Who was Ibn Hajar al Haytami
He is Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hajr al Haytami, al Ashari, The Soofi, The Shafiee faqeeh of 9th Century, born in 909 h died in 974 h. He is praised as well as rejected by the scholars of Sunnah due to his aqaaid…
He is Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Hajr al Haytami, al Ashari, The Soofi, The Shafiee faqeeh of 9th Century, born in 909 h died in 974 h. He is praised as well as rejected by the scholars of Sunnah due to his aqaaid…
Taqi ad Din Ahmad bin Ali al-Maqrizi al-Misree al-Shafi’i (d. 845H) on Istigatha. He said: ” والناس فى هذا الباب- أعنى زيارة القبور- على ثلاثة أقسام: – قوم يزورون الموتى فيدعون لهم. وهذه هى الزيارة الشرعية. – وقوم يزورونهم يدعون بهم, وهؤلاء هم المشركون وجهلة…
Allama Iqbal on Ibn Taymiyah, Shah Wali ullah and Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. 1. Iqbal on Ibn Taymiyyah. a) He wrote, It was Ishraqâ and Ibn Taimâyyah who undertook a systematic refutation of Greek Logic. Abë Bakr Razâ was perhaps the first to criticize Aristotle’s…
The pride of Egyptian historians, Abdul Rahman al Jabarti (1753–1825) who trained as a Sheikh at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo regarding the beliefs of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. He said, after quoting the letter of Imam Saud to the Ameer of Morocco. Where Imam…
Four beautiful responses to the extremists in the form of poetry. When Shaykh Imran ibn Ali ibn Rizwan ash-Shafiee (d 1280 h) (who was a Shi’i but Allaah guided him to the Sunnah.) came to know about the accusations of people against Muhammad ibn Abdul…
The discussion between Moroccan scholar and Ibn Saud on Aqaid. Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Khalid al-Nasiri al-Salawi (1835-1897) who was one of the best Moroccan historian said: حدثنا جماعة وافرة من حج المولى إبراهيم في تلك السنة أنهم ما رأوا من ذلك السلطان – يعني…
Taking help from the Mushrikeen in the war. an Nawawi mentioned the chapter in Sahih Muslim. باب كراهة الاستعانة في الغزو بكافر إلا لحاجة أو كونه حسن الرأي في المسلمين “Chapter: It is disliked to seek the help of a disbeliever in wars except in…
The innovation of Rasme qul and four school of thoughts. 1. Imam an-Nawawi ash-Shaf`i 2. Abu Bakr al-Turtushi al-Maliki (d. 520H) 3. Ibn Qudama Hanbali 4. Ibn al Hummam Hanafi 5. Ibn Taymiyah 6. Fatawa Shaykh Shams ul Haq Azeemabadi 7. Radd al Muhtar. 8.…
Allah responds to the prayer of distressed, even if he is a kaafir. al Qurtubi said: فيجيب المضطر لموضع اضطراره وإخلاصه . وفي الحديث : ثلاث دعوات مستجابات لا شك فيهن دعوة المظلوم ودعوة المسافر ودعوة الوالد على ولده ذكره صاحب الشهاب ; وهو حديث…
Contents 1. Ali ibn abu Talib according to Umar ibn al Khattab. 2. When Ali ra wanted to kill a Harbee (Fighter) Kafir. 3. Ali and Fatima’s Marriage. 4. When ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib may Allah be pleased with him went to meet Marhab the…