The person who says my rizq is already written, so i will not do anything, it will come to me.
Ibn Hajr al Asqalani said:
وقد سئل أحمد عن رجل جلس في بيته أو في المسجد وقال لا أعمل شيئا حتى يأتيني رزقي فقال هذا رجل جهل العلم فقد قال النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – إن الله جعل رزقي تحت ظل رمحي وقال لو توكلتم على الله حق توكله لرزقكم كما يرزق الطير تغدو خماصا وتروح بطانا فذكر أنها تغدو وتروح في طلب الرزق قال وكان الصحابة يتجرون ويعملون في نخيلهم والقدوة بهم . انتهى
Imam Ahmad was asked regarding a person who remains at his home or the masjid, and say that I will not do anything my rizq will come to me.
Ahmad replied: This person is ignorant, The Prophet peace be upon him said: “Allah made my rizq under the shadow of my spear” (I.e. I will do work from the spear and will get the rizq) and Said: If you have tawakkul on Allah, Allah will give you the rizq as He provide rizq to the birds, who are hungry when they go out from their home, when they come back in the evening they are full.” Meaning when they go out they are hungry (They do not say we will stay at home as we have tawakul on Allah, they work hard). Ahmad said: The companions did business and other things, we should follow their footsteps. [Fath al Bari, Kitab al Riqaq under the chapter 21]