Four classical books in response to Christians who wrote books against Islam.

Four classical books in response to Christians who wrote books against Islam or proving Christianity to be better than Islam.

1. al-Jawāb al-Ṣaḥīḥ li-man baddala dīn al-Masīh (The correct reply to those who altered Christ’s religion) is a response by Ibn Taymiyah to the book written by a Christian from صيدا whose name was بولس

2. Then Ibn al Qayyim also responded the aiterazaat of Christians and Jews of that time in a book هداية الحيارى في أجوبة اليهود والنصارى

3. Numan Khayr ad din al Alusi from the family of Alusi al Kabeer. He wrote a response to a Christian from London in 1306 h and the name of the book is الجواب الفسيح لما لفقه عبد المسيح

4. Najdi scholar عبد العزيز بن حمد بن ناصر آل معمر wrote a response to a Christian’s book against Islam. The name of the book is
منحة القريب المجيب في الرد على عباد الصليب
The christian wrote a book and asked Ameer of Bahrain Abdullah bin Khalifa to ask the scholars of Islam to read and write a response. No one came forward and then Najdi scholar who came there after the attack of Ibrahim Pasha in Najd. He wrote a response which made the Ameer of Bahrain happy.

Taken from Izalat al Shukook by رحمت اللہ کیرانوی