How the devil (Shaytan) Whisper to ask Help from Dead, Fatwa of Ottomon Imam Birqivi Hanafi

Imam Birqivi Hanafi the Ottomon Hanafi Imam told us how the Satan whisper people to ask help from dead.

Imam Birqivi Hanafi (929-981 h) said in Ziyarat al quboor
أن الشيطان يلطف كيده للإنسان بتحسين الدعاء له عند القبر وجعله أرجح منه في بيته ومسجده وأوقات الأسحار . …فإذا قرر ذلك عنده نقله درجة أخرى من الدعاء عنده إلى الدعاء بصاحب القبر والإقسام على الله تعالى به وهذا أعظم من الذي قبله فإن شأنه تعالى أعظم من أن يقسم عليه بأحد من خلقه أو يسأل بأحد من خلقه . …وقد أنكر أئمة الإسلام ذلك فقال أبو الحسن القدوري في [ شرح كتاب الكرخي ] قال بشر بن الوليد سمعت أبا يوسف يقول قال أبو حنيفة لا ينبغي لأحد أن يدعو الله تعالى إلا به قال : وأكره أ ن يقول أسألك بمعقد العز من عرشك وأكره أن يقول : بحق فلان وبحق أنبيائك ورسلك وبحق البيت الحرام . …قال أبو الحسن : أما المسألة بغير الله فمنكرة في قولهم لأنه لا حق لغير الله عليه وإنما الحق لله تعالى على خلقه . …قال ابن بلدجي في [ شرح المختار ] : ويكره أن يدعو الله تعالى إلا به فلا يقول أسألك بفلان أو بملائكتك أو أنبيائك أو نحو ذلك ، لأنه لا حق للمخلوق على خالقه ، أو يقول في دعائه : أسألك بمعقد العز من عرشك وعن أبي يوسف جوازه لما روي أنه عليه السلام دعا بذلك ، ولأن معقد العز من العرش إنما يراد به القدرة التي خلق الله تعالى بها العرش مع عظمته فكأنه سئل بأوصافه . …وما قال فيه أبو حنيفة وأصحابه وأصحابه : أكره كذا ، فهو عند محمد حرام وعند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف هو إلى الحرام أقرب وجانب التحريم عليه أغلب . …فإذا قرر الشيطان عنده أن الإقسام على الله تعالى به والدعاء به أبلغ في تعظيمه واحترامه وأنجع في قضاء حاجته نقله درجة أخرى إلى دعائه نفسه من دون الله والنذر له ثم ينقله بعد ذلك درجة أخرى إلى أن يتخذ قبره وثناً يعكف عليه ويوقد عليه القنديل والشمع ويعلق عليه الستور ويبني على المسجد ويعبده بالسجود له والطواف به وتقبيله واستلامه والحج إليه والذبح عنده ثم ينقله درجة أخرى إلى دعاء الناس إلى عبادته واتخاذه عيداً ومنسكاً وأن ذلك أنفع لهم في دنياه وآخرتهم .

Satan makes a plot for human being.

1. He makes him agree that it is good to invoke near the grave, rather He prepares him that invoking near the grave is better than invoking in house, Mosque and at the time of Suhr.

2. When a man agrees with him than he takes him to another degree that invoking the person in grave and giving Allah his qasam is also a regiteous act. This plot of satan is even more worse than the previous one because giving Allah qasam of creation or asking him through the right of creation (is not good as) Allah is above it.

Scholars of Islam rejected this Abul Hasan Quduri states in “Sharah Kitab al Karkhi” that Bashr bin Waleed said: I heard Abu Yusaf that Abu Hanifa said: “It is not fitting at all that anyone should supplicate to Allah except by Him (Allah)…. It is disliked to invoke with the right of so and so, with the right of Prophets and Messengers, with the right of Bayt al Haraam.

Abul Hasan said: It is Munkar to ask with the right of ghayr Allah according to them (Hanafi scholars) because ghayr Allah have no right over Allah but Allah have right over them. Ibn al Baldaji (599 h to 683 h) said in “Sharah al Mukhtar”: It is disliked to ask Allah with the right of someone. This is not allowed to say O Allah I ask you by the right of so and so and your Angels and Messengers
and like that because there is no right of the creation over their creator… Know that the things which are makrooh according to Abu Hanifa and his companions are Haram for Muhammad bin al Hasan and closer to Haram for Abu Hanifa and Abu Yusaf. Prohibition is more appropriate for this.

When Satan makes a man agree that it is allowed to give qasam of someone to Allah and this invocation is more worthy to be answered

3. then satan takes him to upper level that to invoke others and to make vows for them.

4. Than he takes him to another level and he makes him agree that it is good to bow in front of graves,.. to make mosque over them and he also prepares them to worship it by kissing them and by making tawaf of it and by making hajj of it…

5. And he prepares him that he should call other people to make the grave the place of gathering by telling them that it is good for their akhirah [Ziyarah al Qaboor pages 47-48]

Note: Imam Barqivi was one of the great scholar of his time, he has been praised by many stated in Al-Mawsoo‘ah Al-Fiqhiyyah Al-Kuwaitiyyah (Kuwaiti Fiqh Encyclopedia) excerpted from some books of biographies. Amongst them are Mu‘jam Al-Mu’allifeen 9/124, Al-Mujaddidoon fil Islam 377, and Hadiyyat Al-‘Aarifeen 2/252. It is as follows: “Al-Barqawi (929 – 981 A.H.): He is Muhammad ibn Beer ‘Ali Muhyi Ad-Deen Al-Birqawi Al-Buroomi Al-Hanafi. He was a scholar of Fiqh, Tafseer, Hadeeth, admonishment, Arabic grammar and had participations in other fields. He built a school in Qasabat Birqi and he was entrusted to teach in it. He used to teach in it sometimes and give admonishments in some other times. People benefited from the admonishments he used to give and students benefited from the lessons of knowledge he used to teach. Amongst his books are Inqaath Al-Haalikeen fi ‘Adam Jawaaz Al-Ajzaa’ bil Ujrah (in Fiqh), Inqaath An-Naa’imeen wa Ilhaam Al-Qaasireen, Haashiyat Sharh Al-Wiqaayah lisadr Ash-Sharee‘ah, and Thukhr Al-Muta’ahhileen wa An-Nisaa’ fi Ta‘reef Al-At-haar wa Ad-Dimaa’.”

See his biography here:
