The following article is related to the following subjects.
1. To those who hate Khateeb Baghdadi because He wrote biography of Imam Abu Hanifa and presented all the quotes related to him.
2. To those who celebrate the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal.
3. To those who base their aqaid even on the dreams.
ad-Dahabi said:
وقال غَيْث الأرمنازيّ : قال مكّيّ بْن عَبْد السلام : كنت نائمًا ببغداد فِي ليلة ثاني عشر ربيع الأول سنة ثلاثٍ وستين وأربع مائة ، فرأيتُ عند السَّحَر كأنّا اجتمعنا عند أَبِي بَكْر الخطيب ، فِي منزله لقراءة التاريخ على العادة ، فكأنّ الخطيب ، جالس ، والشيخ أَبُو الفضل نصر بْن إِبْرَاهِيم الفقيه ، عن يمينه ، وعن يمين الفقيه نصر ، رجلٌ لم أعرفْه ، فسألتُ عَنْه ، فَقِيل : هَذَا رسول اللَّه صلى الله عليه وسلم ، جاء ليسمع التاريخ ، فقلت فِي نفسي : هَذِهِ جلالة لأبي بَكْر ، إذْ يحضر رسول اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم ، مجلسَه.
وقلتُ : وهذا ردٌّ لقول من يعيب التاريخ
Gayth said that Makki al Rameeli said: I was sleeping in Baghdad on THE NIGHT OF 12TH OF RABI UL AWAL in the year 463 h, I saw a dream that we are with al Khateeb and studying his Tareekh (al Baghdad) as it was our habit (to study this book when he was alive.) Khateeb was sitting, Shaykh Nasr bin Ibraheem al Maqdasi was sitting on the right side of Khateeb, and on his (Shaykh Nasar’s) right side a person was sitting who was not known, He was asked regarding the person, he said: He is Rasool Allah peace be upon him who came here to listen to the book tareekh (al Baghdad). I (al Rameeli) said to myself (after the dream) This is the greatness of Abu Bakr (Khateeb Baghdadi), because Prophet peace be upon him came to his lecture.
I ad-Dhahabi say: This is a refutation of the one who find problems in his Tareekh. [Tareekh al Islam ad-Dhahabi and Tadhkira tul Huffadh vol 3 under the biography of al Khateeb]
Points to be noted:
1. The scholar Makki al Rameeli was sleeping on the night of 12th Rabi al awwal rather than celebrating the mawlid till the morning.
2. Prophet peace be upon him came to his dream and as per their claim, no one can come to the dream and say I am the Prophet peace be upon him, rather It is actually the Prophet who came, peace be upon him.
3, Khateeb was great muhaddith.