Fight between Hanabilah and Ashariyah in 469 h when Ibn al Qushayrī started attributing Anthropomorphism against Hanbalis, and Ibn Kathir praising Hanbali scholar who stood against Ibn al Qushayri. Ibn Kathir said: وفي شوال منها وقعت الفتنة بين الحنابلة والأشعرية، وذلك أن ابن القشيري قدم…
Calling yourself Muslim only and ascribing yourself to Salaf.
Calling yourself Muslim only. Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: والواجب على المسلم إذا سئل عن ذلك أن يقول: لا أنا شكيلي ولا قرفندي؛ بل أنا مسلم متبع لكتاب الله وسنة رسوله. وقد روينا عن معاوية بن أبي سفيان: أنه سأل عبد الله بن عباس…
Killings between Hanbalis and other school of thoughts on the tafseer of Maqam al Mahmud.
Fitna/Killings between Hanbalis and others on the tafseer of Maqam al Mahmud, whether it means “The great intercession” or “Sitting of the Prophet peace be upon him over the throne”. Ibn Kathir said under what happened in the year 317 h وفيها وقعت فتنة ببغداد…
What happened when the Ruler of Egypt influenced by Jahmiya tried to persecute Hanbalis.
What happened when the Ruler of Egypt influenced by Jahmiya tried to persecute Hanbalis. Ibn Kathir said: فيها كانت وفاة العزيز صاحب مصر وذلك أنه خرج إلى الصيد، فكانت ليلة الأحد العشرين من المحرم، ساق خلف ذئب فكبا به فرسه فسقط عنه فمات بعد أيام،…
Why Mahmud Ghaznavi left Hanafi madhab.
Why Mahmud Ghaznavi left Hanafi madhab and accepted the Madhab of al Shafiee. Ibn Khilkan mentioned from Mugeeth al Khalaq fe Tarjeeh al Qawl al Haq by Imam al Juwaini. فأعرض السلطان عن مذهب أبي حنيفة وتمسك بمذهب الشافعي. Sultan left the Madhab of Abu…
When Abu Hanifa silenced atheists on existence of Allah
When Imam Abu Hanifa Silenced the Atheists. Imam Abu Hanifa rahimahullah was extremely harsh and sword against Atheists. 1. Ibn Arfa (717AH-803AH) said: وكان أبو حنيفة شديداً على الدهرية “Abu Hanifa was extremely harsh towards the atheists.” Tafsir Ibn Arfa Surah Ash-Shu’ara verse 23 2.…
Intelligence of Imam Abu Hanifa
Intelligence of Abu Hanifa rahimahullah and his answer to a Man who called Uthman bin Affan radhiAllahanho a Jew. Khateeb Baghdadi narrated: أخبرنا علي بن القاسم الشاهد – بالبصرة – حدثنا علي بن إسحاق المادراني، حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الباهلي، حدثنا محمد بن عبد الرحمن…
Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar on asking all the needs from Allah.
Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar bin al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him on asking all the needs from Allah. Hisham bin Abdul-Malik entered the Kaaba, and saw Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar bin Al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, and he said:…
at-Tabari was bullied by Hanbalis
Worst kind of bullying against at-Tabari by Hanbalis. Ibn Kathir said about at-Tabari. وقد كانت وفاته وقت المغرب من عشية يوم الأحد ليومين بقيا من شوال من سنة عشر وثلاثمائة . وقد جاوز الثمانين بخمس أو ست سنين وفي شعر رأسه ولحيته سواد كثير ،…
Interesting facts about Ibn Hajr, al Iraqi and al Haythami.
Interesting facts about Ibn Hajr, al Iraqi and al Haythami. Hafiz Iraqi was teacher and father in law of Hafiz al Haythami (author of Majma al Zawaid). al Iraqi married his daughter to al Haythami. Both I.e. al Haythami and al Iraqi were teachers of…