How  a layman can deal easily with those who ask dead.

How  a layman can deal easily with those who ask help from the dead.

The people who use the weak narrations to prove Istigatha through dead do not even practice on the exact text of those narrations. We will talk about the asaneed later.

  1. Narration of Malik ad dar.
  2. The narration of Ibn Umar saying Ya Muhammadaah when his foot gets numb.
  3. The narration of a Blind man and Uthman bin Hunayf.
  4. The Narration of Umm ul Momineen Aisha who opened the window of the room where there is a grave of Prophet peace be upon him.
  5. The Narration of Ya Saariyatul Jabal
  1. Narration of Malik ad dar.

They use it to prove asking help from far, but the narration does not prove anything like that. Rather it states an unknown man came to the grave of Prophet peace be upon him and asked him to Ask Allah for rain. Ask them how many of  them   go to the grave and ask the Prophet peace be upon him to ask Allah rather they use it to directly say Ya Rasool Allah help me that also from far.

  1. The narration of Ibn Umar saying Ya Muhammadaah when his foot gets numb.

I have never seen them saying Ya Muhammadaah LOUDLY when their foot gets numb. Even though Ya Muhammadaah is not asking help despite the fact that the narration is weak.

  1. The narration of a Blind man and Uthman bin Hunayf.

I have never seen any one of them praying two rakaat and supplicating the exact same dua mentioned in the athar. In fact only a bunch of them remembers the dua, majority don’t even remember.

  1. The Narration of Umm ul Momineen Aisha who opened the window of the room where there is a grave of Prophet peace be upon him.

No one among them go to the grave of any saint leave a side the grave of Prophet peace be upon him. And open a window of shrine so that it may rain.

  1. The Narration of Ya Saariyatul Jabal 

They us it for Istigatha but the narration does not mention anything that Saariya asked helped rather its just the karamah if Umar.


They don’t even practice upon these Narrations even if they are authentic. Their weak madhab is based on whims and desires. That’s why we see not a single Sahaba and tabiyeen did any of these act.