The Athar
Imam Dahabee(RehmatuAllah Alihe) Quoted
وقال أبو علي الغساني: أخبرنا أبو الفتح نصر بن الحسن السكتي السمرقندي، قدم علينا بلنسية عام أربع وستين وأربع مائة، قال:
قال قحط المطر عندنا بسمرقند في بعض الأعوام فاستسقى الناس مرارا فلم يسقوا فأتى رجل صالح معروف بالصلاح إلى قاضي سمرقند فقال له إني رأيت رأيا أعرضه عليك قال وما هو قال أرى أن تخرج ويخرج الناس معك إلى قبر الإمام محمد بن إسماعيل البخاري وقبره بخرتنك ونستسقي عنده فعسى الله أن يسقينا قال فقال القاضي نعم ما رأيت فخرج القاضي والناس معه واستسقى القاضي بالناس وبكى الناس عند القبر وتشفعوا بصاحبه فأرسل الله تعالى السماء بماء عظيم غزير أقام الناس من أجله بخرتنك سبعة أيام أو نحوها لا يستطيع أحد الوصول إلى سمرقند من كثرة المطر وغزارته وبين خرتنك وسمرقند نحو ثلاثة أميال
Translation: Abu Ali Ghisani Said Abu al Fath Nasr bin al Hasan al Sakti Samarqandi told us in 464 h there was a drought in Samarqand, People tried their best, some said Salat al Istisqa but still it did not rain, A renowned righteous man known as Salih came to the Qadhi and said: In my opinion you along with your public should visit the grave of Imam Bukhari (Rahimuhullah), His grave is located in Khartank, We should ask Allah for rain their, Allah might give us rain then, The Qadhi said Yes to his opinion and then he along with the people went towards (the Qabr) and then He made a dua along with the people and people started to cry near the grave and started to make him a Waseela (i.e. Imam Bukhari). Allah Ta’ala (immediately) sent rainclouds. All people stayed in Khartank for about 7 days, none of them was able to go back to Samarqand because of the rain although the distance between Samarqand and Khartank was only 3 miles [As Siyar al Alam An Nabula Volume 12, Page No 469, this is a sufi translation taken from thier website]
First of all they asked ALLAH for rain, not from Imam Bukhari, secondly There is no value of Hikayah in ISLAM specially in creed. It could be weak, fabricated or Authentic, Creed are based on Quran and Authentic Sunnah (those who use this athar according to them hadith should be mutwatir for creed) but here they are using Hikayah of Mutakhiroun and not even from Tabiyeen and Itteba Tabiyeen.
Abdullah bin Mubarak Rahimullah rightly said
Chains are in deen, if chain is not there then anyone can say anything.
Muqaddimah Sahih muslim tarqeem dar us salam no: 32
Dahabee is quoting from Abu Ali Ghisani, Dahabee died in 748 h, and there is no chain from Ad Dahabee to Abu Ali Ghisani,how can we rely on this story?
Critique on chain
a) Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said:
Who is Abu Ali al Hafidh? Nothing is mentioned regarding him. Remember that here Abu Ali Al Hafidh Nesaboori is not meant, who was teacher of Hakim Etc. He died Before Abu Al Fath Nasr bin Al Hasan As Samarqandi
Summary is that This story of Praying for Rain near Grave of Imam Bukhari is not Proven[Al Hadith no:38 page 10,11]
b)Shaykh Saheem Replied(Considering Abu Ali Ghisani, Al Hussain Bin Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al Ghisani Al Andulasi The Imam)
القصة أوردها الذهبي في ” سير أعلام النبلاء ” .
وكذلك السبكي في ” الطبقات ” قال : وقال أبو علي الغساني . ثم ذكرها .
والذهبي متوفّى سنة 748 هـ .
والسبكي مُتوفّى سنة 771 هـ .
وأبو عليّ الغساني ، هو الحسين بن محمد بن أحمد الغساني الأندلسي الجياني ، المتوفَّى سنة 498هـ
فكم بين الذهبي والسبكي وبين أبي عليّ الغساني ؟!
فهي تُروى عن أبي عليّ الغساني ، وهي قصة مُنقطعة .
Dahabee mentioned this story in Seyar Ailam Al Nubala and Subki Mebtioned in Tabqaat and Said, Abu Ali Ghisani said (and then the whole story)
Dahabee Died in 748 H
Subki Died in 771 H
And Abu Ali Ghisani, and He is Al Hussain bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Ghisani Al Andulasi Al Jiyani died in 498h
Then He said this Story is Munqatah.(end)
See his Detailed Reply here Source:
Imam ad-Dahabi said regarding these types of deviants:
ولجهلة المصريين فيها اعتقاد يتجاوز الوصف، ولايجوز مما فيه من الشرك، ويسجدون لها، ويلتمسون منها المغفرة
And among the ignorance of the Egyptians they have characteristics that transgresses their belief , and this is not permissible , and it consists of shirk , and prostrating to her grave and seeking isthighfar from her and like that of idol worshipers[Seyar Ailam Nubala 10/106]
This Athar is Against the Practice of Sahaba
It is against Quran and Sunnah and Sahaba, Islam is not derived from Stories
a) Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)said , “Do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly).”
Mirqaat al Mafateeh states that It is said
العيد اسم من الاعتياد يقال : عاده واعتاده وتعوده ، أي : صار عادة له ، والعيد ما اعتادك من هم أو غيره ، أي : لا تجعلوا قبري محل اعتياد فإنه يؤدي إلى سوء الأدب وارتفاع الحشمة ، ولا يظن أن دعاء الغائب لا يصل إلي ، ولذا عقبه بقوله : ( وصلوا علي ، فإن صلاتكم تبلغني )
“Eid is the name of one of the festivals, and it was said that it means returning and repeating, until it becomes a habit [‘aadah]… What is meant is: do not make my grave a place to which you have the habit (of coming back repeatedly)….[Mirqaat al Mafateeh under hadeeth 926]
Mulla Ali Qari said
( اللهم لا تجعل قبري وثنا يعبد ) ، أي : لا تجعل قبري مثل الوثن في تعظيم الناس ، وعودهم للزيارة بعد بدئهم ، واستقبالهم نحوه في السجود ، كما نسمع ونشاهد الآن في بعض المزارات والمشاهد
O Allah do not make my grave wathan) Meaning O Allah do not make my grave like wathan to which people venerate, place of visiting, greetings with the prostration, Like we see (these acts) in some of the shrines and Mashaahid [Mirqaat hadith no: 750 vol 2 page 228]
Hence he said, ‘Send blessings upon me for your greeting will reach me no matter where you are.
b) Athar of Omar RadhiAllahAnho
It was narrated that al-Ma’roor ibn Suwayd (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
خرجنا مع عمر بن الخطاب فعرض لنا في بعض الطريق مسجد فابتدره الناس يصلون فيه فقال عمر : ما شأنهم ؟ فقالوا : هذا مسجد صلى فيه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال عمر : أيها الناس إنما هلك من كان قبلكم باتباعهم مثل هذا حتى أحدثوها بيعا فمن عرضت له فيه صلاة فليصل ومن لم تعرض له فيه صلاة فليمض
“We went out with ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab and we came across a mosque on our route. The people rushed to pray in that mosque, and ‘Umar said, ‘What is the matter with them?’ They said, ‘This is a mosque in which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed.’ ‘Umar said: ‘O people, those who came before you were destroyed because they followed such (practices) until they made them places of worship. Whoever happens to be there at the time of prayer, let him pray there, and whoever is not there at the time of prayer, let him continue his journey.’” (Narrated by Ibn Waddah in his book al-Bida’ wa’l-Nahiy ‘anhaa; classed as saheeh by Ibn Taymiyah in al-Majmoo’, 1/281).
c) Athar of Ali bin Hussain Bin Ali Ra
علي بن عمر عن أبيه عن علي بن حسين أنه رأى رجلا يجيء إلى فُرْجَة كانت عند قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيدخل فيها فيدعو ، فَدَعَاه ، فقال : ألا أُحَدِّثُك بحديث سمعته من أبي عن جدي عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ قال : لا تتخذوا قبري عيدا ، ولا بيوتكم قبورا ، وصَلُّوا عَليّ فإن صلاتكم تبلغني حيث ما كنتم
‘Ali ibn al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with him) saw a man entering through a gap at the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and making du’aa’. He told him not to do that and said, “Shall I not tell you a hadeeth that I heard from my father from my grandfather from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? ‘Do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly) and do not take your houses as graves. Send blessings upon me for your greeting will reach me no matter where you are.’”[Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2042; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1796., Abu Ya’la and al-Haafiz al-Diya’ in al-Mukhtaarah, Mentioned by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in Kitaab al-Waseelah (p.136) and al-Iqtidaa p.155-156, Shaikh al-Albanee in Ahkam al-Janaaiz, p.280]
This is clear proof that this hikayah is against hadith and Athar, And we should follow Sahih Ahadith against hikayah.