The mawlid of Ibn Hajr al asqalani and his student al Sakhawi

Ibn hajr and Sakhawi VS mawlid celebrations of present.

They: Ibn hajr and his student Sakhawi celebrated mawlid.

Me: But they didn’t believe that he (the Prophet) peace be upon him hears your greetings (salam) from a distance, whereas you claim, he hears, nor did they believe that the Prophet (peace be upon him) attends Mawlid and that awliya see him in the state of wakefulness.

They: Provide us evidence.

Me: Ibn Hajr asqalani refused this concept and said

فقد ثبت في التشهد مخاطبة النبي فهو لا يسمع جميع ذلك قطعا فخطاب الموتى بالسلام في قول الذي يدخل المقبرة السلام عليكم أهل القبور من المؤمنين لا يستلزم أنهم يسمعون ذلك بل هو بمعنى الدعاء.

“It has been established in the Tashahhud that we address the Prophet peace be upon him (by saying Assalamu alyka), BUT DEFINITELY HE DOES NOT HEAR ALL OF THAT AT ALL. Also, greeting the dead with salam when entering the graveyard, saying ‘Peace be upon you, people of the graves, among the believers,’ does not necessarily mean they hear it. Rather, it is a form of supplication.”

[الامتاع الأربعين المتباينة السماع لابن حجر page 86]

Ibn hajr refuted the claim that one may see Prophet peace be upon him while awake. he said,

قلت: وهذا مشكل جدا ولو حمل على ظاهره لكان هؤلاء صحابة ولأمكن بقاء الصحبة إلى يوم القيامة، ويعكر عليه أن جمعا جما رأوه في المنام ثم لم يذكر واحد منهم أنه رآه في اليقظة وخبر الصادق لا يتخلف

I say: This is very odd. If we interpret it as it appears to be, then these people would be Sahaabah, and there could be Sahaabah until the Day of Resurrection. But this may be refuted by the fact that many people see him when they are asleep but no one says that that they saw him when they were awake, so there is an inconsistency.[Fath al-Baari, 12/385

His student al Sakhawi rejected this concept and says:

ثم إنه لا فرق في عدم سماعه لمن يكون بعيدًا عنه بين يوم الجمعة وغيرها وإن اختصت الجمعة بمزيد فضل في ذلك وغيره.

“Then, there is no difference in NOT hearing (the salam of) someone who is far away from him (peace be upon hin) whether it is on Friday or any other day. And even though Friday has been granted more virtue in this regard and others.”

الاجوبه المرضيه فيما سئل السخاوي عنه من الاحاديث النبويه (صفحة 930)

He then says:

وعلى كل حال فقول الخطباء أو بعضهم فإنه في هذا اليوم أي يوم الجمعة يسمع بأذنيه من يصلي عليه لا أعلم له إن حمل على ظاهره مستندا

“And in any case, the statement of some preachers that on this day, meaning Friday, the Prophet (peace be upon him) hears with his own ears those who send blessings upon him, I don’t know of any evidence to support this interpretation if taken at face value.”

الاجوبه المرضيه فيما سئل السخاوي عنه من الاحاديث النبويه (صفحة 930-931)

al Sakhawi on seeing Prophet peace be upon him while awake

Qastalani said that My teacher Sakhawi said regarding seeing Prophet peace be upon him while awake

لم يصل إلينا ذلك عن أحد من الصحابة، ولا عن من بعدهم.

وقد اشتد حزن فاطمة عليه- صلى الله عليه وسلم- حتى ماتت كمدا بعده بستة أشهر- على الصحيح- وبيتها مجاور لضريحه الشريف، ولم ينقل عنها رؤيته فى المدة التى تأخرت عنه.

“That (the Prophet peace be upon him appearing to his Companions after his death) has not been reported to us from any of the Companions, nor from those who came after them (tabiyeen and great fuqaha). And Fatimah’s (peace be upon her) grief over him (the Prophet) intensified until she died six months after him, as is well-known. Her house was adjacent to his noble grave, but it was not reported that she saw him during the period she lived after him.”

[Qastalani quoted in Mawahib li-duniya 2/371, Sharah az-Zarqani 7/292 that his teacher means Sakhawi]

So, according to Ibn Hajar and his student, if something blameworthy occurs in Mawlid gatherings, it is considered a reprehensible innovation. And when the beliefs (aqaid) of the people attending the Mawlid are not correct, then it is indeed a reprehensible innovation, according to Ibn Hajar and his student.

They: Speechless, rather wanted to say, Ibn hajr asqalani and sakhawi are wahabis.