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The Obsession of Good Looks!

For many bride hunters, an extra ordinary beautiful girl has become a status symbol. There are marriage centers in Mumbai.. where the match makers charge higher fees for finding out a very good looking girl !There was this sister who attended Islamic classes which were…

Du’a And Its Relationship With Destiny

The topic of du’a and its relationship to destiny ( qadr) is a very important one, and one around which much confusion exists. Many people ask: “If everything has already been destined to occur, then of what use is du’a, as, if Allah has written what I want, I will get it without making du’a and if it is not written for me, then I will never get it no matter how much du’a I make?”

Tips To Erase Our Sins from Sahih Hadiths

Tips To Erase Our Sins Article Contents 1.Repenting 2.Performing Wudhû 3.Performing Prayer 4.Attending the Jumu’ah Salâh 5.Doing good deeds 6.Performing Umrah and Hajj 7.Saying ‘Aaآmîn’ 8.Fasting and performing prayers in the night of Qadr in Ramadân 9.Sending salutations 10.Being kind to animals 11.Leaving grey hair…

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