Knowledge of the time of hour is not known to anyone. says the sufi Jalal ad-din as-Suyuti.
The aqeedah of Sahaba, tabiyeen, itteba tabiyeen and mainstream scholars is known to us but even sufis of 9th century likes Imam Jalal al-din as-Suyuti went against the stance, that Prophet peace be upon him was given knowledge of the hour and all the things.
a) He said:
ومفاتيح خزائن الأرض وعلم كل شيء إلا الخمس قيل والخمس أيضا
And (He peace be upon him was given) keys of the treasures of the world, and knowledge of all the things EXCEPT FIVE (i.e. as Alah says in 31:34 “Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”) and IT IS SAID (QEELA) these five were also given. [Khasais al Kubra (2/288)]
Note that QEELA (It is said) is seegha tamreedh (the mode of doubt) which is used for weak and fabricated opinions.
b) And then he mentioned the aqaid of Sahaba that
وأخرج أحمد والطبراني بسند صحيح عن ابن عمر عن النبي {صلى الله عليه وسلم} قال ( أوتيت مفاتيح كل شيء إلا الخمس ) إن الله عنده علم الساعة الآية
وأخرج أحمد وأبو يعلى عن ابن مسعود قال أوتي نبيكم {صلى الله عليه وسلم} مفاتيح كل شيء غير الخمس إن الله عنده علم الساعة الآية
It is narrated by Ahmad and at-Tabrani with an authentic chain from Ibn Umar from the Prophet peace be upon him that He said:I have been given the keys of all the things apart from five (and read the verse) “Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour..” (as mentioned above)
And it is narrated by Ahmad and Abu Yala from Ibn Mas`ood that The Oriohet peace be upon him was fiven the keys of all the things apart from five (and read the verse) “Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour..” (as mentioned above)
[Khasais al Kubra (2/292)]c) Then Jalal al-Din as-Suyuti again mentioned the weak opinion of unknown people:
فصل ذهب بعضهم إلى أنه {صلى الله عليه وسلم} أوتي علم الخمس أيضا وعلم وقت الساعة والروح وأنه أمر بكتم ذلك
Some of them said that the Prophet peace be upon him was given knowledge of these five as well, the knowledge of the time of hour and al-Ruh but He (peace be upon him) was ordered to hid it from people. [Ibid]
d) Jibreel asked the Prophet peace be upon him regarding the hour Prophet peace be upon him replied “The one who is asked about it does not know more than the one who is asking.”[Bukhari Vol. 1, Book 2, Hadith 48]
as-Suyuti said:
أي : أن كل مسئول وكل سائل فهو كذلك
meaning: EVERY questioner and to whom question is asked are equal in this matter [Sharah as-Suyutee Sunan an-Nisaee no. 4990]
e) Tafsir Jalalayn says regarding knowledge of the time of the hour
“To Him devolves [all] knowledge of the Hour — when it shall come to pass, none other than Him knows this” [Tafsir Jalalayn under 41:47]
f) And the Tafsir al Jalalayn says under 46:9
“Say: ‘I am not a novelty, unprecedented, among the messengers, that is to say, [I am not] the first to be sent [by God as His Messenger]. Already many of them have come before me, so how can you deny me? NOR DO I KNOW WHAT WILL BE DONE WITH ME OR WITH YOU IN THIS WORLD: WILL I BE MADE TO LEAVE MY [NATIVE] LAND, OR WILL I BE SLAIN AS WAS DONE WITH [SOME] PROPHETS BEFORE ME, OR WILL YOU STONE ME TO DEATH, OR WILL THE EARTH BE MADE TO SWALLOW YOU AS [IT DID] DENIERS BEFORE YOU? I only follow what is revealed to me, that is, the Qur’ān, and I do not invent anything myself. And I am only a plain warner’, one whose warning is plain.”