This is a must read and profound. Just came in front of me again.
When Qadhi Abu Bakr al Baqillani (teacher of Khateeb Baghdadi) silenced the King of Christians and the bishop.
1. King of Christians asked Muslim Caliph to send some scholar for discussion, The Caliph sent Qadhi Abu Bakr al Baqillani.
Ibn Kathir mentioned:
ذكر الخطيب وغيره عنه أن عضد الدولة بعثه في رسالة إلى ملك الروم، فلما انتهى إليه إذا هو لا يدخل عليه أحد إلا من باب قصير كهيئة الراكع، ففهم الباقلاني أن مراده أن ينحني الداخل عليه له كهيئة الراكع لله عز وجل، فدار إسته إلى الملك ودخل الباب بظهره يمشي إليه القهقرا، فلما وصل إليه انفتل فسلم عليه، فعرف الملك ذكاءه ومكانه من العلم والفهم، فعظمه.
The King arranged his court in a way that if someone wants to visit him, he has to bow. When Qadhi visited him he entered while making his back towards the King.
(al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 403 h)
2. Silencing a bishop on his taunts against Aisha radhiAllahanha
وقد سأله بعض الأساقفة بحضرة ملكهم فقال: ما فعلت زوجة نبيكم؟وما كان من أمرها بما رميت به من الإفك؟
فقال الباقلاني مجيبا له على البديهة: هما امرأتان ذكرتا بسوء مريم وعائشة، فبرأهما الله عز وجل، وكانت عائشة ذات زوج ولم تأت بولد، وأتت مريم بولد ولم يكن لها زوج – يعني: أن عائشة أولى بالبراءة من مريم – وكلاهما بريئة مما قيل فيها، فإن تطرق في الذهن الفاسد احتمال ريبة إلى هذه فهو إلى تلك أسرع، وهما بحمد الله منزهتان مبرأتان من السماء بوحي الله عز وجل، عليهما السلام.
One of their bishops said in front of king in a taunting way: I heard the wife of your Prophet was accused for zina. (Talking about Aisha ra).
Qadhi replied: Yes, two women were accused of zina, one was married and had no child (Aisha ra). Other one was unmarried and came with a child (Mariam aleh salam). And both were innocent.
(al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 403 h)
3. Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai rahimahullah said:
Al Baqillani asked the pope: How is your wife and children?
People said Pope can not marry, its an insult for pope. He replied: Don’t you feel ashamed? You claim its an insult for pope to have children, But for our Creator your opinion is that he is a father of a child?
[Narrated by Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai Rahimaullah]
انظر ” تاريخ بغداد ” 5 / 379، 380، و” ترتيب المدارك ” 4 / 596، و” الأنساب ” 2 / 51، 52، و” تبيين كذب المفتري ” 218، و” المنتظم ” 7 / 265، و” البداية والنهاية ” 11 / 350.]
4. A Compelling Reply
[The following discussion between Imam Abu Bakr al-Baqillani (rahimahullah) and a Christian Monk is found in Al-Khateeb’s ‘Tareekh al-Baghdad’, 5/379]:
The Monk said: ‘You are Muslims, you have racism among you’.
Al-Baqillani asked: ‘And what is that?’
The Monk: ‘You prefer for yourselves marrying the People of the Book – either Jewish or Christian – and yet do not allow others to marry your daughters.
Al-Baqillani: ‘We marry Jewish women because we believe in Moses. And we marry Christian women because we believe in Jesus. And when you believe in Muhammad, you may marry our daughters.’ [This last passage is taken via boriqee bay October 31, 2016]