Ibn jawzi and Ibn Aqil Hanbali used to hate sufis due to their false aqaid

Ibn Jawzi and Ibn Aqil Hanbali would hate some extreme sufis due to their false aqaid.

a) Ibn Jawzi

Ibn Katheer said in the biography of Abul Fath al Tusi al Ghazaali (Brother of Imam al Ghazaali the author of Ihya Uloom al-Din) that Ibn Jawzi said he quoted fabrications:

ثم أورد ابن الجوزي أشياء منكرة من كلامه، فالله أعلم، من ذلك: أنه كان كلما أشكل عليه شيء رأى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في اليقظة فسأله عن ذلك فدله على الصواب، وكان يتعصب إلى بليس ويعتذر له، وتكلم فيه ابن الجوزي بكلام طويل كثير.

Then Ibn Jawzi mentioned those false things from his sayings ALLAH knows best, among those (false sayings) are that whenever he was in difficulty he would see Prophet peace be upon him while awake and he would ask him regarding his state. He peace be upon him would answer him correctly. He was Mutasib with regards to IBLEES and considered him (Iblees) Mazoor. Ibn Jawzi talked about him in detail [al Bidaya wal Nihaya 12/262]


b) Ibn Aqil Hanbali

Ibn Kathir said regarding a sufi

حماد بن مسلم الرحبي الدباس

كان يذكر له أحوال ومكاشفات واطلاع على مغيبات، وغير ذلك من المقامات، ورأيت ابن الجوزي يتكلم فيه ويقول: كان عريا من العلوم الشرعية، وإنما كان ينفق على الجهال.

وذكر عن ابن عقيل أنه كان ينفر منه، وكان حماد الدباس يقول: ابن عقيل عدوي.

قال ابن الجوزي: وكان الناس ينذرون له فيقبل ذلك، ثم ترك ذلك وصار يأخذ من المنامات وينفق على أصحابه.

توفي في رمضان ودفن بالشونيزية.

Hammad bin Muslim.. his ahwal, mukashifat and information on knowledge of unseen are mentioned (i.e. by people).. I have seen Ibn Jawzi (i.e. in his books) talking about him and saying: He was far from uloom al Shariya and would spend on ignorant.

He mentioned from Ibn Aqil (hanbali) that he would hate him and Hammad would say Ibn Aqil hates me.. [al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 12 under 525 h]