Some Shafiee Fuqaha going against fatwa of their Imam ash-Shafiee

Some Shafiee Fuqaha going against fatwa of their Imam, Imam ash-Shafiee.

1. Abul Hasan Karkhi Muhammad bin Abdul Malik (d 532 h) went against the fatwa that qunoot can be done in fajr.

2. Ibn Kathir went against the fatwa that Salatul wusta is fajr

3. Daraki Shafiee went against many fatawa

4. Ibn Hajr al asqalani and (5) an-Nawawi going against the fatwa that one may wear clothes dyed with yellow.

6. al Bayhaqi same as above


1. Abul Hasan Karkhi Muhammad bin Abdul Malik (d 532 h).

Ibn Kathir said about Abul Hasan Karkhi Muhammad bin Abdul Malik:

وكان لا يقنت في الفجر، ويقول: لم يصح ذلك في حديث، وقد كان إمامنا الشافعي يقول: إذا صح الحديث فهو مذهبي، واضربوا بقولي الحائط

He used to say qunoot in fajr is not proven from hadith, And our Imam al-Shafi’i used to say: If the hadith is authentic then it is my madhhab, and hit my words on the wall.

al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 532 h

2. Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir on Fire. Refuting the saying of al Shafiee his own Imam and also defending him. He said about middle prayer (Salat ul Wusta) that al Shafiee said its Fajr:

وقد ثبتت السنة بأنها العصر ، فتعين المصير إليها .

وقد روى الإمام أبو محمد عبد الرحمن بن أبي حاتم الرازي في كتاب ” فضائل الشافعي ” رحمه الله : حدثنا أبي ، سمعت حرملة بن يحيى التجيبي يقول : قال الشافعي : كل ما قلت فكان عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خلاف قولي مما يصح ، فحديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أولى ، ولا تقلدوني . وكذا روى الربيع والزعفراني وأحمد بن حنبل ، عن الشافعي . وقال موسى أبو الوليد بن أبي الجارود ، عن الشافعي : إذا صح الحديث وقلت قولا فأنا راجع عن قولي وقائل بذلك . فهذا من سيادته وأمانته ، وهذا نفس إخوانه من الأئمة ، رحمهم الله ورضي عنهم أجمعين آمين . ومن هاهنا قطع القاضي الماوردي بأن مذهب الشافعي ، رحمه الله ، أن صلاة الوسطى هي صلاة العصر ، وإن كان قد نص في الجديد وغيره أنها الصبح ، لصحة الأحاديث أنها العصر ، وقد وافقه على هذه الطريقة جماعة من محدثي المذهب ، ولله الحمد والمنة

It is proven from the sunnah that it is Asr so we should go with this opinion.

Ibn abi Hatim al Razi mentioned in his book “Fadail al-Shafiee” that Imam Shafiee said: If my saying is against the hadith of Prophet peace be upon him then go with the hadith, beware do not do my taqleed…

Ibn al Jarood narrated from al Shafiee:

If a hadith is against my saying then I retract from my statement and I say what the hadith says. (Ibn kathir said) This is leadership and Trustworthiness of (al Shafiee). And the Imams like him said the same may Allah have mercy on them and may Allah be pleased with them all.

That is why Qaadi al Mawardi said: The madhab of al Shafiee should be considered that Middle prayer is Asr due to ahadith in this matter even if he said its the morning prayer. Many of the muhadditheen agreed with Mawardi on this.

(Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 2 : 238)


3. Trustworthy Daraki, who was Imam of Shafiyah in Iraq

Khateeb Baghdadi quoted

كان عبد العزيز بن عبد الله الداركي إذا جاءته مسألة يستفتى فيها تفكر طويلا ثم أفتى فيها وربما كانت فتواه خلاف مذهب الشافعي وأبي حنيفة رضي الله وتعالى عنهما فيقال له في ذلك فيقول ويحكم حدث فلان عن فلان عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم بكذا وكذا والأخذ بالحديث عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم أولى من الأخذ بقول الشافعي وأبي حنيفة رضي الله عنهما إذا خالفاه أو كما قال

i.e. Daraki used to give fatwa against Shafiee and Abu Hanifa many times, and if someone would say this is against their fatwa, he would say: Woe be to you, so and so narrated this from Prophet peace be upon him, and following hadith is better than the saying of ash-Shafiee and Abu Hnaifa May Allah be pleased with them all.

[Tareekh Baghdad (10/463]

4. Ibn Hajar al Asqalani and 5. An-Nawawi

Ibn Hajr rah says

وقد نقل البيهقي عن الشافعي أنه قال أنهى الرجل الحلال بكل حال أن يتزعفر وآمره إذا تزعفر أن يغسله قال وأرخص في المعصفر لأنني لم أجد أحدا يحكي عنه إلا ما قال علي نهاني ولا أقول أنهاكم قال البيهقي قد ورد ذلك عن غير علي وساق حديث عبد الله بن عمر وقال رأى على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ثوبين معصفرين فقال إن هذه من ثياب الكفار فلا تلبسهما أخرجه مسلم وفي لفظ له فقلت أغسلهما قال لا بل احرقهما قال البيهقي فلو بلغ ذلك الشافعي لقال به اتباعا للسنة كعادته وقد كره المعصفر جماعة من السلف ورخص فيه جماعة وممن قال بكراهته من أصحابنا الحليمي واتباع السنة هو الأولى اه وقال النووي في شرح مسلم أتقن البيهقي المسألة والله أعلم

Imam Bayhaqi has narrated from Imam Shafi’ee that he said: I forbade men in every situation from (wearing clothes) that are dyed with saffron and if they wore then i order them to clean it and i permit men regarding wearing clothes that are dyed with yellow (because) i did not find any narration in which he(Prophet صلى الله عليه وسل) has forbidden it(i.e clothes dyed with yellow) except the saying of Ali r.a that he forbade but i don’t say that it is forbidden.Imam Bayhaqi said this has come from other than Ali in the detail Hadeeth of Abdullah bin Amr that he said Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم saw him wearing two clothes dyed with yellow so he said these are the clothes of Kuffar do not wear them. Muslim has collected it and the words in it are Shall i wash it out? He replied You better set them to fire.

IF THIS WOULD HAVE REACHED SHAFI’EE he would have followed the sunnah as usual. And a group from salaf disliked clothes dyed with yellow and a group permitted it and among those who said it is disliked from our companions is Halimee and following the Sunnah is better. And Imam Nawawi said in Sharah Sahih Muslim that Imam Bayhaqi is more perfect in this Maslah and Allah knows best. [Fath ul Baari 10/304]

6. al Bayhaqi.

Imam Bayhaqi after quoting all the evidences which forbids wearing clothes dyed with yellow says

وفي كل ذلك دلالة على أن نهي الرجال عن لبسه على العموم، ولو بلغ الشافعي لقال به إن شاء الله

أخبرنا أبو عبد الله الحافظ قال: أخبرني الحسين بن محمد الدارمي قال: أخبرنا عبد الرحمن بن محمد قال: حدثنا أبي، وهو أبو حاتم، قال: حدثنا حرملة بن يحيى قال: قال الشافعي، رحمه الله: «كلما قلت وكان عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خلاف قولي مما يصح، فحديث النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أولى، ولا تقلدوني

And in all these are proofs on the prohibition of clothes dyed with yellow for men in general if this would have reached Shafi’ee then he would have this view In sha’Allah.

Imam Shafi’ee rah said What ever i said if it is against the saying of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم among the Sahih then Hadeeth of prophet is better and do not do taqleed of me. [Ma’rif as Sunan wal Asaar 2/453-454

There are many general quotes of Shafiee scholars against taqleed shakhsi, but I just mentioned specific fatawa where they mentioned what ash-Shafiee said and they are going against the fatwa. Also, the post is for benefit. It is not against following a school of thought.

P.s. It is mentioned about Shaafi Scholars like Abu Bakr, Abu Ali and Qazi Hussain they used to say

لسنا مقلدين للشافعي بل وافق رأينا رأيه

We are not Muqallideen(Blind followers) of Shafai, but our opinion has become same as of him.[(Tabqat Al Fuqaha of Lucknowi Pg7)]