Sufi an-Nabhani’s dream regarding Ibn Taymiyah and as-Subki

Sufi an-Nabhani’s dream regarding Ibn Taymiyah and as-Subki.

an-Nabhani wrote a book on calling out Auliyah and Anbiya against Ibn Taymiyah in which he mentioned his dream.

an-Nabhani wrote
كنت رأيت منذ ثلاث سنوات ونيف الإمام ابن تيمية والإمام السبكي في رؤيا ذكرتها فى مقدمة المجموعة النبهانية فى المدائح النبوية فى جملة مرائي, وهذا نص عبارتى هناك: رأيت فى منامى ليلة السابع والعشرين من رمضان سنة 1319 من العلماء الإمام تقي الدين السبكي الشافعي والامام تقي الدين بن تيمية الحنبلي في مجلس واحد، والسبكي جالس وهو سمين أسمر عليه هيبة ووقار، وابن تيمية واقف أسمر أغبر نحيف الوجه والجسم عليه هيبة العلم، وقد كان أقرب إلي من السبكي فقصدته لأقبل يده، ويغلب على ظني أني قبلتها وسألته عن مقدار عمره فقال ستمائة سنة، ثم انتبهت”.
..I saw a dream on 27th night of Ramadan in the year 1319 h where a I saw the scholars, Imam Taqi al Din as-Subki ash-Shafiee and Imam Taqi al Din Ibn Taymiyah al Hanbali at one place. as-Subki was sitting, He was fat and black, He was looking prestigious and had dignity, Ibn Taymiyah was standing, wheatish with skinny face and body. He was looking prestigious due to knowledge. He was closer to me than as-Subki, I intended to kiss his hands, and i think i kissed his hands. I asked him about his age and he said: 600 years, then I woke up. [Shawahid al Haq fe al Istigatha bi sayyed al Khalq page 41]

Mahmud Shukri al Alusi interpreted his dream:
فيقال له: إن صحت رؤياك أيها النبهاني -وإن كان ما تراه يقظة ومناماً أضغاث أحلام- دلت على أن الله تعالى كشف لك عن حال مقتداك، وشيخ بدعك وهو السبكي، فإنه كما هو المعلوم لدى كل منصف كان من ألد الخصوم لشيخ الإسلام، بل لكل أهل الحق، وحيث كان جالساً بين يدي خصمه فهو دليل على أن خصمه وهو ابن تيمية قد أقعده على عجزه، والأمر كما رأيت، فقد تكلم السبكي على ما أفتى به الشيخ ابن تيمية في مسألتي الطلاق والزيارة، فرد عليه الشيخ ابن تيمية بعدة مجلدات. يقول ابن السبكي: رأيت منها مجلداً. وأما سواد الوجه الذي لاح في السبكي فهو بيان ما ابتدعه، قال عز ذكره: {تَرَى الَّذِينَ كَذَبُوا عَلَى اللَّهِ وُجُوهُهُمْ مُسْوَدَّةٌ} . وأما السمن الذي كان فيه فهو علامة غيظه وشقائه بين يدي خصمه، وأما وقوف ابن تيمية على ساقه فهو النصر على خصومه، وأنه لم يزل قائماً على ساق الهمة. وأما نحافة وجهه فهو ما كابده من عناء مخاصمة أهل البدع وأعداء الدين، وتعبير سمرته هو من السؤدد، وتقبيل يديه ذلك له وضراعتك للحق، وأما الرجل الذي رأيته وظننته ابن عبد الهادي أو ابن القيم فهو والله أعلم الأول، لأنه الذي رد على مقتداك السبكي بعد وفاة الشيخ ابن تيمية في كتاب (الصارم المنكى في الرد على السبكي) في كتابه (شفاء السقام) وأقعده على عجزه أيضاً، وبين جهله وغباوته، وقد رأيت ولله الحمد تعبير رؤياك من قبل، وأما قوله لك في جواب سؤال عن مدة عمره أنه ستمائة سنة فهو معنى قوله تعالى: {وَلا تَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ قُتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتاً بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ يُرْزَقُونَ} 1 ومثل ابن تيمية لم يمت على تعاقب الأزمان.
وما دام ذكر العبد بالفضل باقياً … فذلك حي وهو في الترب هالك
وقال آخر:
قد مات قوم وما ماتت مكارمهم … وعاش قوم وهم في الناس أموات


an-Nabhani is confused in his dreams and in his wakefulness, If we consider his dream to be true then Allah showed him the state of the one he is following and Shaykh of innovation as-Subki. As it is known to every just person that He (as-Subki) was harsh enemy of Shaykh al Islam (Ibn Taymiyah) rather enemy of all the people of truth. He (as-Subki) was sitting against his opponent (Ibn Taymiyah) is evidence that Shaykh al Islam made him incompetent. This is what actually happened, when as-Subki spoke against the fatwa of Ibn Taymiyah regarding divorce and (traveling to) visit (graves), Ibn Taymiyah wrote his refutation in volumes, Ibn al Subki said: “I saw its one volume”.

The blackness on the face of as-Subki refers to the innovations he mentioned, as Allah says “(And on the Day of Resurrection) you will see those who lied about Allah [with] their faces blackened.” [39:60]

His Fatness refers to rage and misery due to his opponent.

The standing of Ibn Taymiyah refers to his victory against his opponent..

His skinny face means he was put to trouble by the people of innovation and the enemies of religion, when he was fighting against them.

He was wheatish refers to his glory.

Kissing his hands means your weakness against the truth.

And the third one you saw in your dream and thought whethr its Ibn Abdul Hadi or Ibn al Qayyim, He is Allah knows best Ibn Abdul Hadi, who refuted the one you follow (as-Subki) after the death of Ibn Taymiyah, He wrote “as-Sarim al Muki fe radd as-Subki” where he responded to “ash-Shifa as-Siqaam”, He also silenced him and showed his (as-Subki’s) Ignorance and silliness. This is the interpretation of your dream, All praises are for Allah.

And the saying of Ibn Taymiyah that his age is 600 years means, He didn’t die even after centuries as Allah says “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision” [3:169]

Even if someone die, he is alive if his piety and good qualities are remembered.

People die but their honor never dies, they are alive like this even though their bodies are dead. [Ghayat al Amani 1/165-166]

Did you know, an-Nabhani said that He saw in handwriting of as-Subki that He wrote a letter to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. In which he asked him whether he agrees with his refutation of Shaykh Ibn Taymiyah on Travelling to visit the graves and divorce.

The whole letter is mentioned by an-Nabhani in his book شواهد الحق في الاستغاثة بسيد الخلق page 179.

And Mahmud Shukri al Alusi responded by saying an-Nabhani is liar and his naqal from as-Subki is false. But if as-Subki really wrote this letter than he is majrooh due to this letter. [غاية الأماني في الرد على النبهاني 1/439]