, while we were atop the pyramids, narrating from his maternal grandfather, a righteous man…’

He was just 20 years of age when he entered them.


Note: above is copied and translated from the following:
