What happened when the Ruler of Egypt influenced by Jahmiya tried to persecute Hanbalis.
Ibn Kathir said:
فيها كانت وفاة العزيز صاحب مصر
وذلك أنه خرج إلى الصيد، فكانت ليلة الأحد العشرين من المحرم، ساق خلف ذئب فكبا به فرسه فسقط عنه فمات بعد أيام، ودفن بداره.
ثم حول إلى عند تربة الشافعي، وله سبع أو ثمان وعشرون سنة، ويقال: إنه كان قد عزم في هذه السنة على إخراج الحنابلة من بلده، ويكتب إلى بقية إخوته بإخراجهم من البلاد.
وشاع ذلك عنه وذاع، وسمع ذلك منه وصرح به، وكل ذلك من معلميه وخلطائه وعشرائه من الجهمية، وقلة علمه بالحديث، فلما وقع منه هذا ونوى هذه النية القبيحة الفاسدة أهلكه الله ودمره سريعا، وعظم قدر الحنابلة بين الخلق بمصر والشام، عند الخاص والعام.
وقيل: إن بعض صالحيهم دعا عليه، فما هو إلا أن خرج إلى الصيد فكان هلاكه سريعا،
In this year (595 h) the death of al Aziz the ruler of Egypt occurred.
And that is, he went for a hunt on 21st night of Muharram, he was chasing a wolf and his horse struck something. He fell from his horse and died after few days.. it has been related that he had plans to kick hanbalis out from his land and wrote letters to his brothers that they should also kick them out.. and that was due to his those teachers and the friends he met who were from the Jahmiyah and his lack of knowledge of hadith. When he intended this ugly thing Allah killed him and destroyed him quickly. And in Egypt and al Sham respect of Hanbalis increased.
And it is said some righteous prayed against him and when he went for hunting he was killed.
[al Bidaya wal nihaya vol 13 under 595 h]