Ibn Abdul Hadi as per Ibn al Imad Hanbali and Mahmud Shukri Al Alusi.
Mahmud Shukri al Alusi said:
أما مصنف كتاب “الصارم المنكي” فهو الفقيه الحنبلي المقريء المحدث الحافظ الناقد النحوي المتفنن الجبل الراسخ عليه الرحمة والرضوان، قال المؤرخون -ومنهم صاحب “الشذرات”-: ولد في رجب سنة أربع أو خمس أو ست وسبعمائة، وتوفي سنة أربع وأربعين في جمادى الآخرة، وعمره أربعون سنة أو أقل، وسمع من خلق كثير، منهم الحجار، وعني بالحديث وفنونه، وبرع في ذلك وأفتى، ودرس ولازم شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية مدة، وأخذ عن الذهبي وغيره، وقد ذكره في “طبقات الحفاظ ” قال: “وصنف التصانيف الكثيرة، بعضها كمل وبعضها لم يكمل لهجوم المنية عليه، وله توسع في العلوم والفقه والأصلين، وذهن سيال، وعدة محفوظات، وعدّ له ابن رجب في طبقاته ما يزيد على سبعين مصنفاً، ودفن بسفح جبل قاسيون”. انتهى ملخصاً.
As regards the author of the book as-Sarim al Munki. He is a Jurist of Hanbali school, the conner of hadith, a muhaddith, critic and a grammarian. He is like a rock May Allah have mercy on him and be pleased with him. The historians including the author of ” Shadharat al Dhahab” (Ibn al Imad Hanbali) say that he was born in Rajab of the year 704 or 705 or 706 h, and died in Jumadi al Akhir, of the year 740, at the age of 40 or a little less. He studied under many great scholars among them is al Hijaar. He was specially interested in hadith and its related subjects, and he excelled in that branch of learning. He attached himself with Shaykh al Islam Ibn Taymiyah for some time. He also studied under Dhahabi and others. He has been mentioned in Tabqaat al Huffaz which states: He wrote many books, some of them are completed and others are not. He had acquired a vast Knowledge in different branches of learning and had an intelligent brain. Ibn Rajab considered him reliable and enumerates about 70 of his works. He was buried in the slopes of mount Qasiyun. End of summary (mentioned in Shadharat al Dhahab and others)
شذرات الذهب” لابن العماد (8/ 245- ط. دار ابن كثير)
Ghayat al Amani 2/31-32