Last words uttered or heard by some great scholars before dying.

What the scholars said or did before dying.


1. Abu Zur’a al Razi

2. al Amash

3. Alqama

4. Ibn Abdul Hadi

5. Salah ud din Ayyubi

6. Ibn al Fardhi

7. Abu Hamid al Ghazaali

8. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.

9. Fakhr ud din al Razi

10. Shaykh Bin Baz.

11. Hafiz Ibn Hajr al Asqalani

12. Ibn Taymiyah

13. Qadhi Abu Yusuf

14. al Juwaini.

15. Brother of Abu Jafar al Qurtubi

16. Ali Afindi al Suwaidi al Shafiee

17. A book dedicated only on the quotes on what righteous said while dying.


1. It is proven that when Imam Abu Zur’a was dying his last words were La ilaha illAllah. (Muarifat Uloom al Hadith by al Haakim page 76)


2. Same way the last words of Amash were LA ilaha illAllah. (al Ilal Wa Muarifat al Rijaal no. 3627)


3. Alqama also advised people to ask him for the recitation of kalima when he is about to die. (al Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 3/236).


4. The death of Ibn Abdul Hadi, the one who wrote al Sarim al Munki fe Radd al Subki.


Ibn Kathir said:


His father told me when Ibn Adul Hadi was dying his last words (were the Shahadah)

أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد ان محمد رسول الله‏. اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي من التَّوَّابِينَ، وَاجْعَلْنِي من المُتطَهِّرِينَ


His funeral was prayed in Jam`e Muzaffari. His funeral was attended by Judges of the city, elders, Scholars, Leaders, Merchants and Public. His funeral was great and packed, There was Light and Nur on it. (all Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 14 under the biography of Ibn Abdul Hadi)


5. The death of Salah ud din Ayyubi.


Ibn Kathir said when he was ill, he appointed an Imam to recite Quran near him and when the illness goes into extreme he should ask him to say Shahadah, Ibn Kathir said, he recited Quran for whole night and then:

فلما أذن الصبح جاء القاضي الفاضل فدخل عليه وهو في آخر رمق، فلما قرأ القارئ { لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ } [التوبة: 129]


تبسم وتهلل وجهه وأسلم روحه إلى ربه سبحانه، ومات رحمه الله،

When he said Adhan of Fajr, Qadhi al Fadhil came to him and he was taking his last breaths, and when Qari recited “”there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied” [al Tauba verse 129]


He (Salah ud din) smiled and his face cheered and surrendered his soul to Lord the Almighty, and he died Rahimahullah.


[al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 13 under 589 ]


6. Ibn kathir mentioned about Hafidh Ibn al Fardi:


وكان علامة زمانه، قتل شهيدا على يد البربر فسمعوه وهو جريح طريح يقرأ على نفسه الحديث الذي في الصحيح: «ما يكلم أحد في سبيل الله، والله أعلم بمن يكلم في سبيله، إلا جاء يوم القيامة وكلمه يدمي، اللون لون الدم، والريح ريح المسك».


وقد كان سأل الله الشهادة عند أستار الكعبة فأعطاه إياها

He was Allamah of era, he was martyred on the hands of Berbers. When he was wounded he was reading himself a hadith mentioned in Saheeha: “Whoever is wounded in Allah’s Cause, and Allah knows well who gets wounded in His Cause, will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wound having the color of blood but the scent of musk.”


Once he prayed to Allah for his martyrdom by clinging the curtain of Kaba, and he was granted.


al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 403 h


7. Abu Hamid al Ghazaali


Ibn Kathir said:


وقد سأله بعض أصحابه وهو في السياق فقال: أوصني.


فقال: عليك بالإخلاص، ولم يزل يكررها حتى مات، رحمه الله.

One of his companion asked him, advice me. While he (al Ghazaali) was in state of agonies of death:


He said: stick to sincerity/Honesty, and he kept repeating it until he died, may Allah have mercy on him.


al Bidaya wal Nihaya the year 505 h.


al Ghazaali had Saheeh al Bukhari on his chest when he died.


Shaykh Abdullah Ropari quoted from Fatawa Nawab Siddique Hasan Khan vol 2 page 20, who said:


Many of the scholars have written regarding his ending that he died while Bukhari Shareef was on his chest… [Sima Mota by Abdullah Ropari page 74]


8. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.


Ibn Kathir mentioned:


When it was his last of moments, he instructed his household to make him perform ablution. When ablution was started, he asked to do khalaal of his fingers (as per the sunnah) and he was also doing dhikr, when the wudu was finished he died.


⇚ امام احمد بن حنبل رحمہ اللہ کے متعلق مروی ہے :

’’آپ نے آخری وقت گھر والوں کو اشارہ کیا کہ وہ انہیں وضو کروائیں، وضو شروع کروایا گیا تو آپ انہیں اشارے سے کہنے لگے کہ (سنت کے مطابق) میری انگلیوں کا خلال بھی کروائیں، اس دوران زبان پر ذکرِ الہی جاری تھا، اُدھر وضو پورا کروایا گیا اِدھر آپ وفات پا گئے۔‘‘

(البداية والنهاية لابن کثیر : 10/ 341)


9. Fakhr ud din al Razi


He said while he was on his death bed.

إليك إله الخلق وجهي ووجهتي ** وأنت الذي أدعوه في السر والجهر

وأنت غياثي عند كل ملمة ** وأنت ملاذي في حياتي وفي قبري

O ILAH of creation my face and my Tawajjuh is towards you, you are the one to whom I ask silently and loudly. You are my helper in all of the calamities, In my life and after my death you are my shelter [quoted by Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 13 page 81]


10. Shaykh Bin Baz.


It is said about Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz that half an hour or it was even less time before his death, he signaled to make him ablution. When going for ablution, the left shoe was put on first, then on the right but he took off his left shoe so that (as per sunnah) he wore right first and then left.


⇚ شیخ عبد اللہ بن عبد العزیز ابن باز رحمہ اللہ کے متعلق بیان کیا جاتا ہے کہ آپ اپنی وفات سے آدھا گھنٹہ یا اس سے بھی کم وقت پہلے اشارہ کیا کہ مجھے وضو کروا دیں، وضو کے لیے جاتے وقت جوتا پہنایا گیا تو پہلے بایاں پہنایا گیا پھر دایاں تو آپ نے بایاں جوتا اتار دیا تاکہ (مسنون طریقے سے) پہلے دایاں جوتا پہنا ہو پھر بایاں۔

(د. عبد الکریم الخضیر، شرح العقیدہ الطحاویہ)


11. Hafiz Ibn Hajr al Asqalani


He died while Qari was reciting the verse:

: {سَلَامٌ قَوْلًا مِنْ رَبٍّ رَحِيمٍ} [يس: 58].

[And] “Peace,” a word from a Merciful Lord.

[al-Jawahir wa-al-durar by his student Hafiz Sakhawi page 1193]

12. Ibn Taymiyah

Mur’i bin yusaf al Hanbali said:

وكان يختم القرآن في كل عشرة أيام، وختم القرآن مدة إقامته بالقلعة إحدى وثمانين ختمة، انتهى في آخر ختمة إلى آخر اقتربت {إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَنَهَرٍ * فِي مَقْعَدِ صِدْقٍ عِنْدَ مَلِيكٍ مُقْتَدِرٍ}

“And he would complete the recitation of the Quran every ten days. During his stay in the fortress, he completed the Quran eighty-one times. In his final completion, he reached the verse: {Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and rivers, in a seat of truth, with a powerful King}.”

[al Qamar 54:55]. [Kuwakib ad-Durriyah page 174, Ghayat al Amani 2/260]

13. Qadhi Abu Yusuf


Dhahabi said:

وقال يحيى بن يحيى التميمي سمعت ابا يوسف يقول عند وفاته: كل ما افتيت به فقد رجعت عنه الا ما وافق الكتاب والسنة، وفي لفظ: الا ما في القرآن واجتمع عليه المسلمون.

Yahya bin Yahya at-Tamimi said I heard Abu Yusuf on his deathbed saying :

I have retracted from all the fatawa i gave apart from those which are in accordance with Quran and Sunnah. Another words are apart from (those fatawa which are against) Qur`an and Consensus of Muslims.


Dhahabi in Tadhkirah tul Huffaz 1/293, Tareekh Baghdad 14/256


14. al Juwaini.


Imam al Juwaini said while he was on death bed:

اشهدوا علي أني رجعت عن كل مقالة يخالف فيها السلف وأني أموت علي ما يموت عليه عجائز نيسابور

Be witness that I take all those words back which were spoken against (the opinion) of righteous predecessors. And I am dying on the aqeeda of old women of Nisabur.


التنكيل بما في تأنيب الكوثري من أباطيل – 3/232


15. Brother of Abu Jafar al Qurtubi


Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in at-Tadhkirah (30):


وقد سمعت شيخنا الإمام أبا العباس أحمد بن عمر القرطبي بثغر الإسكندرية يقول : حضرت أخا شيخنا أبي جعفر أحمد بن محمد بن محمد القرطبي بقرطبة وقد احتضر . فقيل له : قل : لا إله إلا الله ، فكان يقول : لا . لا . فلما أفاق ذكرنا له ذلك فقال : أتاني شيطانان عن يميني وعن شمالي . يقول أحدهما : مت يهودياً فإنه خير الأديان ، والآخر يقول : مت نصرانياً فإنه خير الأديان ، فكنت أقول لهما : لا ، لا ”


I heard our Shaykh, Imam Abu’l-‘Abbaas Ahmad ibn ‘Umar al-Qurtubi in Alexandria, saying: When the brother of our shaykh, Abu Ja‘far Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Qurtubi, was dying in Cordoba, it was said to him: Say Laa ilaaha ill-Allah, and he said: No, no. When he came to (senses), we mentioned that to him, and he said: Two devils came to me, from my right and from my left. One of them said: Die as a Jew, for it is the best of religions; and the other one said: Die as a Christian, for it is the best of religions. And I was saying to them: No, no. End quote Islamqa


16. Ali Afindi al suwaidi al Shafiee.

Khayr ud din al Alusi quoted from Nuzhat:

ولا ألين منه جانباً ولا آنس منه صاحباً اختارت روحه – في دمشق الشام – من الملأ الأعلى رفيقاً، وهو يقرأ قوله تعالى: {فأولئك مع الذين أنعم الله عليهم من النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن أؤلئك رفيقاً} [النساء٦٩] وجاء تاريخ وفاته – أسكنه الله تعالى أعلى جناته – إن المدارس تبكي عند فقد على. انتهى

“None was softer in nature than him, nor a more companionable friend. His soul, in Damascus, Syria, chose a companion from the highest assembly, while he was reciting the verse: {And those are the ones who will be in the company of the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous, and what a beautiful companion they will have} [An-Nisa 69]. His date of death was recorded – may Allah settle him in the highest paradise – ‘The madaris wept at the loss of Ali’.”

Jala al Aynayn page 56

17. A book dedicated only on the quotes on what righteous said while dying.

Mahmud shukri al Alusi said:

وفي كتاب ابن أبي الدنيا- الذي ألفه في كلام المحتضرين- شيء كثير من كلام الصالحين، والأولياء والعارفين، الذي تكلموا في آخر عمرهم، وقدس حصروا الاستعانة والالتجاء به تعالى، وأنه لا ينبغي أن يستغاث بغيره،

The book of Ibn Abi duniya on what the people said while dying has many quotes of righteous, Auliyah, Aarifeen that what they said in their last age. All of them asked help and plea from Allah. And they did not asked help from any others. [Ghayat al Amani 2/383]