Hajj and Umrah Guide – Oct 25,2009www.mnask.com The site of the riteshttp://www.islamhouse.com/p/248882 The Title: Hajj and Umrah Guide Language: EnglishAddition Date: From issues : Short Description: It guides us on how to perform Hajj and Umrah and what must be forbidden and the etiquette of…
Can God incarnate? in the light of sacred scriptures
Down the ages pass man set to believe in God incarnation, making pious people as God-incarnate and worship them. Since ages there are millions who is believed to be God-incarnate. Even irreverent people are also believed to be gods. Many people worship pious person while…
Come Ramadhaan… Go Ramadhaan: What have we prepared?
Since Ramadhaan is arriving and every body is writing and posting motivating things about fasting , so I also thought not to be left out, hence here are my own thoughts and observations….. Many people think that Ramadhan is the month of festival but it…
The Working Women and Her Problems!
During my school days my mummy sent me to a tuition teacher, an old lady of around 45.Her husband had left her for another woman, so she was left with bringing up three children. So she took home tuitions and around 6o students turned up…
Loneliness in a Crowd: The Pain of Old Age
An aged father of my friend once called me up and complained about his loneliness,. His wife had died two years ago and the man wanted to marry a widow so that he can drive away his loneliness. He said bitterly, ” My children do…
Favors of the Lord (Personal experiences)
a) Experienced another Lord’s favor I wanna share a beautiful experience I just had and I’m so grateful right now. One of Ramadan Preparation Project’s assignment was: 1 – TO DO: Astagfar [Ask forgive from Lord atleast 100 times a day] 2 – TO AVOID:…
The Obsession of Good Looks!
For many bride hunters, an extra ordinary beautiful girl has become a status symbol. There are marriage centers in Mumbai.. where the match makers charge higher fees for finding out a very good looking girl !There was this sister who attended Islamic classes which were…
Du’a And Its Relationship With Destiny
The topic of du’a and its relationship to destiny ( qadr) is a very important one, and one around which much confusion exists. Many people ask: “If everything has already been destined to occur, then of what use is du’a, as, if Allah has written what I want, I will get it without making du’a and if it is not written for me, then I will never get it no matter how much du’a I make?”
Tips To Erase Our Sins from Sahih Hadiths
Tips To Erase Our Sins Article Contents 1.Repenting 2.Performing Wudhû 3.Performing Prayer 4.Attending the Jumu’ah Salâh 5.Doing good deeds 6.Performing Umrah and Hajj 7.Saying ‘Aaآmîn’ 8.Fasting and performing prayers in the night of Qadr in Ramadân 9.Sending salutations 10.Being kind to animals 11.Leaving grey hair…
Jesus said I and My father are one so is he God?
Bismillah, Allahumma Salli Wasallaim A’la Nabiiyyina Muhammad (Sal Allahu Aleyhi wasallam) The following article is one of the works of Late Brother Sharjil (may Allah have mercy on him). I am presenting it to you wth some editing and helpful additions. May Allah accept these…