Islam Allah granted power of “Kun” to sufis! Ibn Hajr al Haytami on Istigatha Bida`ee Tawassul Refutation Series (Athar of Malik Ad Dar) Who was Mulla Ali al Qari Who was Taj al Din al Subki Women can take khul if the husband abuse her and her parents. al Razi on the rights of Husband and Wife. Ibn Qayyim according to the great scholars. Salat Al Gawthiya exposed. The King of of Castile and Toledo Alfonso VIII VS Yaqub al Mansur of Morocco in the year 591 Hijri. Beware! Arrogant and harsh husbands Common people would love to listen Ibn Taymiyyah and hated to listen Taqi al Subki Last words uttered or heard by some great scholars before dying. 115 ahadith on women When al Sakhawi entered Payramids of Giza. 10 quotes of scholars on Shirki belief of people for Shaykh Abdul Qadir , his students and others al Razi on Anbiya can’t benefit or harm. The aqaid of Fatimah, Ali, Hassan and Hussain may Allah be pleased with them. Kindness to the animals and righteous predecessors. The fate of the disbelievers who didn’t hear the message of Islam The Aqeeda of Sultan Salah ud din Ayyubi. Noor ud Din Zangi They will never respond to your invocations till the day of Judgement. Ibn Hajr and his contemporary scholars on Istigatha. Fabricated fatwa attributed to Ibn Hajar al asqalani on Istigatha. Ibn Arabi on tawheed. Imam al Qurtubi on Calling upon Anbiya. Abu Hayyan (d 754 AH) on calling upon Anbiya Nasfi (d 710 AH) on Anbiya can’t benefit or harm if you call upon them. al Suyuti on asking help from Anbiya and Auliyah. Al Baydawi on calling upon Anbiya. Advice of Ibn Jawzi to be faithful to your wives. Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz on setting a limiting to educating women. Mulla Ali al qari on mawlid Ibn Jawzi and Mawlid Aqaid of Ahlus sunnah from the pen of al Bayhaqi The mawlid of Ibn Hajr al asqalani and his student al Sakhawi Ibn qudama and great Hanbali scholars took part in Fath of Bayt al Maqdas with Salah ud din Ayuubi. Ibn Taymiyyah knew of Allah and his Rasool more than you, said by Ameer Fakhree to al Subki and his bandwagon. 14 interesting debates. Responding harshly to someone’s anger by Ibn Jawzi. Letter to Christian King who had Muslim prisoners by Ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Taymiyyah revived Syria during the mongol invasion. Istigatha in poetry Don’t ignore your wives, beautify yourself for them and give them time The Aqaid of Jalal ad din as-Suyuti Asking Help From Dead is Shirk From Soofi Scholars When Abu Hanifa silenced atheists on existence of Allah Taqi ud din al Maqrizi (d 845 ah) on the tomb of Imam Jafar Sadiq. Ibn Hajr asqalani on kufr of people at the grave of Sayyida Nafeesa